Title: "R2HTML"
Date: 21-Dec-2002
Name: 'R2HTML
Version: 1.3.1
File: %r2html.r
Author: "Andrew Martin"
Rights: "Copyright (c) 2002, Andrew Martin."
Needs: [%ML.r %Map.r]
Usage: [
write %file.html R2HTML read %file.r
Purpose: "Converts .r rebol script file into a .html file."
Comment: {
^-^-Converts .r rebol script file into a .html file.
^-^-The resulting .html file displays the rebol script
^-^-and allows execution of the rebol script.
library: [
level: none
platform: none
type: 'tool
domain: 'web
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
make object! [
; A temporary replacement for "amp;" to avoid infinite recursion.
; Don't simplify! Why?
; The constant will be replaced when this script is converted to HTML!
; "amp;" with "R2HTML" between each letter.
Amp_Entity_Replacement: join "a" "R2HTMLmR2HTMLpR2HTML;"
Named_Entities: [
"quot" "amp" "lt" "gt" "nbsp" "iexcl" "cent" "pound" "curren"
"yen" "brvbar" "sect" "uml" "copy" "ordf" "laquo" "not" "shy"
"reg" "macr" "deg" "plusmn" "sup2" "sup3" "acute" "micro"
"para" "middot" "cedil" "sup1" "ordm" "raquo" "frac14"
"frac12" "frac34" "iquest" "times" "Oslash"
Replace_Named_Entities: func [Script [string!]] [
Map Named_Entities func [Entity [string!]] [
replace/all Script join #"&" Entity join #"&" [Amp_Entity_Replacement Entity]
Replace_Entities: func [Script [string!]] [
replace/all Script "" join "&" [Amp_Entity_Replacement "#"]
Replace_Named_Entities Script
replace/all Script "<" "<"
replace/all Script ">" ">"
replace/all Script Amp_Entity_Replacement "amp;"
set 'R2HTML function [Script [string!] "Rebol script to convert to HTML."] [Header] [
Header: first load/header Script
ML compose/deep [
html [
title (Header/Title)
body [
h1 (Header/Title)
table [(
map next first Header function [Word] [Value] [
if Value: get in Header Word [
ML compose/deep [
tr [
td [(to-string mold to-set-word Word)]
td [(
switch/default type?/word Value [
url! [
compose [
a/href (Value) (to-string Value)
email! [
compose [
a/href (join "mailto:" Value)
(to-string Value Header/Title)
string! [
trim Value
block! [
compose [
pre (detab mold Value)
] [
mold Value
pre (detab Replace_Entities Script)