REBOL [ Title: "Embedded Search" Date: 20-Aug-2006 Name: 'embedded-search File: %embedded-search.r Version: 1.0.0 Author: "rwvd.zee" Purpose: "The script enables a document search from within a browser." Note: { - "call [firefox found.html]" might be changed to "browse %found.html" - requires REBOL browser plugin - script refers to Firefox, but other browsers might be named } Library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: [reference tool] domain: [files html] tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: document-search.r ] ] ;the document search script that will be embedded script-directory: what-dir if not exists? %embedded-script.r [ write %embedded-script.r { REBOL [Title: "Plugin Ready" Version: 1.2.0] vers: 1.2.46 view layout [ size 600x595 backdrop 187.219.220 origin 5 image logo.gif space 0 indent 9 h3 130 "Document Search" space 10 indent 20 directory: h3 450 space 3 indent 30 searchField: field 208 tan tan font-size 15 bold center across indent 60 btn "Open A Directory To Search" [ search-directory: request-dir/offset 350x170 if (search-directory <> none) [ change-dir search-directory directory/text: join "Searching " search-directory show directory ] ] ;a web page to display the search results btn "Search" [ manualFiles: read %. finds: rejoin [ { Search Results For "} searchField/text {"   } ] foreach fileIn manualFiles [ if find read fileIn searchField/text [ parse read fileIn [thru copy theTitle to ] append finds rejoin ["" theTitle "" ] ] ] append finds "" write %found.html finds call [firefox found.html] ] ] } ] ;and the html page that contains the script page-path: join script-directory %embedded-script.r if not exists? %webPage.html [ write %webPage.html rejoin [ { Document Search } ] ] if (not exists? %logo.gif) [save/png %logo.png logo.gif] browse %webpage.html