rebol [
	Title: "Request List Enhanced"
	Date:  18-Aug-2014
	Author: ["Mike Yaunish"]
	Version: 0.9.3
	Email: [%mike.yaunish--shaw--ca]
	file: %request-list-enhanced.r
	Comment: {Text-list Improvements by Carl Sassenrath & Updates by Paul Tretter.
              request-list-auto-fill from REBOL mailing list author unknown.
              request-list-enhanced by Mike Yaunish.
    Rights: "Copyright 2000-2005 REBOL Technologies. All rights reserved."
	License: {
		Users can freely modify and publish this code under the condition that it is
		executed only with languages from REBOL Technologies, and user must include this
		header as is. All changes may be freely included by other users in their software
		(even commercial uses) as long as they abide by these conditions.
	Purpose: {
		An enhancement to the regular request-list that allows selecting items from a request list
		by typing in the first few characters of the item. Works with text, word and number lists.
		Designed to make optimum use of the keyboard.
		- New refinement request-list-enhanced/return-index will return the index of the item not the value.
		- Keys used; cursor up, down, page-up, page-down, control+home, control+end, escape, Function Key support for added "buttons" refinement
	History: [
		0.9.0 [ 9-Dec-2005 {Initial beta version published to} ]
        0.9.1 [ 12-Dec-2005 {Changed the following behaviours so that the user can't escape without a valid selection:
        					 - Changed the behaviour when the enter key is pressed with a non-matching string.
        					 - Added handling of tab key and shift+tab to move up and down the list.}
        0.9.2 [ 15-Aug-2014 {Added
                          - Scroll Wheel support
                          - Added /list-size, /one-click and /buttons refinements
                          - Force requester to display entirely on screen even if offset supplied would do otherwise
                          - Fix requester truncating long unbroken lines
        0.9.3 [ 18-Aug-2014 { Remove 'system/script/parent/header' from demo so that the 
                                          entire script can be cut and paste into the console.}
	library: [
        level: 'advanced
        platform: 'all
        type: [function module tool demo]
        domain: [gui patch ui]
        tested-under: [View on [winXP] ]
        domain: [ftp game]
        tested-under: none
        support: none
        license: 'public-domain
        see-also: none

request-list-enhanced-ctx: make object! [
    valid-action: false ; flag variable to fix requester from closing
	                    ; when characters typed and then window clicked
    request-list-styles: stylize [
		request-list-auto-fill: field with [
			feel: make feel [
				engage: func [
					face act event index
				] [
					switch act [
					    scroll-line [
					        either ( positive? event/offset/y ) [
					            move-selection 1
					            move-selection -1
						down [
							either face <> system/view/focal-face [
								focus face
							] [
								system/view/highlight-start: system/view/highlight-end: none system/view/caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset show face
						over [
							if system/view/caret <> offset-to-caret face event/offset [
								if not system/view/highlight-start [
									system/view/highlight-start: system/view/caret
								system/view/highlight-end: system/view/caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset show face
						key [
							ctx-text/edit-text face event act
							; Added these event keys here because insert-event-func has caused some
							; problems with previously opened windows.
							switch event/key [
								down [move-selection 1]
								#"^-" [ ; tab key
									either event/shift [
									   	move-selection -1
										move-selection 1
								page-down [move-selection (a-text-list/lc - 1)]
								page-up [move-selection (-1 * (	a-text-list/lc - 1)	)]
								home [
									if event/control [move-selection (-1 * (length? a-text-list/data))]
								end [if event/control [move-selection (length? a-text-list/data)]
								up [move-selection -1]
								#"^M" [ ; return key
								    valid-action: true
									face/action face face/text
							if all [
								char? event/key not empty? face/text find ctx-text/keys-to-insert event/key
							] [
								search face
			search: func [
				face /local word
			] [
				word: copy face/text
				foreach item face/user-data [
					if equal? word copy/part item (
						length? word
					) [
						face/text: copy item system/view/focal-face: face system/view/highlight-start: skip face/text length? word system/view/highlight-end: tail face/text system/view/caret: tail face/text
						show face
						if flag-face? face search-action [
							face/search-action face

			words: [
				data [
					new/user-data: second args next args
				search-action [
					flag-face new search-action args
		; end of request-list-auto-fill style. ********************************************************************************************************************

		request-text-list: txt 200x200 with [
			feel: none
			color: snow
			colors: reduce [snow snow - 32	]
			sz: ; size of the list window
			iter: ; the text face displayed on each line
			sub-area: ; the face that shows the list
			sld: ; scroll bar face
			sn: ; scroll bar integer offset into the data
			lc: ; lines of text to display
			picked: ; selected items
			picked-index: ; current index of picked item
			cnt: ; current index into the data
			act: ; action taken on click
			action-single: ; action taken on single click
			slf: ; pointer to list-face (self)

			text-pane: func [
				face id
			] [
				if pair? id [
					return 1 + second id / iter/size
				iter/offset: iter/old-offset: id - 1 * iter/size * 0x1
				if iter/offset/y + iter/size/y > size/y [
					return none
				cnt: id: id + sn
				if iter/text: pick data id [
					if flag-face? slf format [
						iface: slf/iter reduce first iter-format

			update: has [
				item value old-sn cur-index old-index
			] [
				sld/redrag lc / max 1 length? data
				if item: find data picked/1 [
					old-sn: sn
					cur-index: index? item
					if not all [( cur-index > old-sn ) ( cur-index < ( old-sn + lc + 1 )) ] [
						either cur-index <= old-sn [
							sn: max (cur-index - 1)	0
						] [
							sn: cur-index - lc
						old-index: cur-index
					sld/data: ((max 1 sn) / (length? data) )
				] [
					sld/value: 0.0
					pane/offset: 0x0

			resize: func [
				new /x /y /local tmp
			] [
				either any [
					x y
				] [
					if x [
						size/x: new
					if y [
						size/y: new
				] [
					size: any [
						new size
				pane/size: sz: size
				sld/offset/x: first sub-area/size: size - 16x0
				sld/resize/y: size/y
				iter/size/x: first sub-area/size - sub-area/edge/size
				lc: to-integer sz/y / iter/size/y

			append init [
			    valid-action: false
				sz: size
				sn: 0
				slf: :self
				act: :action
				if none? data [	data: any [	texts copy [] ]
				picked: copy [
				iter: make-face/size 'txt sz * 1x0 + -16x20
				iter/para: make self/para [
					origin: 2x0
					wrap?: false
				iter/font: make self/font [
				lc: to-integer sz/y / iter/size/y: second size-text iter
				iter/feel: make iter/feel [
					redraw: func [
						f a i
					] [
						iter/color: color
						if flag-face? slf striped [
							iter/color: pick next colors odd? cnt
						if all [
							find picked iter/text cnt = picked-index
						] [
							iter/color: svvc/field-select
					engage: func [
						f a e
					] [
						if a = 'down [
							if cnt > length? slf/data [
							; If not extended selection, clear other selections:
							if not e/control [
								f/state: cnt clear picked
							alter picked f/text
							picked-index: cnt
							if flag-face? slf single-click [
								do :single-click-action slf f/text

							if e/double-click [
							    valid-action: true
								do :act slf f/text
						if a = 'up [
							f/state: none
						show pane
				pane: layout/size [
					origin 0 space 0
					sub-area: box slf/color sz - 16x0 ibevel with [
						pane: :text-pane
					at sz * 1x0 - 16x0
					sld: scroller sz * 0x1 + 16x0 [
						if sn = value: max 0 to-integer value * ((
								1 + length? slf/data
							- lc
						) [
						sn: value
						show sub-area
						select-this-item (sn + 1)
				pane/offset: 0x0
				sld/redrag lc / max 1 length? data

			words: [
				data [
					new/text: pick new/texts: second args 1 next args
				striped [
					flag-face new striped args
				single-click [
					flag-face new single-click args
				format [
					flag-face new format iter-format: next args

    select-this-item: func [new-index] [
		a-text-list/picked-index: new-index
		a-text-list/picked: reduce [to-string (	pick a-text-list/data a-text-list/picked-index )]
		show a-text-list/update
		a-field/text: copy first a-text-list/picked
		show a-field
		focus a-field

	move-selection: func [direction /local new-index] [
		new-index: ((a-text-list/picked-index) + direction)
		if (new-index < 1) [
		    new-index: 1
		if (new-index > (length? a-text-list/data)) [
			new-index: length? a-text-list/data
		select-this-item new-index

	set 'request-list-enhanced func [ ; request-list-enhanced:
	    titl [ string!] {Title of requester}
		alist [	block! ] {List of data}
		/list-size the-list-size [ pair! ] {height and width of list}
		/offset where [pair!]  "xy -- Offset of window on screen"
		/return-index "return the index value"
		/buttons buttons-block [ block! ] {A block of  , ,  triplet.
		             = 'button text'
		             = 'what requester returns when button clicked'
		             = 'string for function key you want attached to button'
		/local return-value all-strings orig-alist bb i req-width l  single-click-action   search-action cb1 show? cb2 return-the-selection max-x max-y
		; a-field a-text-list valid-action GLOBAL TO THIS CONTEXT
	] [
		bb: array/initial 2 reduce ["" "" ""] ; create an empty array to make layout happy.
		if buttons [
            either ((type? first  buttons-block) = block! ) [
                ; need to copy just the number of blocks provided.
                insert bb buttons-block
                remove/part (skip bb (length? buttons-block) ) (length? buttons-block)

            ][ ; just one button described not a block of blocks or  "bblock"
                bb/1/1: buttons-block/1
                bb/1/2: buttons-block/2
                bb/1/3: buttons-block/3
            foreach i bb [
                if all [ ((type? i/3 ) = string!) (i/3 <> "") ][
                    i/3: to-lit-word i/3
	    all-strings: true
	    orig-alist: copy alist
	    alist: copy []
	    if not list-size [
	        the-list-size: 200x200

	    req-width: the-list-size/x
	    foreach i orig-alist [
	        either type? i <> string![
	            all-strings: false
	            append alist to-string i
	            append alist i
	    ; main layout
		l: layout [
			styles request-list-styles
			a-text-list: request-text-list the-list-size
			single-click ; default action is double-click
			with [
				single-click-action: func [
					f v
				] [
				    either one-click [
				        valid-action: true
				        a-field/text: copy first a-text-list/picked show a-field
    					a-field/text: copy first a-text-list/picked show a-field
    					focus a-field
			data alist [
				; double-click-action
			a-field: request-list-auto-fill req-width data alist search-action
			with [
				search-action: func [f] [
					a-text-list/picked-index: index? find a-text-list/data f/text
					a-text-list/picked: reduce [to-string (	pick a-text-list/data a-text-list/picked-index)	]
					show a-text-list/update
			] [
			button "OK" [
			    valid-action: true
			button "CANCEL" keycode escape [
			    valid-action: true
			    return-the-selection/value none
            cb1: button bb/1/1 100x4 with [ show?: false ] [ return-the-selection/value bb/1/2 ] keycode bb/1/3
            cb2: button bb/2/1 100x4 with [ show?: false ] [ return-the-selection/value bb/2/2 ] keycode bb/2/3
            do [
				return-the-selection: func [ /value the-value ] [
				    either value [
				        return-value: the-value
    		        	either all [ (valid-action) (a-field/text = first a-text-list/picked)] [
    		        		either return-index [
    			        		return-value: a-text-list/picked-index
    				        ] [
    				            either not all-strings [
    				                return-value: pick orig-alist a-text-list/picked-index
    				                return-value: first a-text-list/picked
    			        ][  ; return pressed but text doesn't match anything in the list
    			            valid-action: false
    			            focus a-field
		        select-this-item 1
        if buttons [
            if not (bb/1/1 = "") [
                cb1/show?: true
                cb1/size: 100x24
            if not (bb/2/1 = "") [
                cb2/show?: true
                cb2/size: 100x24
        either offset [
            max-x: system/view/screen-face/size/x - l/size/x - 35
            max-y: system/view/screen-face/size/y - l/size/y - 35
            where: to-pair  reduce [ ( min where/x max-x ) ( min where/y max-y ) ]
            where: system/view/screen-face/size - l/size / 2
		inform/title/offset l titl where
		return return-value
; *** end of object ***

demo: func [
    /local sample-word-list sample-numeric-list sample-text-list g f
	sample-word-list: sort first system/words
	sample-numeric-list: [ 1 2 3 4 12 13 14 15 31 32 33 34 35 36 125 305 315 344 678 987 1003 ]
	sample-text-list: []
	wide-sample-text-list: []
	foreach i first system/words [ append sample-text-list to-string i ]
	foreach [i j k l m n o p ] first system/words [ append wide-sample-text-list rejoin [ to-string i " " j " "k " " l " " m " " n " " o " " p ] ]
	sort sample-text-list
	sort wide-sample-text-list
	sort sample-text-list
	view layout [
		button 150 keycode 'F3 "word list ONE CLICK ^-(F3)" [ g/text: type? f/text: request-list-enhanced/one-click  "Type some text in:" sample-word-list  show [ f g ]] return
		button 150 keycode 'F4 "text list BIG ^-(F4)" [ g/text: type? f/text: request-list-enhanced/list-size "Type some text in:" wide-sample-text-list 400x300 show [ f g ]] return
		button 150 keycode 'F5 "numberic ^- (F5)" [ g/text: type? f/text: request-list-enhanced "Type some numbers in:" sample-numeric-list  show [ f g ] ] return
		button 150 keycode 'F6 "return-index ^- (F6)" [ g/text: type? f/text: request-list-enhanced/return-index "Type some text in:" sample-text-list  show [ f g ] ] return
		button 150 keycode 'F7 "With Buttons ^-(F7)" [
		    req-result: "refresh-it"
		    item-list: copy [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
		    while  [ any [ (req-result = "refresh-it") (req-result = "remove-it") ] ] [
		        req-result: request-list-enhanced/one-click/buttons "Try the scroll wheel!" item-list [ ["refresh-F5" "refresh-it" "F5"]  [ "chop top-F7" "remove-it" "F7" ] ]
		        case [
		            req-result = "refresh-it" [
		                append item-list first random sample-text-list
		            req-result = "remove-it" [
		                remove head item-list
		        g/text: type? f/text: req-result
		        show [ f g ]
		label "return type:" g: field  return
		label "return value:" f: field

