file: %rebhtty.r
	name: "RebHTTY"
	title: "RebHTTY"
	purpose: "HTTP console in REBOL like HTTY console in Ruby"
	date: 23/06/2011
	version: 0.2.1
	author: "RedChronicle"
	history: [
	  0.2.1 23/06/2011 {
	    Fix ISSUE#0003
	    Add inside-tag inner function (to replace body function and to add new function)
	    Remove | in switch (thx guest2 RebelBB)
	    Add title, debug functions
	  0.2.0 22/06/2011 "Merge %htty.r and %rebhtty.r"
	  0.1.2 22/06/2011 "Add r | reuse functions"
	  0.1.1 21/06/2011 "Add headers | headers-response | body | body-response"
		0.1.1 22/06/2011 "Add error management, proxy config in a config file"
		0.1.0 20/06/2011 "Creation of the program"	  
		0.1.0 20/06/2011 "Creation of the program"
	scripts: [%my-proxy-config.r]
  comments: {
    ISSUE#0001: Pb with display of console-header (
    ** Script Error: Cannot use path on none! value
    ** Where: halt-view
    ** Near: system/script/header/version newline
    ISSUE#0002: do-rebol do not work
    ISSUE#0003: r | reuse do not work
    ** Script Error: Invalid argument: 2
    ** Where: to-integer
    ** Near: to integer! :value
    ISSUE#0004: debug false
    ** Script Error: false word has no context
    ** Where: execute-action
    ** Near: false
    # fol[low] : Change the address of the request to the value of the response's 'Location' header
    # fragment-c[lear] : Alias for fragment-u[nset]
    # fragment-s[et] FRAGMENT : Sets the fragment of the request's address
    # fragment-u[nset] : Removes the fragment from the request's address
    # history-verbose : Displays the details of previous request-response activity in this session
    # ho[st-set] HOST : Changes the host of the request's address
    # por[t-set] PORT : Changes the TCP port of the request's address
    # query-a[dd] NAME [VALUE [NAME [VALUE ...]]] : Adds query-string parameters to the request's address
    # ...

;foreach script system/script/header/scripts [do script]
rebhtty: context [
	mode: 'console
	debug: false
	console-history: make block! []
	http-port: make port!
	open-http: func [url [url!]] [
    emit join "Try to connect to " url
		http-port: make port! url
		open http-port
		if debug [write %http-port.txt http-port]
		emit join "Connected to " url
	close-http: does [
	  if http-port/host <> "" [
	    emit join "Closing connection to " http-port/url
      close http-port
	    emit "Connection closed."
	address: func [adr [string!]] [
		if debug [emit rejoin ["[address] " adr]]
		if adr <> http-port/url [
		  open-http to-url adr
	body: has [http-body [string!]] [
		parse http-port/state/inbuffer [thru "]
		return http-body
 	headers: does [
 	inside-tag: func [tag-name [string!] /local tag-content [string!] ts [string!] te [string!] res [logic!]] [
 	  ts: join "<" tag-name
 	  te: rejoin [""]
 	  res: parse http-port/state/inbuffer [thru ts skip to #"<" copy tag-content to te]
 	  if not res [
   	  ts: rejoin ["<" tag-name ">"]
 	    parse http-port/state/inbuffer [thru ts copy tag-content to te]
 	  return tag-content 	  
	emit: func [msg] [
		switch mode [
			console [print msg]
			html [print reform [
]] ] ] console-header: [ reduce [ {RebHHTY - HTTP TTY Rebol console} newline "version : " system/script/header/version newline ] ] console-help: { help : display this help a | address ADDRESS : Change the address of the request headers | headers-respsonse : Display the header of the response body-req | body-request : Display the body of the request title : Display the title of the request cd | path PATH : Change the path of the request's address r | reuse INDEX : Copies a previous request by the index number shown in history debug true | false : Turn On/Off debug mode history : Displays previous request-response activity in this session } execute-action: func [type-cmd [word!] arg [string! block!]] [ if debug [emit rejoin ["[execute-action] " type-cmd " = " arg]] switch type-cmd [ address a [ address to-string arg ] path cd [ http-port/path: to-string arg ] r reuse [ execute/nohistory pick console-history arg ] do-rebol [ emit "DO REBOL :" do arg ] debug [ ; ISSUE#0004 ;debug: do arg ] ] ] rules: [ any [ ['quit | 'exit] ( either mode = 'console [ emit "Exiting RebHHTY console..." close-http emit "RebHHTY console TERMINATED !" break ][ emit "Not supported !" ] ) | 'help ( emit console-help ) | ['body | 'body-response] (emit inside-tag "body") | 'title (emit inside-tag "title") | ['headers | 'headers-response] (emit headers) | 'history ( hist: head console-history while [not tail? hist] [ emit rejoin [index? hist " " mold first hist] hist: next hist ] ) | set action ['address | 'a | 'path | 'cd | 'r | 'reuse | 'do-rebol | 'debug] set arg [string! | block!] ( execute-action action arg ) ] ] prompt: has [prt [string!]] [ prt: rejoin ["htty:" http-port/url "> "] ] execute: func [cmd /nohistory /local blk sub-blk] [ if debug [emit join "[execute] " cmd] either nohistory [ blk: cmd ][ blk: to-block cmd either (length? blk) > 1 [ sub-blk: copy [] append sub-blk first blk append/only sub-blk next blk append/only console-history sub-blk ][ append/only console-history to-block cmd ] blk: last console-history ] parse blk rules ] run-console: does [ output: 'console ; ISSUE#0001 ;emit console-header forever [ set/any 'err try [ execute ask prompt ] if error? get/any 'err [ if debug [emit mold disarm err] ] ] ] ]