Rebol [
	Title: "Use-rule"
	File: %use-rule.r
	Author: ["Ladislav Mecir" "Gregg Irwin"]
	Date: 31-Oct-2010/9:48:59+1:00
	Purpose: {
		Create a recursion and thread-safe parse rule with local variables.
		R2/R3 compatible.
	Notes: {
		The USE-RULE function implements two USE variants as described in

		The default, rebinding variant, rebinds the given rule every time
		it is used for matching (that is why we call it "rebinding variant"),
		while the /no-rebind variant binds the given rule just once.

		The difference between the rebinding and the /no-rebind variant
		is similar as the difference between closures and functions.

		The WORDS block is expected to contain only words.

		The implementation of the USE-RULE function does not use
		the latest parse enhancements to remain compatible with R2
		as well as with R3.

use-rule: func [
		Create a recursion and thread-safe parse rule with local variables.
		R2/R3 compatible.
	words [block!] {Local variables to use}
	rule [block!] {Parse rule}
	/no-rebind {Do not rebind the given RULE every time it is reused}
] [
	; we need some fresh local variables per every USE-RULE call
	make object! either no-rebind [[
		; We need the 'pos and 'success variables to transfer the parsing state
		; between "inner" and "outer" PARSE calls.
		pos: none
		success: none

		; The INNER-BODY function processes the given rule.
		inner-body: func [rule] [
			; If the parse of the given rule succeeds,
			; we set the "outer parse position"
			; to the point where the rule match ended,
			; otherwise we use [end skip] for "parse failure"
			; (for R2 compatibility).
			success: either parse pos [rule pos: to end] [
			] [
				[end skip]

		; Define CONTEXT-FN's context to contain words specified by the caller.
		spec: copy []
		unless empty? words [append spec to refinement! first words]
		append spec next words
		; The CONTEXT-FN function calls the INNER-BODY function,
		; supplying the given rule bound to the CONTEXT-FN function's context
		; as the RULE argument to it.
		context-fn: func spec reduce [:inner-body rule]
		; The result rule will be a "snapshot" of the block below,
		; COPY/DEEP is needed to make sure the subsequent calls
		; of the USE-RULE function do not modify the rule
		set 'rule copy/deep [pos: (context-fn) success]
	]] [[
		; Define a new 'rebound-rule variable.
		; (this block is processed by MAKE OBJECT! at the top)
		rebound-rule: none

		set 'rule reduce [
			; The new rule contains a paren! evaluation at the start.
			to paren! compose/only/deep [
				; We compose a copy of the given WORDS block
				; as a WORDS argument into the USE call,
				; and a deep copy of the given RULE into the USE BODY.
				; Whenever the new rule is matched, the rule in the
				; USE BODY is rebound by the USE call and deep copied.
				; (to not be influenced by subsequent USE calls)
				rebound-rule: copy/deep use (copy words) [(copy/deep rule)]
			; The rebound rule is used for matching by PARSE.

comment [
	; tests
	rule: [
		"b" (print 1) |
		a: "a" rule "a" b: (print subtract index? b index? a)
	parse "aabaa" rule
	rule: use-rule [a b] [
		"b" (print 1) |
		a: "a" rule "a" b: (print subtract index? b index? a)
	parse "aabaa" rule

	rule: use-rule/no-rebind [a b] [
		"b" (print 1) |
		a: "a" rule "a" b: (print subtract index? b index? a)
	parse "aabaa" rule