copy text-in-here to
] trim/tail text-in-here line-height: length? text-in-here if line-height < 25 [line-height: 45] text-in-here: rejoin [ " p-area 490x" (to-integer (line-height / 3) + 20) " " mold text-in-here newline newline ] append content to-block copy text-in-here clear text-in-here ] scripts: func [position][ HTML: head HTML HTML: skip HTML position - 2 parse HTML [thru "" copy text-in-here to ""] trim/tail text-in-here line-counter: 1 formed-text: copy form text-in-here ; to count newlines forall formed-text [if (formed-text/1 = to-char "^/") [line-counter: line-counter + 1]] area-y: (to-integer line-counter * 18) if area-y < 30 [area-y: 30] text-in-here: rejoin [" pre-area 440x" area-y " " mold text-in-here newline] append content to-block text-in-here line-counter: 1 area-y: area-y + 40 ] headings: func [position][ HTML: head HTML HTML: skip HTML position - 1 parse HTML [to "
;..... replace/all HTML {} " " replace/all HTML " " replace/all HTML ">" "> " replace/all HTML "<" "<" replace/all HTML "" "^"" ;?? replace/all HTML "" "^"" ;?? replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "" replace/all HTMLreplace/all HTML
" ( append pre-tag-positions index? mark) ] ] parse HTML [ any [ to "" (append h2-tag-positions index? mark) ] ] parse HTML [ any [ to "
" (append h3-tag-positions index? mark) ] ] parse HTML [ any [ to "" (append image-positions index? mark) ] ] append all-positions p-tag-positions append all-positions pre-tag-positions append all-positions h2-tag-positions append all-positions h3-tag-positions append all-positions image-positions sort all-positions ;=== Reconstruct With Markers ==== foreach item all-positions [ if find p-tag-positions item [paragraphs item] if find pre-tag-positions item [scripts item] if find h2-tag-positions item [headings item] if find h3-tag-positions item [sub-headings item] if find image-positions item [illustrations item] ] ;==== Start Document ==== rtml-page: copy rtml-template append rtml-page copy content clear content panel/pane: layout rtml-page panel/pane/offset: 0x0 show [panel heading-list sub-heading-list] hide advice ] rtml-template: [ ; REBOL determines size backdrop linen style p-area area linen middle font-size 14 wrap with [edge/size: 0x0 para/origin: 5x3] style pre-area area silver font-size 14 wrap middle with [para/origin: 40x-20] style heading h2 490x23 navy style sub-heading h3 490x23 water origin 0x0 across space 0 image logo.gif document-header: box 450x24 coal green "Documentation" origin 40x40 ;can chop off the first of lines below space 0 ] local-file?: true ;==== Main layout ==== coremanual_main: layout [ backdrop with [effect: [gradient 0x1 gray 114.110.75]] origin 20x20 panel: box 550x600 with [effect: [gradient 0x1 gray 181.181.132] ] return pad -7x0 a-scroller: scroller 16x600 [ if not none? panel/pane [ ;without a layout - a scroller error panel/pane/offset/y: negate face/data * panel/pane/size/y show panel/pane ] ] return pad 0x20 sub-heading-list: text-list 300x200 black silver data array 20 [ all-offsets: make block! 100 foreach pane-face panel/pane/pane [ append all-offsets pane-face/offset/2 if pane-face/text = face/picked/1 [ face-place: pane-face/offset panel/pane/offset/y: negate face-place/2 ] ] show panel/pane a-scroller/data: face-place/2 / last all-offsets show a-scroller reset-face heading-list ] heading-list: text-list 300x100 black silver data array 20 [ all-offsets: make block! 100 foreach pane-face panel/pane/pane [ append all-offsets pane-face/offset/2 if pane-face/text = face/picked/1 [ face-place: pane-face/offset panel/pane/offset/y: negate face-place/2 ] ] show panel/pane a-scroller/data: face-place/2 / last all-offsets show a-scroller reset-face sub-heading-list ] document-list: text-list 300x100 black silver data array 20 [ ;...array used to set dragger show advice show face picked-page: select source-documents face/picked/1 clear heading-list/data clear sub-heading-list/data either local-file? [ saved-page: load join %local-docs/ last split-path picked-page ;saved-page saved-page: skip saved-page (length? rtml-template) while [not tail? saved-page] [ if (saved-page/1 = 'pre-area) [replace/all saved-page/3 "r-ebol" "REBOL"] saved-page: next saved-page ] saved-page: head saved-page panel/pane: layout rtml-page: saved-page ;rtml-page is used for convenience of saving local files panel/pane/offSet: 0x0 clear sub-heading-list/data clear heading-list/data show panel saved-page: skip saved-page (length? rtml-template ) forall saved-page [ if saved-page/1 = 'heading [append heading-list/data second saved-page] if saved-page/1 = 'sub-heading [append sub-heading-list/data second saved-page] ] a-scroller/data: sub-heading-list/sld/data: heading-list/sld/data: document-list/sld/data: 0 sub-heading-list/sn: heading-list/sn: document-list/sn: 0 reset-face heading-list reset-face sub-heading-list reset-face a-scroller a-scroller/show?: true ][ HTML-RTML picked-page ] document-header/text: face/picked/1 show document-header hide advice ] across pad 650x-180 at 600x470 btn "Download from Internet" [ either connected? [ clear heading-list/data clear sub-heading-list/data clear document-list/data hide file-source show advice reset-face heading-list reset-face sub-heading-list reset-face document-list do source-contents hide advice file-source/text: "Online Files" show file-source local-file?: false reset-face a-scroller hide a-scroller ][alert "No Internet"] ] btn "Save" [ if error? try [ forall rtml-page [ if all [ rtml-page/1 = 'pre-area pair? rtml-page/2 ][ replace/all rtml-page/3 "REBOL" "r-ebol" line-counter: 1 formed-text: copy form rtml-page/3 forall formed-text [if (formed-text/1 = to-char "^/") [line-counter: line-counter + 1]] area-y: (line-counter * 18) if rtml-page/2/2 < 30 [area-y: 30] rtml-page/2/2: area-y ] if all [ rtml-page/1 = 'p-area pair? rtml-page/2 ][ text-length: length? rtml-page/3 if rtml-page/2/2 < 25 [rtml-page/2/2: 45] rtml-page/2/2: (to-integer (text-length / 3) + 22) if empty? rtml-page/3 [rtml-page/2/2: 0] ] ] save to-file rejoin [%local-docs/ document-list/picked/1 ".rtml"] rtml-page ][alert "Nothing To Save"] ] btn "Use Local files" [ clear sub-heading-list/data clear heading-list/data clear document-list/data reset-face sub-heading-list reset-face heading-list reset-face document-list either exists? %local-docs/ [ local-file?: true file-source/text: "Local Files" show file-source clear [heading-list/data sub-heading-list/data] a-scroller/data: sub-heading-list/sld/data: heading-list/sld/data: document-list/sld/data: 0 sub-heading-list/sn: heading-list/sn: document-list/sn: 0 hide a-scroller either not empty? %/local-docs/ [ source-documents: make block! 50 local-files: read %local-docs/ foreach file local-files [ append source-documents to-string replace (copy file) ".rtml" "" append source-documents join %local-docs/ file ] clear document-list/data forskip source-documents 2 [append document-list/data first source-documents] show [sub-heading-list heading-list document-list ] ][alert "Document Not Found"] ][alert "No Converted Files Yet"] ] btn "Quit" [unview] return at 600x500 text italic {You need to push "download from internet just the first time} at 600x516 text italic {you use it, then you can edit and use the local copy.} return below indent 600 advice: h5 400x20 coal "Reading Document..." with [show?: false] indent 200 file-source: h5 200x20 coal ] a-scroller/show?: false send-comments: [ backdrop linen style p-area area linen middle font-size 14 wrap with [edge/size: 0x0 para/origin: 5x3] style pre-area area silver font-size 14 wrap middle with [para/origin: 40x-20] style heading h2 490x23 navy style sub-heading h3 490x23 water origin 0x0 across space 0 image logo.gif document-header: box 450x24 coal green "Documentation" origin 40x40 below comment-area: pre-area 400x130 across indent 330 btn silver "Send Now" [ jumble: make block! 25 characters: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567@.%-_$" ;mail: %yur-email--yur-isp--com ;foreach character mail [append jumble index? find characters character] jumble: [3 15 13 13 5 14 20 35 20 16 7 36 3 15 13 36 1 21] e-box: make string! 40 foreach number jumble [append e-box to-string pick characters number] e-box: to-email e-box send e-box comment-area/text panel/pane: none show panel ] ] do-events