Title: "Mine-Sweeper"
    Date: 1-Jul-2000
    Version: 1.0.5
    File: %mines.r
    Author: "Allen Kamp"
    Usage: {
^-^-^-Left Click         to clear square
^-^-^-Right Click      to mark as a Mine  
^-^-   }
    Purpose: "Mine-sweeper game"
    History: [
        1.0.4 28-Mar-2001 "Starting to cleanup for Link"
    Notes: "Still need to add a menu for game layout choices"
    library: [
        level: 'intermediate 
        platform: 'all 
        type: [Demo Game] 
        domain: [game GUI] 
        tested-under: none 
        support: none 
        license: none 
        see-also: none

set 'as-pair func [x y][to-pair reduce [x y]]

mine-sweep: make object! [
    ; Parameters
    ;--- Change these as you wish. Display will size to suit.
    ;--- Be Warned! Too Large numbers will cause a stack overflow.
    ;    note the comments on valid numbers 
    rows: 9    ; any number 1 or above
    columns: 9 ; any number 9 or above
    mines: 10 ; any number less than rows * columns
    ;--- A few checks.
    if columns < 9 [columns: 9]
    if rows < 1 [rows: 1]
    if mines > (rows * columns) [mines: (rows * columns) - 1]
    ; Globals
    grid-size: as-pair rows columns
    mines-flagged: 0
    mines-found: 0
    game-over: false
    game-started: false
    last-time: none
    cleared-count: 0
    ; Gameplay Functions
    patterns: [
        -1x-1 0x-1 1x-1
        -1x0        1x0
        -1x1  0x1   1x1
    square-index: func [rc [pair!]][
        either all [rc/x <= rows rc/y <= columns rc/x > 0 rc/y > 0][
            return ((rc/y - 1) * rows) + rc/x
            return none
    sweep: func [rc [pair!] /local index][
       index: square-index rc
       if all [not marked? rc
               not mine? rc
              grid/pane/:index/gui-state: 'cleared
              cleared-count: cleared-count + 1
              grid/pane/:index/data: not grid/pane/:index/data
              show grid/pane/:index 
              if alone? rc [
                  foreach pattern patterns [
                      sweep rc + pattern
    marked?: func [rc [pair!] /local index state][
        if none? index: square-index rc [return true]
        state: grid/pane/:index/gui-state
        any [
             none? index 
             same? state 'flag 
             same? state 'cleared
    mine?: func [rc [pair!] /local index][
        if none? index: square-index rc [return false]
        same? grid/pane/:index/content 'X
    alone?: func [rc [pair!] /local index][
        index: square-index rc
        same? grid/pane/:index/content 0

    untouched?: func [face][
        not any [
            same? face/gui-state 'cleared
            same? face/gui-state 'flag

    make-grid: func [rows columns][
        grid/size: as-pair (columns) * 24 + 8 (rows) * 24 + 8 
        repeat column columns [ 
            repeat row rows [
               append grid/pane make square [
                   offset: as-pair (column - 1) * 24 + 2 (row - 1) * 24 + 2
                   square-id: as-pair row column
    survey-mines: func [/local column row result rc index][
        repeat column columns [
            repeat row rows [
                rc: as-pair row column
                index: square-index rc
                result: 0
                if not mine? rc [
                    foreach pattern patterns [
                        if mine? rc + pattern [result: result + 1]
                    grid/pane/:index/content: result
                    if not zero? result [grid/pane/:index/f-colour: pick colors result]
    place-mines: func [rows columns mines /local mines-placed location grid-size][
        random/seed now
        mines-placed: 0
        grid-size: rows * columns
        while [mines-placed <> mines][
            location: random grid-size
            if not same? grid/pane/:location/content 'X [
                grid/pane/:location/content: 'X
                mines-placed: mines-placed + 1
    show-mines: func [][
        foreach square grid/pane [
           if same? square/content 'X [
               square/gui-state: 'cleared
               show square
    new-game: func [/reset /local gp][
        if reset [
        gp: grid/pane
            repeat i length? gp [
                gp/:i/content: 0
                gp/:i/gui-state: 'covered
                gp/:i/font/color: 0.0.0 
                gp/:i/f-colour: 0.0.0
                gp/:i/color: 170.170.170
                gp/:i/data: off
                gp/:i/away: off
        show gp
            status/text: mines
            time/text: "0000"
            last-time: none
            mines-found: mines-flagged: cleared-count: 0
            game-started: game-over: false
            show [status time]
           place-mines rows columns mines
    ;    Gui
    smiley: load to-binary decompress 64#{
    ohoh: load to-binary decompress 64#{
    sad: load to-binary decompress 64#{
    sunnies: load to-binary decompress 64#{
    colors: [
        0.0.255   ;- 1 Blue
        0.240.0   ;- 2 Mid Green
        255.255.0 ;- 3 Yellow
        0.0.139   ;- 4 Dark Blue
        0.100.0   ;- 5 Dark Green
        100.0.0   ;- 6 Dark Red
        0.255.255 ;- 7 Aqua
        255.0.0   ;- 8 Red
    grid: make face [offset: 24x48 pane: [] size: 200x200 edge: make edge [effect: 'ibevel]]
    square: make face [
        offset: 24x0
        size: 24x24
        text: none
        font: make font [style: 'bold size: 14]
        color: 170.170.170
        edge: make edge [
            color: 190.190.190
            effect: 'bevel
        effect: [gradcol 1x1 140.140.140 100.100.100]
        square-id: none
        content: 0
        gui-state: 'covered
        data: off
        right-down: false
        away: false
        f-colour: 0.0.0
        feel: make feel [
            redraw: func [face][
                face/text: to-string switch face/gui-state [
                    covered [""]
                    flag [face/font/color: 255.0.0 "!"]
                    query [face/font/color: 0.0.200 "?"]
                    cleared [face/font/color: face/f-colour
                             either face/content = 0 [copy ""][face/content]]
                face/edge/effect: pick [ibevel bevel] face/data
            engage: func [face action event /local result][
                if game-over [exit]
                if action = 'alt-down [
                    ;Toggle Markers
                    face/right-down: true
                    result: switch face/gui-state [
                        covered [
                            mines-flagged: mines-flagged + 1
                            if mine? face/square-id [mines-found: mines-found + 1]
                        flag [
                            mines-flagged: mines-flagged - 1
                            if mine? face/square-id [mines-found: mines-found - 1]
                        query ['covered]
                            cleared ['cleared]
                        ] face/gui-state: result
                if action = 'down [
                    if untouched? face [
                        face/data: true
                        face/away: false
                        start/image: ohoh
                        show [face start]  
                if action = 'away [
                    if untouched? face [
                        face/data: false
                        face/away: true
                        start/image: smiley
                        show [face start]
                if action = 'alt-up [
                     face/right-down: false
                if action = 'over and not face/right-down [
                    if untouched? face [
                    face/data: true
                    face/away: false
                    start/image: ohoh
                    show [face start]
                if (action = 'up and not face/away) [
                    game-started: true
                    if untouched? face [
                        if face/data [face/data: false]
                        ; or mined
                        either same? face/content 'X [
                            face/data: not face/data
                            face/gui-state: 'cleared
                            face/color: 255.0.0
                            face/font/color: 0.0.0
                            start/image: sad
                            game-over: true
                            ;--show where mines were hidden
                            show start
                            sweep face/square-id
                            start/image: smiley
                            show start
                ; Update Scores and Game status, redraw
                if any [action = 'alt-down action = 'up][
                    if not game-over [status/text: mines - mines-flagged]
                    if all [
                        mines-found = mines
                        (cleared-count + mines-found) = (rows * columns)
                        start/image: sunnies
                        game-over: true
                        show start
                    show face
                    show status
    ;   Panel Gui
    status-panel: make face [
        offset: 24x10 
        size: 219x30
        edge: make edge [effect: 'ibevel]
        color: image: none
        pane: reduce [
            status: make face [
                offset: 1x1 
                text: mines
                size: 54x24
                font: make font [color: red style: 'bold size: 16 align: 'right]
                color: black
                edge: make edge [effect: 'ibevel size: 2x2]
            start: make face [
                size: 25x25
                offset: 96x0
                image: smiley effect: [key 192.192.192 gradcol 1x1 1.170.170 0.100.100]
                feel: make feel [
                    redraw: func [face][
                        face/edge/effect: pick [ibevel bevel] face/data
                    engage: func [face act evt][
                        act: switch/default act [
                            down [on]
                            over [on]
                            up [if face/data [do face/action] off]
                        if act <> face/data [
                            face/data: act
                            show face
                data: off
                action: [new-game/reset self/image: smiley show self]
            time: make status [
                text: "0000"
                offset: 159x1
                feel: make feel [
                    redraw: func [face][
                        redraw: none
                        show face
                    engage: func [face action event /local i][
                        if any [game-started = false game-over = true][exit] 
                        if last-time <> now/time [
                            last-time: now/time
                            i: form 1 + to-integer face/text
                            while [4 > length? i] [insert i "0"]
                            face/text: i
                            show face
                after: none
                rate: 1
    ] ;end of status-panel
    ; Generate the Grid 
    make-grid rows columns
    board-size: as-pair grid/size/x + 24  grid/size/y + 60
    main-face: make face [
        color: 180.180.180
        size: board-size
       pane: reduce [
            make status-panel [offset/x: (board-size/x / 2) - (status-panel/size/x / 2)]
            make grid [offset/x: (board-size/x / 2) - (grid/size/x / 2)]

view center-face mine-sweep/main-face