title: "PhotoTrackr DPL700 to GPX/PLT converter"
purpose: "Converts memory dumps of the Gisteq PhotoTrackr GPS logger (MTK) to GPX/OziExplorer formats"
author: "pijoter"
date: 3-Oct-2009/15:44:16+2:00
file: %dpl700-converter.r
license: "GNU General Public License (Version II)"
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: [tool]
domain: [file-handling]
tested-under: [
view 2.7.6 on [Linux WinXP]
support: none
license: 'GPL
dt: context [
to-epoch: func [dt [date!]] [
;; epoch to czas gmt
any [
attempt [to-integer (difference dt 1970-01-01/00:00:00)]
(dt - 1970-01-01/00:00:00) * 86400
from-epoch: func [value [integer!] /zone tz [time!] /local date time dt] [
value: to-time value
date: 1970-01-01 + (round/down value / 24:00:00)
time: value // 24:00:00
dt: to-date rejoin [date "/" time]
dt/zone: any [(if value? zone [tz]) 0:00]
dt + dt/zone
normalize: func [dt [date!] /date /time /local pad d t s] [
pad: func [val n] [head insert/dup val: form val #"0" (n - length? val)]
dt: rejoin [
(pad dt/year 4) #"-" (pad dt/month 2) #"-" (pad dt/day 2)
#"/" to-itime any [dt/time 0:00]
any [
if date [copy/part dt 10]
if time [copy/part (skip dt 11) 8]
to-stamp: func [dt [date!] /date /time] [
dt: any [
if date [self/normalize/date dt]
if time [self/normalize/time dt]
self/normalize dt
remove-each ch dt [found? find "-/:" ch]
to-gmt: func [dt [date!]] [
any [
zero? dt/zone
attempt [
dt: dt - dt/zone
dt/zone: 0:00
to-iso: func [dt [date!]] [
dt: self/to-gmt dt
append (replace (self/normalize dt) "/" "T") "Z"
sr: context [
log: make block! 60
chipset: context [
;; 4b lon 4b lat 4b datetime 2b alt 1b spd 1b tag
map: [
8 'location ;; lon lat
4 'datetime ;; created
2 'altitude ;; alt
1 'speed ;; spd
1 'tag ;; tag
unpack: func [
"zamienia binarny rekord danych na block! opisujacy punkt"
record [binary!] "16bajtow"
/local blk chunk n f] [
blk: make block! 6
foreach [chunk n] self/map [
f: get in self n
append blk (f (copy/part record chunk))
record: skip record chunk
return blk
location: func [
"konweruje binarne dane chipsetu MTK na block! wspolrzednych geograficznych"
lonlat [binary!] "8bajtow" /local lon lat] [
lon: to-integer reverse copy/part lonlat 4
lat: to-integer reverse copy/part (skip lonlat 4) 4
if (lon <> -1) [
if (lat < 0) [lat: (lat - (to-integer #{80000000})) * -1]
if (lon < 0) [lon: (lon - (to-integer #{80000000})) * -1]
lat: (to-integer (lat / 1000000)) + (((lat / 1000000) - (to-integer (lat / 1000000))) * 100 / 60)
lon: (to-integer (lon / 1000000)) + (((lon / 1000000) - (to-integer (lon / 1000000))) * 100 / 60)
reduce [
'lat (round/to lat 0.000001)
'lon (round/to lon 0.000001)
datetime: func [
"konweruje binarne dane chipsetu MTK na date!"
dtm [binary!] "4bajty" /local date time] [
dtm: to-integer reverse dtm
if (dtm <> -1) [
date: to-date reduce [
((shift dtm 26) and 63) + 2000 ;; Y
((shift dtm 22) and 15) ;; M
((shift dtm 17) and 31) ;; D
time: to-time reduce [
((shift dtm 12) and 31) ;; H
((shift dtm 6) and 63) ;; Mi
dtm and 63 ;; S
dtm: to-date rejoin [date "/" time]
reduce ['created (dtm)] ;; GMT
altitude: func [
"konweruje binarne dane chipsetu MTK na wysokosc (m)"
alt [binary!] "2bajty"] [
reduce ['alt (to-integer reverse alt)]
speed: func [
"konweruje binarne dane chipsetu MTK na predkosc (km)"
spd [binary!] "1bajt"] [
reduce ['spd round/to ((to-integer spd) * 1.852) 0.01] ;; mi to km
tag: func [
"konweruje binarne dane chipsetu MTK na znacznik (tag)"
tag [binary!] "1bajt"] [
reduce ['tag (to-integer tag)]
decode: func [
"zamienia binarne dane gps na block! z poszczegolnymi punktami"
sr [binary!] "zrzut danych GPS"
/from start [date!] "warunek daty (od)"
/to stop [date!] "warunek daty (do)"
/local point points i] [
i: 0
forskip sr 16 [
point: self/chipset/unpack sr
if (point/lon = -1) [
printd [i "/" (any [attempt [((index? sr) - 1) / 16] "??"]) "records found"]
if all [
any [(none? from) (point/created >= start)]
any [(none? to) (point/created <= stop)]
i: i + 1
stamp: dt/to-stamp/date point/created
points: any [(select self/log stamp) (make block! 4000)]
append/only points point
;; nowy stamp musi byc dodany do globalnej listy
if (first points) = point [repend self/log [stamp points]]
filter: func [
"zachowuje tylko punkty o wybranych tagach"
points [block!] "punkty"
tag [block! integer!] "tag do filtrowania"
/local blk] [
tag: to-block tag
blk: make block! (length? points)
foreach point points [
all [
found? find tag point/tag
append/only blk point
waypoints: func [
"zwraca block! zawierajacy tylko waypointy"
points [block!] "punkty"] [
self/filter points 254
tracklogs: func [
"zwraca block! zawierajacy tylko tracklogi w podziale na segmenty"
points [block!] "punkty"
/local t blk segments] [
blk: make block! 500
segments: make block! 10
t: self/filter points [99 255]
foreach point t [
;; podziel tracklog na segmenty gdy tag = 99
if all [(not empty? blk) (point/tag = 99)] [
append/only segments blk
blk: copy []
append/only blk point
if not empty? blk [append/only segments blk]
save: func [
"zapisuje dane za pomoca funkcji save z obiektu dump"
dump [object!] "obiekt zapisujacy dane do pliku"
/as name [string! file!] "nazwa pliku (bez rozszerzenia)"
/local log w t f stamp points] [
f: get in dump 'save
if not function? :f [return false]
log: self/log
;; zapisywanie do pliku o wybranej nazwie oznacza polaczenie
;; wszystkich dostepnych danych w jedna liste
any [
none? as
empty? name: to-string name
attempt [
blk: make block! 20000
foreach [stamp points] log [append blk points]
log: reduce [name blk]
;; zapis do plikow "stamp"
foreach [stamp points] log [
w: self/waypoints points
t: self/tracklogs points
attempt [f stamp w t]
unset [w t]
host: context [
windows?: does [system/version/4 = 3]
linux?: does [system/version/4 = 4]
gpx: context [
WPT-SUFFIX: {.gpx}
TRK-SUFFIX: {.gpx}
out: none
save: func [name [string!] w [block!] t [block!] /local encoding i gpx] [
self/out: make block! 1000
if error? try [
if not empty? w [self/waypoints name w]
if not empty? t [
self/tracklogs name t
;;self/routes name t
print ["error!" name "format" WPT-SUFFIX]
if not empty? out [
encoding: any [
attempt [t/1/1/encoding] ;; pierwszy trackpoint, pierwsza sekcja
attempt [w/1/encoding] ;; pierwszy waypoint
insert head self/out rejoin [
{} LF
{} LF
{ } LF
{ } (join name TRK-SUFFIX) {} LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
repend self/out [{} LF]
gpx: to-file join name TRK-SUFFIX
i: 0 foreach segment t [i: i + (length? segment)]
printd [gpx "/" (length? w) "waypoints" (i) "tracklog-points" (length? t) "segments"]
attempt [write/direct/binary gpx form self/out]
waypoints: func [name [string!] w [block!] /local i description point alt spd] [
i: 0
foreach point w [
i: i + 1
if desc: select point 'description [
desc: trim/lines replace/all desc LF {; }
if empty? desc [desc: none]
append out rejoin [
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ Waypoint} LF
{ } LF
any [
if alt: select point 'alt [
rejoin [{ } (alt) {} LF]
any [
if spd: select point 'spd [
rejoin [
{ speed } (spd) { km/h} LF
{ } LF
{ } (spd) {} LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
tracklogs: func [name [string!] t [block!] /local i point created alt spd] [
created: any [(attempt [t/1/1/created]) now]
append out rejoin [
{ } LF
{ } name {} LF
{ } reform [(dt/to-stamp/date created) "/" (length? t) "segments"] {} LF
{ } 1 {} LF
i: 0
foreach segment t [
i: i + 1
append out rejoin [{ } LF]
foreach point segment [
append out rejoin [
{ } LF
{ } LF
any [
if alt: select point 'alt [
rejoin [{ } (alt) {} LF]
any [
if spd: select point 'spd [
rejoin [
{ speed } (spd) { km/h} LF
{ } LF
{ } (spd) {} LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
append out rejoin [{ } LF]
append out rejoin [{ } LF]
routes: func [name [string!] t [block!] /local i segment created point n alt] [
i: 0
foreach segment t [
i: i + 1
name: any [(select segment/1 'title) name]
created: any [(select segment/1 'created) now]
append out rejoin [
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ } (dt/to-stamp/date created) {} LF
{ } i {} LF
foreach point segment [
append out rejoin [
{ } LF
{ } LF
any [
if alt: select point 'alt [
rejoin [{ } (alt) {} LF]
{ } LF
append out rejoin [{ } LF]
ozi: context [
WPT-SUFFIX: {.wpt}
TRK-SUFFIX: {.plt}
save: func [name [string!] w [block!] t [block!]] [
if error? try [
if not empty? w [self/waypoints name w]
if not empty? t [self/tracklogs name t]
print ["error!" name "format" WPT-SUFFIX TRK-SUFFIX]
to-ozi-alt: func [point [block!] /local alt] [
any [
if alt: select point 'alt [round/to (3.28083931316019 * alt) 0.01]
to-ozi-date: func [point [block!] /local date] [
date: any [
if date: select point 'created [dt/to-epoch date]
dt/to-epoch now
(date / 86400) + 25569.0
to-ozi-title: func [point [block!] /local title] [
any [
if title: select point 'title [replace/all title {,} { }]
dt/to-stamp point/created
to-ozi-description: func [point [block!] /local desc spd] [
any [
if desc: select point 'description [
desc: replace/all desc {,} { }
desc: trim/lines (replace/all desc LF {; })
if empty? desc [desc: none]
if spd: select point 'spd [
reform [
(dt/to-stamp point/created)
"speed" (spd) "km/h"
dt/to-stamp point/created
waypoints: func [name [string!] w [block!] /local out i title description wpt spd alt point] [
out: make block! 100
i: 0
append out rejoin [
"OziExplorer Waypoint File Version 1.1" CRLF
"Reserved 2" CRLF
"Reserved 3" CRLF
foreach point w [
i: i + 1
append out rejoin [
i ","
(self/to-ozi-title point) ","
(point/lat) ","
(point/lon) ","
(to-ozi-date point) ","
(self/to-ozi-description point) ","
(self/to-ozi-alt point) ","
"8.25,0,17" CRLF
wpt: to-file join name WPT-SUFFIX
printd [wpt "/" (length? w) "waypoints"]
write/direct/binary wpt form out
tracklogs: func [name [string!] t [block!] /local plt i out new-segment] [
out: make block! 1000
i: 0
foreach segment t [
foreach point segment [
i: i + 1
new-segment: to-integer (point = first segment)
append out rejoin [
(point/lat) ","
(point/lon) ","
(new-segment) ","
(self/to-ozi-alt point) ","
(self/to-ozi-date point) ","
(dt/normalize/date point/created) ","
(dt/normalize/time point/created) CRLF
insert (head out) rejoin [
"OziExplorer Track Point File Version 2.1" CRLF
"Altitude is in Feet" CRLF
"Reserved 3" CRLF
"0,2,255," name ",0,0,2,8421376" CRLF
plt: to-file join name TRK-SUFFIX
printd [plt "/" (i) "tracklog-points" (length? t) "segments"]
write/direct/binary plt form out
kml: context [
WPT-SUFFIX: {.kml}
TRK-SUFFIX: {.kml}
out: none
save: func [name [string!] w [block!] t [block!] /local encoding i kml] [
self/out: make block! 1000
if error? try [
if not empty? w [self/waypoints name w]
if not empty? t [self/tracklogs name t]
print ["error!" name "format" WPT-SUFFIX]
if not empty? out [
encoding: any [
attempt [t/1/1/encoding] ;; pierwszy trackpoint, pierwsza sekcja
attempt [w/1/encoding] ;; pierwszy waypoint
insert head self/out rejoin [
{} LF
{} LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ 1} LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
repend self/out [
{ } LF
{} LF
kml: to-file join name TRK-SUFFIX
i: 0 foreach segment t [i: i + (length? segment)]
printd [kml "/" (length? w) "waypoints" (i) "tracklog-points" (length? t) "segments"]
attempt [write/direct/binary kml form self/out]
waypoints: func [name [string!] w [block!] /local title desc alt] [
append self/out rejoin [
{ } LF
{ Waypoints} LF
{ } (name) {} LF
foreach point w [
title: any [(select point 'title) (dt/to-stamp point/created)]
desc: any [(select point 'description) (dt/to-stamp point/created)]
alt: any [(select point 'alt) 0]
append self/out rejoin [
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ #point} LF
{ } LF
{ } (dt/to-iso point/created) {} LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ } (rejoin [point/lon "," point/lat "," alt]) {} LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
append self/out rejoin [
{ } LF
tracklogs: func [name [string!] t [block!]
/local segment-start segment-stop begin end i point] [
segment-start: func [segment [block!]] [select first segment 'created]
segment-stop: func [segment [block!]] [select last segment 'created]
begin: dt/to-iso any [(segment-start first t) now]
end: dt/to-iso any [(segment-stop last t) now]
append self/out rejoin [
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
i: 0
foreach segment t [
i: i + 1
coordinates: make block! []
foreach point segment [
append coordinates rejoin [point/lon "," point/lat "," any [(select point 'alt) 0]]
begin: dt/to-iso any [(segment-start segment ) now]
end: dt/to-iso any [(segment-stop segment) now]
append self/out rejoin [
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ #track} LF
{ } LF
{ } (begin) {} LF
{ } (end) {} LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
{ 1} LF
{ clampToGround} LF
{ } (form coordinates) {} LF
{ } LF
{ } LF
append self/out rejoin [
{ } LF
csv: context [
comment {
waypoint i tracklogi w oddzielnych plikach (takze dla segmentow tracklogu)
format: "opis" lat lon wysokosc predkosc data/utworzenia
WPT-SUFFIX: {_w.txt}
TRK-SUFFIX: {.txt}
save: func [name [string!] w [block!] t [block!]] [
if error? try [
if not empty? w [self/waypoints name w]
if not empty? t [self/tracklogs name t]
print ["error!" name "format" WPT-SUFFIX TRK-SUFFIX]
waypoints: func [name [string!] w [block!] /local wpt i out point] [
out: make block! 100
i: 0
foreach point w [
i: i + 1
append out reform [
rejoin [{"wpt} i {"}]
dt/normalize (point/created)
wpt: to-file join name WPT-SUFFIX
printd [wpt "/" (length? w) "waypoints"]
write/direct wpt form out
tracklogs: func [name [string!] t [block!] /local trk i out point] [
i: 0
foreach segment t [
i: i + 1
out: make block! 1000
foreach point segment [
append out reform [
dt/normalize (point/created)
trk: to-file rejoin [name {_} i TRK-SUFFIX]
printd [trk "/" (length? segment) "tracklog-points"]
write/direct trk form out
printd: func [message [block! string!]] [
any [
print message
hold: does [
any [
not host/windows?
ask "^/press enter"
getopts: func [cmds [string!] cases [block!]
/default case [block!]
/local args cmd opts opt rcs] [
args: any [system/script/args ""]
args: parse args none
cmds: parse cmds ":"
rcs: make block! length? cmds
forall cmds [
cmd: first cmds
if found? opts: find args (join "--" cmd) [
set [opt optargs] opts
;; parametr opcji nie moze byc taki sam jak opcja
any [
none? optargs
(length? optargs) <= 2
not found? find head cmds (skip optargs 2)
optargs: none
if (opt = (join "--" cmd)) [(append rcs cmd) (switch cmd cases)]
any [
if all [empty? rcs function? case] [do case]
;### main ###
system/options/quiet: false
net-watch: false
if all [net-watch none? system/script/args] [system/script/args: "--verbose"]
output: make block! 3
filename: none
printd [
system/script/header/title LF
system/script/header/purpose LF
getopts "file::gpx:ozi:kml:csv:help:quiet:verbose" [
"file" [filename: optargs]
"gpx" [append output gpx]
"ozi" [append output ozi]
"csv" [append output csv]
"kml" [append output kml]
"help" [
print [
"--file {filename} --gpx --ozi --kml --csv --help --quiet --verbose"
hold quit
"quiet" [system/options/quiet: true]
"verbose" [
net-watch: true
echo to-file rejoin ["log_" (dt/to-stamp now) ".txt"]
net-utils/net-log ["main/getopts" output filename]
if empty? output [append output gpx]
if none? filename [
args: parse any [system/script/args ""] none
if all [(not empty? args) (not found? find first args "--")] [filename: first args]
if all [view? none? filename] [filename: request-file/title/filter/only "Select SR file" "Load" "*.sr"]
either all [
not none? filename
attempt [exists? file: to-file filename]
printd ["reading file" mold form second (split-path file) "..."]
sr/decode (read/binary file)
foreach format output [sr/save format]
printd "done."
print ["memory dump file not found!" form any [filename ""]]
print [system/script/header/file "--help"]
hold quit