Title: "HTML Rainbow generator for Rebol/View"
Date: 31-May-2001/1:18-7:00
Version: 1.0.1
File: %view-rainbow.r
Author: "Cal Dixon"
Purpose: {Create HTML color fade effects. Places output on the clipboard}
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: none
type: 'tool
domain: [GUI web markup]
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
window: layout [
sourcetext: area "Type text to rainbowize here."
startcolor: button black "Start Color" [
face/color: request-color/color any [face/color gray]
show face
endcolor: button black "End Color" [
face/color: request-color/color any [face/color gray]
show face
button "Make HTML" [
if not empty? sourcetext/text [
html: rainbow-html sourcetext/text startcolor/color endcolor/color
write clipboard:// html
if confirm "Result has been sent to clipboard. View it now?" [
write %temp-rainbow.html reduce [ html ]
browse %temp-rainbow.html
label "The resulting HTML will be placed on the clipboard"
rainbow-html: func [ text color1 color2 /local
out steps difblock stepblock color rs gs bs r g b i letter
] [
steps: -1 + length? replace/all copy text " " ""
difblock: reduce [
((pick color2 1) - (pick color1 1))
((pick color2 2) - (pick color1 2))
((pick color2 3) - (pick color1 3))
stepblock: reduce [
to-integer ((pick difblock 1) / steps)
to-integer ((pick difblock 2) / steps)
to-integer((pick difblock 3) / steps)
color: reduce [ pick color1 1 pick color1 2 pick color1 3 ]
set [ rs gs bs ] stepblock
out: copy ""
for i 1 steps 1 [
until [
letter: pick text 1
text: next text
either letter = #" " [ append out " " false ] [ true ]
append out rejoin [ {}
letter {} ]
set [ r g b ] color
color: reduce [ (r + rs) (g + gs) (b + bs) ]
color: reduce [ pick color2 1 pick color2 2 pick color2 3 ]
letter: last head text
append out rejoin [ {}
letter {} ]
return out
view window