Title: "XML/DOM"
Date: 15-Dec-2008
Author: "Christopher Ross-Gill"
Type: 'module
Exports: [load-xml]
Version: 0.1.2
File: %xml-dom.r
Purpose: {A rudimentary in-memory XML interpreter and interface.}
Notes: {
Features: utilizes REBOL datatypes to represent XML structure;
DOM methods for extraction; self-contained and works with /Base;
prettified block structure.
Caveat: destructive - discards whitespace and comments; does not
preserve empty tags vs. matching tags with no content; NOT an
implementation of W3 DOM, only a loosely inspired subset.
ToDo: saving.
Library: [
Level: 'intermediate
Platform: 'all
Type: [module dialect function]
Domain: [html markup parse text web xml]
License: 'cc-by-sa
Usage: [
test: {Text }
load-xml test
doc: load-xml/dom test
c: doc/get-by-id "d"
load-xml: use [
xml! doc make-node
space word decode entity text name attribute element header content
xml!: context [
name: value: tree: branch: position: none
flatten: does [""]
get-by-tag: func [tag /local result rule mk][
result: copy []
parse tree rule: [
some [
opt [mk: tag skip (append result make-node mk) :mk]
skip [into rule | skip]
] result
get-by-id: func [id /local result rule mk][
parse tree rule: [
some [
mk: tag! into [thru /id id to end] (result: make-node mk) end skip
| skip [into rule | skip]
] result
text: has [result][
case/all [
string? value [result: value]
block? value [
result: all [
parse value [any [refinement! skip] # set result string!]
string? result [trim/auto copy result]
get: func [name [refinement! tag!] /local result mk][
if parse tree [
tag! into [
any [
mk: name [block! (result: make-node mk) | set result skip] to end
| [refinement! | tag! | issue!] skip
sibling: func [/before /after][
case [
all [after find [tag! issue!] type?/word position/3] [
make-node skip position 2
all [before find [tag! issue!] type?/word position/-2] [
make-node skip position -2
parent: "Need position stack"
children: has [result mk][
result: copy []
parse case [
block? value [value] string? value [reduce [# value]] none? value [[]]
any [refinement! skip]
any [mk: [tag! | issue!] skip (append result make-node mk)]
clone: does [make-node tree]
append-child: func [name data /local at][
case [
none? position/2 [value: tree/2: position/2: copy []]
string? position/2 [
new-line value: tree/2: position/2: compose [# (position/2)] true
either refinement? name [
parse position/2 [any [refinement! skip] at:]
][at: tail position/2]
insert at reduce [name data]
new-line at true
append-text: func [text][
case [
none? position/2 [value: tree/2: position/2: text]
string? position/2 [append position/2 text]
# = pick tail position/2 -2 [append last position/2 text]
block? position/2 [append-child # text]
append-attr: func [name value][
append-child to-refinement name value
doc: make xml! [
branch: make block! 10
document: true
new: does [clear branch tree: position: reduce ['document none]]
open-tag: func [tag][
insert/only branch position
tree: position: append-child to-tag tag none
close-tag: func [tag][
tag: to-tag tag
while [tag <> position/1][
probe reform ["No End Tag:" position/1]
if empty? branch [make error! "End tag error!"]
take branch
tree: position: take branch
make-node: func [here /base][
make either base [doc][xml!][
position: here
name: here/1
value: here/2
tree: reduce [name value]
space: use [space][
space: charset "^-^/^M "
[some space]
word: use [w1 w+][
w1: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAAAAD+//+H/v//B/////////////////////8=}]
w+: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAABg/wP+//+H/v//B/////////////////////8=}]
[w1 any w+]
decode: use [nm hx rf mk ex ns entity to-utf-char][
ns: ["lt" 60 "gt" 62 "amp" 38 "quot" 34 "apos" 39]
to-utf-char: use [os fc en][
os: [0 192 224 240 248 252]
fc: [1 64 4096 262144 16777216 1073741824]
en: [127 2047 65535 2097151 67108863 2147483647]
func [int [integer!] /local char][
repeat ln 6 [
if int <= en/:ln [
char: reduce [os/:ln + to integer! (int / fc/:ln)]
repeat ps ln - 1 [
insert next char (to integer! int / fc/:ps) // 64 + 128
to-string to-binary char
entity: [
mk: #"&" [
copy rf word ";" (rf: any [select ns rf 63])
| #"#" [
#"x" copy rf 2 4 hx ";" (rf: to-integer to-issue rf)
| copy rf 2 5 nm ";" (rf: to-integer rf)
] ex: (mk: change/part mk to-utf-char rf ex) :mk
func [text [string!]][
if parse/all text [any [to "&" [entity | skip]] to end][text]
entity: use [nm hx][
nm: charset "0123456789"
hx: charset "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
[#"&" [word | #"#" [1 5 nm | #"x" 1 4 hx]] ";" | #"&"]
text: use [char value][
char: complement charset "^-^/^M &<"
copy value [
opt space [char | entity]
any [char | entity | space]
] (doc/append-text decode value)
name: [word opt [":" word]]
attribute: use [q1 q2 attr value][
q1: complement charset {"&<}
q2: complement charset {&'<}
[ space copy attr name opt space "=" opt space [
; lone ampersand is 'loose' not 'strict'
{"} copy value any [q1 | entity | "&"] {"}
| {'} copy value any [q2 | entity | "&"] {'}
] (doc/append-attr attr decode any [value ""])
element: use [tag value][
[ #"<" [
copy tag name (doc/open-tag tag) any attribute opt space [
"/>" (doc/close-tag tag)
| #">" content "" copy tag name (doc/close-tag tag) opt space #">"
| #"!" [
"--" copy value to "-->" 3 skip ; (doc/append-child #comment value)
| "[CDATA[" copy value to "]]>" 3 skip (doc/append-text value)
header: [
any [
| "<" ["?xml" thru "?>" | "!" ["--" thru "-->" | thru ">"] | "?" thru "?>"]
content: [any [text | element | space]]
load-xml: func [document /dom /local root][
if any [file? document url? document][document: read document]
root: doc/new
parse/all/case document [header element to end]
doc/tree: any [root/document []]
doc/value: doc/tree/2
either dom [make-node/base doc/tree][doc/tree]