date: 17/01/2011
  author: "nicolas"
  file: %download-page.r
  title: "Download page"
  version: 0.2.1
  purpose: {
    Download in a tmp directory all elements of a URL : 
    - CSS scripts
    - Javascript scripts
    - Images
    Return the page size.
  comments: {
    This function do not handle cache like a webbrowser and parallel downloading of resources.
    Must simulate parallel programming : in further release make it work with 3 tiny servers
    - one for images downloading
    - one for css script downloading
    - one for javascript downloading
    And manage cache.
    Do not download others resources like Adobe Flash content.
  category: [internet]
  library: [
    level: 'beginner
    platform: 'all
    type: [internet html]
    domain: [internet html]
    tested-under: [win]
    support: none
    license: 'public-domain
    see-also: none
  history [
    0.2.1 17/01/2011 "Secure downloading with attempt"
    0.2.0 15/01/2011 "Make a release on"
    0.1.0 05/01/2011 "Creation of the script"
  usage: {
    >> url-page: to-url ask "URL ? "
    >> print ["Page size" download-page/temp-dir url-page %page1 "kb."]

download-page: funct [url [url!] /temp-dir dir [file!]] [
  either temp-dir [tmp: copy dir][tmp: %tmp]
  kb?: funct [d] [
    t: type? d
    either any [t == file! t == url!] [
      i: info? d
      round/to i/size / 1024 .1
      round/to (length? d) / 1024 .1
  remove-comments: funct [page] [
    foreach line page [
  	  t: mold first page
    	if not none? find t "