Title: "HTML calendar"
Date: 3-Dec-2003
Author: "Bohdan Lechnowsky"
File: %html-calendar.r
Purpose: {
Creates an HTML file containing the current calendar month and displays it in
the browser
Library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: []
domain: [html web]
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
date: now/date
colwidth: 100
dayrowcol: "806080"
daytextcol: "FFFFFF"
wkendcol: "FFCCCC"
wkdaycol: "FFFFFF"
notthismonthcol: "808080"
outfilename: %month.html
html: copy rejoin [{
} pick system/locale/months date/month { } date/year { |
days: head remove back tail insert head copy system/locale/days last system/locale/days
foreach day days [
append html rejoin [{} copy/part day 3 { | }]
append html {
sdate: date
sdate/day: 0
loop sdate/weekday // 7 + 1 [append html { | }]
while [sdate/day: sdate/day + 1 sdate/month = date/month][
append html rejoin [
{} sdate/day { | }
if sdate/weekday = 6 [append html {
loop 7 - sdate/weekday [append html rejoin [{ | }]]
append html {
write outfilename html
browse outfilename