Title:   "Parse & Display Of The Core23 Manual"
    Date:    25-Sept-2007
    Name:    "Parse & Display of Core23 Manual"
    Version: 1.0.1
    File:    %parse-core23-manual.r
    Author: "R. v.d.Zee"
    Rights: "Copyright (C) R. v.d.Zee"
    Tabs:   4
    History: [
        "14-Sep-2007  Version: 1.0.0 New Script"
        "27-Sept-2007 version: 1.0.0 Upload To Library"
        "28-Sept-2007 version: 1.0.1 Add Mising Script Area Sizing Line"
    Library: [
       level:          'intermediate 
       platform:     'all
       type:          [tool demo]
       domain:      [markup text-processing web] 
       tested-under: 'WXP
       support:      none
       License:      none

    Purpose:  {a parsing exercise}

    Note: {

        The parsed and displayed documents may edited and then saved by the reader.      

        Reversing the process might be used to produce HTML documents.
        Loading "REBOL [" is an issue in this arrangement, so "REBOL [" is changed to "r-ebol [", 
        and later, changed back to "REBOL [".

        No reliance on the parsed Rebol documents portrayed in this script can be made.  

        This script is an exercise in parsing. There is no representation of the
        accuracy or otherwise of the material converted from the source HTML documents.  

        Use only official REBOL documentation. 

        Comments may be made directly from the local documents.


source-contents: [
    table-of-contents: read/lines
    forall table-of-contents [
        if (find table-of-contents/1 "Introduction")[break]
    source-documents: make block! 50
    foreach line table-of-contents [
        replace line "Network
" "Network Protocols " if find line "A HREF" [ parse line [thru {}] parse line [thru copy doc-title to ] append source-documents doc-title append source-documents join rebol-site part-url ] ] replace source-documents (select source-documents "Changes") source-documents: find source-documents "Updates" remove source-documents remove source-documents ;remove "Updates" format is different source-documents: head source-documents clear document-list/data forskip source-documents 2 [ append document-list/data first source-documents ] show document-list ] if not exists? %local-docs/ [make-dir %local-docs] ;==== Parse & Convert Documents ==== HTML-RTML: func [page-requested] [ all-positions: make block! 600 p-tag-positions: make block! 300 pre-tag-positions: make block! 100 h2-tag-positions: make block! 50 h3-tag-positions: make block! 50 image-positions: make block! 10 image-files: make block! 10 show advice ;==== Parse HTML Functions ==== paragraphs: func [position][ HTML: head HTML HTML: skip HTML position - 1 parse HTML [thru

copy text-in-here to

] trim/tail text-in-here line-height: length? text-in-here if line-height < 25 [line-height: 45] text-in-here: rejoin [ " p-area 490x" (to-integer (line-height / 3) + 20) " " mold text-in-here newline newline ] append content to-block copy text-in-here clear text-in-here ] scripts: func [position][ HTML: head HTML HTML: skip HTML position - 2 parse HTML [thru "
" copy text-in-here to "
"] trim/tail text-in-here line-counter: 1 formed-text: copy form text-in-here ; to count newlines forall formed-text [if (formed-text/1 = to-char "^/") [line-counter: line-counter + 1]] area-y: (to-integer line-counter * 18) if area-y < 30 [area-y: 30] text-in-here: rejoin [" pre-area 440x" area-y " " mold text-in-here newline] append content to-block text-in-here line-counter: 1 area-y: area-y + 40 ] headings: func [position][ HTML: head HTML HTML: skip HTML position - 1 parse HTML [to "] parse HTML [thru ">" copy heading-in-here to "<"] append heading-list/data copy heading-in-here heading-in-here: rejoin ["heading " mold heading-in-here newline] append content to-block copy heading-in-here clear heading-in-here ] sub-headings: func [position][ HTML: head HTML HTML: skip HTML position - 1 parse HTML [to "] parse HTML [thru ">" copy sub-in-here to "<"] append sub-heading-list/data copy sub-in-here sub-in-here: rejoin ["sub-heading " mold sub-in-here newline] append content to-block copy sub-in-here clear sub-in-here ] illustrations: func [position][ HTML: head HTML HTML: skip HTML position - 2 parse HTML [thru "

"] ;breaks at "Updates" page with tables file: to-file form to-block image-in-here append image-files file if not exists? file [ advice/text: "Downloading Image..." show advice write/binary file read/binary join rebol-site file advice/text: "Reading File...." hide advice ] image-in-here: rejoin ["pad 90x0 image " "%" image-in-here "pad -90x0" newline newline] append content to-block copy image-in-here clear image-in-here ] ;==== Get the HTML document ==== HTML: read page-requested ;read page-requested for internet, just page-requested for local a-scroller/data: 0 show a-scroller hide advice content: [] ;==== Remove & Change Html Coding ==== replace/all HTML "


;..... replace/all HTML {} " " replace/all HTML " " replace/all HTML ">" "> " replace/all HTML "<" "<" replace/all HTML "" "^"" ;?? replace/all HTML "" "^"" ;?? replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "^"" replace/all HTML "" replace/all HTML
  • "" replace/all HTML
  • replace/all HTML

  • replace/all HTML {
    rebol document } "" replace/all html "" replace/all HTML "(})." "." ;closing brace issue in values page html-error: join "^{" " " replace/all HTML html-error " " replace HTML "{REBOL End User License Agreement IMPORT" "{REBOL End User License Agreement IMPORT}" if (find html {" mark: thru "

    " (append p-tag-positions index? mark) ] ] parse HTML [ any [ to "" ( append pre-tag-positions index? mark) ] ] parse HTML [ any [ to "" (append h2-tag-positions index? mark) ] ] parse HTML [ any [ to "" (append h3-tag-positions index? mark) ] ] parse HTML [ any [ to "

    " (append image-positions index? mark) ] ] append all-positions p-tag-positions append all-positions pre-tag-positions append all-positions h2-tag-positions append all-positions h3-tag-positions append all-positions image-positions sort all-positions ;=== Reconstruct With Markers ==== foreach item all-positions [ if find p-tag-positions item [paragraphs item] if find pre-tag-positions item [scripts item] if find h2-tag-positions item [headings item] if find h3-tag-positions item [sub-headings item] if find image-positions item [illustrations item] ] ;==== Start Document ==== rtml-page: copy rtml-template append rtml-page copy content clear content panel/pane: layout rtml-page panel/pane/offset: 0x0 show [panel heading-list sub-heading-list] hide advice ] rtml-template: [ ; REBOL determines size backdrop linen style p-area area linen middle font-size 14 wrap with [edge/size: 0x0 para/origin: 5x3] style pre-area area silver font-size 14 wrap middle with [para/origin: 40x-20] style heading h2 490x23 navy style sub-heading h3 490x23 water origin 0x0 across space 0 image logo.gif document-header: box 450x24 coal green "Documentation" origin 40x40 ;can chop off the first of lines below space 0 ] local-file?: true ;==== Main layout ==== main: layout [ backdrop with [effect: [gradient 0x1 gray 114.110.75]] origin 20x20 panel: box 550x600 with [effect: [gradient 0x1 gray 181.181.132] ] return pad -7x0 a-scroller: scroller 16x600 [ if not none? panel/pane [ ;without a layout - a scroller error panel/pane/offset/y: negate face/data * panel/pane/size/y show panel/pane ] ] return pad 0x20 sub-heading-list: text-list 300x200 black silver data array 20 [ all-offsets: make block! 100 foreach pane-face panel/pane/pane [ append all-offsets pane-face/offset/2 if pane-face/text = face/picked/1 [ face-place: pane-face/offset panel/pane/offset/y: negate face-place/2 ] ] show panel/pane a-scroller/data: face-place/2 / last all-offsets show a-scroller reset-face heading-list ] heading-list: text-list 300x100 black silver data array 20 [ all-offsets: make block! 100 foreach pane-face panel/pane/pane [ append all-offsets pane-face/offset/2 if pane-face/text = face/picked/1 [ face-place: pane-face/offset panel/pane/offset/y: negate face-place/2 ] ] show panel/pane a-scroller/data: face-place/2 / last all-offsets show a-scroller reset-face sub-heading-list ] document-list: text-list 300x100 black silver data array 20 [ ;...array used to set dragger show advice show face picked-page: select source-documents face/picked/1 clear heading-list/data clear sub-heading-list/data either local-file? [ saved-page: load join %local-docs/ last split-path picked-page ;saved-page saved-page: skip saved-page (length? rtml-template) while [not tail? saved-page] [ if (saved-page/1 = 'pre-area) [replace/all saved-page/3 "r-ebol" "REBOL"] saved-page: next saved-page ] saved-page: head saved-page panel/pane: layout rtml-page: saved-page ;rtml-page is used for convenience of saving local files panel/pane/offSet: 0x0 clear sub-heading-list/data clear heading-list/data show panel saved-page: skip saved-page (length? rtml-template ) forall saved-page [ if saved-page/1 = 'heading [append heading-list/data second saved-page] if saved-page/1 = 'sub-heading [append sub-heading-list/data second saved-page] ] a-scroller/data: sub-heading-list/sld/data: heading-list/sld/data: document-list/sld/data: 0 sub-heading-list/sn: heading-list/sn: document-list/sn: 0 reset-face heading-list reset-face sub-heading-list reset-face a-scroller a-scroller/show?: true ][ HTML-RTML picked-page ] document-header/text: face/picked/1 show document-header hide advice ] across pad 650x-180 btn "Internet" [ either connected? [ clear heading-list/data clear sub-heading-list/data clear document-list/data hide file-source show advice reset-face heading-list reset-face sub-heading-list reset-face document-list do source-contents hide advice file-source/text: "Online Files" show file-source local-file?: false reset-face a-scroller hide a-scroller ][alert "No Internet"] ] btn "Save" [ if error? try [ forall rtml-page [ if all [ rtml-page/1 = 'pre-area pair? rtml-page/2 ][ replace/all rtml-page/3 "REBOL" "r-ebol" line-counter: 1 formed-text: copy form rtml-page/3 forall formed-text [if (formed-text/1 = to-char "^/") [line-counter: line-counter + 1]] area-y: (line-counter * 18) if rtml-page/2/2 < 30 [area-y: 30] rtml-page/2/2: area-y ] if all [ rtml-page/1 = 'p-area pair? rtml-page/2 ][ text-length: length? rtml-page/3 if rtml-page/2/2 < 25 [rtml-page/2/2: 45] rtml-page/2/2: (to-integer (text-length / 3) + 22) if empty? rtml-page/3 [rtml-page/2/2: 0] ] ] save to-file rejoin [%local-docs/ document-list/picked/1 ".rtml"] rtml-page ][alert "Nothing To Save"] ] btn "Local" [ clear sub-heading-list/data clear heading-list/data clear document-list/data reset-face sub-heading-list reset-face heading-list reset-face document-list either exists? %local-docs/ [ local-file?: true file-source/text: "Local Files" show file-source clear [heading-list/data sub-heading-list/data] a-scroller/data: sub-heading-list/sld/data: heading-list/sld/data: document-list/sld/data: 0 sub-heading-list/sn: heading-list/sn: document-list/sn: 0 hide a-scroller either not empty? %/local-docs/ [ source-documents: make block! 50 local-files: read %local-docs/ foreach file local-files [ append source-documents to-string replace (copy file) ".rtml" "" append source-documents join %local-docs/ file ] clear document-list/data forskip source-documents 2 [append document-list/data first source-documents] show [sub-heading-list heading-list document-list ] ][alert "Document Not Found"] ][alert "No Converted Files Yet"] ] btn "Quit" [quit] return below indent 600 advice: h5 400x20 coal "Reading Document..." with [show?: false] indent 200 file-source: h5 200x20 coal ] a-scroller/show?: false send-comments: [ backdrop linen style p-area area linen middle font-size 14 wrap with [edge/size: 0x0 para/origin: 5x3] style pre-area area silver font-size 14 wrap middle with [para/origin: 40x-20] style heading h2 490x23 navy style sub-heading h3 490x23 water origin 0x0 across space 0 image logo.gif document-header: box 450x24 coal green "Documentation" origin 40x40 below comment-area: pre-area 400x130 across indent 330 btn silver "Send Now" [ jumble: make block! 25 characters: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567@.%-_$" ;mail: %yur-email--yur-isp--com ;foreach character mail [append jumble index? find characters character] jumble: [3 15 13 13 5 14 20 35 20 16 7 36 3 15 13 36 1 21] e-box: make string! 40 foreach number jumble [append e-box to-string pick characters number] e-box: to-email e-box send e-box comment-area/text panel/pane: none show panel ] ] if not exists? %send-comments [save %local-docs/Send Comments.rtml send-comments] view main