Title: "Ping using Win32 API"
	File: %ping32.r
    Date:   28-Dec-2008
    Purpose: {Real (ICMP) ping using Win32 APIs}
    Version: 1.0.0
    Author: "Endo"
	Notes: {The code may not be perfect but it works.
		It tries to ping given IP or host 4 times, and return on of -1,0,1,2,3,4
		-1: if IP address can't be resolved from url,
		0: if ping failed (timeout etc.)
		1,2,3,4: number of successful pings
		ping ;should return 4
		ping ""
		ping ""
		ping "" ;return 0
		ping-ctx/clean-up ;to free the libraries when you are done..

    Library: [
        level: 'intermediate
        platform: 'windows
        type: [internet module]
        domain: [win-api other-net]
        tested-under: [view on "WinXP Home"]
        support: "semseddin/at/"
        license: 'public-domain
        see-also: none

ping-ctx: context [

	;I took this function from %get-version-ex.r (Gregg Irwin)
	make-elements: func	[name count	type /local	result][
		if not word? type [type: type?/word	type]
		result:	copy "^/"
		repeat i count [
			append result join name	[i " ["	type "]" newline]
		to block! result

	WSAData: make struct! WSAdata-def: compose/deep/only	[
		wVersion [short]
		wHighVersion [short]
		(make-elements 'Description	257	#"@")
		(make-elements 'szSystemStatus 129 #"@")
		iMaxSockets	[short]
		iMaxUdpDg [short]
		pad [short]
		lpVendorInfo [long]
	] none

	IP_OPTION_INFORMATION: make	struct!	IP_OPTION_INFORMATION-def: compose/deep [
		TTL	[char!]
		Tos	[char!]
		Flags [char!]
		OptionsSize	[char!]
		OptionsData [long]
	] none

	IP_ECHO_REPLY: make	struct!	IP_ECHO_REPLY-def: compose/deep/only [
		Address [long]
		Status [long]
		RoundTripTime [long]
		DataSize [short]
		Reserved [short]
		data [long]
		Options	[struct! (IP_OPTION_INFORMATION-def)]
	] none

	;load libraries
	IcmpLib: load/library %icmp.dll
	wsock32Lib:	load/library %wsock32.dll

	WSAStartup:	make routine! compose/deep/only [
		wVersionRequired [long]
		lpWSAdata [struct! (WSAData-def)]
		return:	[long]
	] wsock32Lib "WSAStartup"

	WSACleanup:	make routine! [
		return:	[long]
	] wsock32Lib "WSACleanup"

	IcmpCreateFile:	make routine! [return: [long]] IcmpLib "IcmpCreateFile"
	IcmpCloseHandle: make routine! [Handle [integer!] return: [long]] IcmpLib "IcmpCloseHandle"
	IcmpSendEcho: make routine!	IcmpSendEcho-def: compose/deep/only [
		IcmpHandle [long]
		DestAddress	[long]
		RequestData	[string!]
		RequestSize	[short]
		RequestOptns [struct! (IP_OPTION_INFORMATION-def)]
		ReplyBuffer	[struct! (IP_ECHO_REPLY-def)]
		ReplySize [long]
		TimeOut	[long]
		return:	[long]
	] IcmpLib "IcmpSendEcho"

	clean-up: does [
		free wsock32Lib
		free IcmpLib

	hPing: reqsize: RepSize: 0

	set 'ping func [dst /local d] [
		if not tuple? dst [
			dst: read to-url join "dns://" dst
			if not found? dst [
				return -1	;can't find IP address
		either 0 = WSAStartup 257 WSAData [
			reply: IP_ECHO_REPLY
			reqdat:	copy "12345678901234567890123456789012"	;32 bytes
			reqsize: length? reqdat
			RepSize: reqsize + 28	;28 is the length of the IP_ECHO_REPLY structure
									;but length? returns 24, I don't know why?
			hPing: IcmpCreateFile
			either 0 <> hPing [
				d: to-integer reverse to-binary dst
				r: 0
				loop 4 [
					r: r + IcmpSendEcho hPing d reqdat reqsize opt reply RepSize 2000 ;2 seconds
				IcmpCloseHandle hPing
				make error! "Ping failed."
		] [
			make error! "Winsock initialization failed."
;uncomment the next line to test