Title: "RebCall system"
	File:  %rebcall.r
	Date:  15-Dec-2005
	Version: 1.0.0
	Author: "Pascal Hurni"
	Library: [
		level: 'intermediate
		platform: 'windows
		type: [module]
		domain: [external-library extension win-api]
		tested-under: [w2k view 1.3.1 view 1.3.2]
		license: 'bsd
	Purpose: { Call DLL functions efficiently with REBOL/View without the need for REBOL/View/Pro or REBOL/Command.
		This script only works on Windows with a patched REBOL interpreter.
		Details available at
		Actually only the types that fits in 32 bits are supported
		for the parameters. Thus decimal! values are not.
		It could also work on future REBOL/Core, here are the requierements:
			- get-env has to be defined (and get process environment variables)
			- struct! datatype must be available.

;-- Already set?
if not value? 'rebcall [

;-- defines operator & and cast*
do %addr.r

rebcall: make object! [
	;-- Because RebCall starts when WinSock is initialized, use some network function to do so
	close open udp://

	;-- TCP port of the in-process call handler
	port-no: to-integer get-env "_REBCALL_PORT"

	;-- Protocol:
	;--		LoadLibrary		1	0		LibraryName
	;--		FreeLibrary		2	hLib
	;--		GetProcAddress	3	hLib	ProcName
	;--		Call (stdcall)		4	pFunc	NumOfParam ParamArray
	;--		Call (cdecl)		5	pFunc	NumOfParam ParamArray
	cmd-loadlibrary: #{01000000}
	cmd-freelibrary: #{02000000}
	cmd-getprocaddress: #{03000000}
	cmd-call-std: #{04000000}
	cmd-call-c: #{05000000}

	;-- The rebol port connected to the handler
	call-port: none

	;-- The command buffer
	command: make binary! 128
	;-- The result buffer
	result: make binary! 4
	to-bin: func [value][reverse load join "#{" [to-hex to-integer value "}"]]
	;-- Work variables. Defined here, so the global context is not poluated.
	dummy-string: make struct! [s [string!]] none
	retval: none

	;-- Connect to handler
	connect: func [ /port portno][
		;-- Already connected?
		if not call-port [
			either error? try [call-port: open/direct/binary join tcp:// any [portno port-no]][
				call-port: none
				call-port/timeout: 60

	;-- Disconnect from handler
	disconnect: does [
		close call-port
		call-port: none
	;-- Test if connected
	connected?: does [
		found? call-port

	;-- LoadLibrary
	set 'load-library func [libname [string! file!]][
		clear result
		clear command
		append command reduce [cmd-loadlibrary #{00000000} form libname #{00}]
		write-io call-port command length? command
		read-io call-port result 4
		copy result
	;-- FreeLibrary
	set 'free-library func [lib [binary!]][
		;-- Sanity check
		if 4 <> length? lib [
			make error! "Lib has to be 4 bytes"
		clear result
		clear command
		append command reduce [cmd-freelibrary lib]
		write-io call-port command length? command
		read-io call-port result 4
		to-integer result

	;-- Create a rebol function that calls the target DLL function
	set 'make-routine func [spec [block!] lib [binary!] func-name [string!] /cdecl /debug /local func-spec ret-type ret stub call-cmd][
		;-- Sanity check
		if 4 <> length? lib [
			make error! "Lib has to be 4 bytes"
		;-- Ask our handler if the func-name is available
		clear result
		clear command
		append command reduce [cmd-getprocaddress lib func-name #{00}]
		write-io call-port command length? command
		read-io call-port result 4
		if zero? to-integer result [
			make error! "This function is not exported by the passed library"

		;-- determine the return type
		func-spec: copy spec
		ret-type: reduce [none]
		if ret: find func-spec [return: ][
			ret-type: second ret
			remove/part ret 2
		;-- create the stub
		stub: copy []
		forskip func-spec 2 [
			switch func-spec/2/1 [
				binary! [append stub compose [append command & (func-spec/1)]]
				struct! [append stub compose [append command & (func-spec/1)]]
				string! [append stub compose [append command & (func-spec/1)]]
				integer! [append stub compose [append command to-bin (func-spec/1)]]
				long [append stub compose [append command to-bin (func-spec/1)]]
				short [append stub compose [append command to-bin (func-spec/1)]]
				char [append stub compose [append command to-bin (func-spec/1)]]
				logic! [append stub compose [append command to-bin (func-spec/1)]]
				block! [append stub compose [
					;-- We must create a dynamic stub because a block! is like a vararg
					foreach p (func-spec/1) [
						switch to-word type? p [
							binary! [append command & p]
							struct! [append command & p]
							string! [append command & p]
							integer! [append command to-bin p]
							long [append command to-bin p]
							short [append command to-bin p]
							char [append command to-bin p]
							logic! [append command to-bin p]
					;-- Don't forget to modify the param count
					change at command 9 to-char add length? (func-spec/1) pick command 9
			if debug [
				append stub compose/deep [print reform ["^-REBCALL>^- Param: " (mold func-spec/1) (func-spec/1)]]

		call-cmd: either cdecl [cmd-call-c][cmd-call-std]

		;-- create the function
		func-spec: head func-spec
		make function! func-spec compose/deep [
			(either debug [compose [print join "^-REBCALL> " (func-name)]][])
			;-- Create the param array
			clear result
			clear command
			append command (call-cmd)
			append command (result)
			append command to-char (divide length? func-spec 2)
			append command #{000000}
			write-io call-port command length? command
			read-io call-port result 4
			retval: (switch/default ret-type/1 [
				none [[none]]
				char [[to-integer copy/part result 1]]
				short [[to-integer head reverse copy/part result 2]]
				long [[to-integer head reverse copy/part result 4]]
				integer! [[to-integer head reverse copy/part result 4]]
				logic! [[to-logic to-integer head reverse copy/part result 4]]
				string! [[ do [
					change third dummy-string result
					copy any [dummy-string/s ""]
				binary! [
					;-- For now I don't know what to do with binary return value, I could return a pointer to a struct.
					;-- The problem is that the length is not known.
				;-- Defaults to LONG
				[to-integer head reverse copy/part result 4]
			(either debug [ compose/deep [print reform ["^-REBCALL>^- return: " result retval] retval ]][])

]	; endif not value?

;-- Process script arguments if any

if equal? system/script/args 'connect [rebcall/connect]