Title: "Content Management"
Date: 14-Jun-2002/9:51:42-7:00
Version: 1.0.0
File: %content-management.r
Author: "Christopher Ross-Gill"
Rights: "Chris and ALA readers"
Purpose: "test"
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: 'module
domain: [broken ldc]
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
content-block: read/lines %content.txt
while [empty-string: find content-block ""][remove empty-string]
structure: copy []
foreach paragraph content-block [
parsed?: parse paragraph [
"Site Title:" copy para to end
(repend structure ['site-title trim para])
"New Page:" copy para to "("
skip copy id to ")" skip
(repend structure ['h1 trim para id])
"===" copy para to end
(repend structure ['h2 para])
"..." copy para to end
(repend structure ['li para])
if not parsed? [repend structure ['p paragraph]]
format-text: func [text [string!]][
replace/all text {&} {&}
replace/all text { "} { “}
if (first text) = #"^"" [replace text {"} {“}]
replace/all text {"} {”}
replace/all text { '} { ‘}
if (first text) = #"'" [replace text {'} {‘}]
replace/all text {'} {’}
replace/all text {--} {–}
replace/all text { - } {–}
replace/all text {. } {. }
parse/all text [
any [
thru {##}
copy link to {##}
2 skip
copy hlink to {##}
href: {} hlink {}
to end
parse/all text [
any [
thru {**} copy emphasised to {**}
replace text rejoin [
{**} emphasised {**}
] rejoin [
{} emphasised {}
to end
replace/all text {@} {@}
return text
punch-template: func [
site-title [string!]
page-title [string!]
page-menu [string!]
page-content [string!]
template: read %template.html
replace template <% page-title %> rejoin [site-title ": " page-title]
replace template <% page-body %> rejoin [newline page-menu newline page-content newline]
return template
pages: copy []
menu: copy ""
parse structure [
(append menu )
if not exists? %pages/ [make-dir %pages/]
foreach [file content] pages [
write join %pages/ file punch-template title header menu content