Title: "coding-mailto"
Version: 1.0.0
File: %coding-maito.r
Author: "Philippe Le Goff"
Date: 11-Sep-2004
Email: pl--legoff--free-fr
Copyright: {
Philippe Le Goff-2004
License CeCILL
Purpose: {a tool for coding the "mailto" info in a html page and avoid some spam }
Category: []
Library: [
level: 'beginner
platform: 'all
type: [tool]
domain: [email encryption html text ]
Tested-under: 'win
Support: pl--legoff--free-fr
License: none
Note: {
This tool is just for fun.
Write you email in the field "mailto" and click on the button "Code it ".
Then, copy the results in your html code.
I suggest to create a javascript file apart, with generated code.
;/// Functions Definitions ///
prejoin: func [
"Reduce and join a block of values."
block [block!] "Values to reduce and join"
/with string [ string! ]
if empty? block: reduce block [return block]
if with [ block: next block forskip block 2 [ insert block string ] ]
block: head insert head block copy ""
append either series? first block [copy first block] [ form first block ] next block
;/// code ////
to-ascii: func [ "retun ASCII code of a chars string"
value [ char! string! ]
/local value-block email-string ] [
value-block: copy []
email-string: ""
if (type? value) = char! [ return to-integer value]
count: length? value
loop count [ append value-block to-integer pick value 1 value: next value ]
email-string: prejoin/with value-block ","
return email-string
;/// GUI Definitions ///
my-styles: stylize [
bout: btn gray center middle 85x20 font-size 11 font-name "Courrier" font-color white
tx-inf: text ivory font-size 10 font-name "Courrier" middle center
field-inf: field 200x18 ivory font-size 10 font-name "Courrier" middle center
vtext: text white bold right middle font-size 12 font-name "Courrier"
a-propos-text: text 200 white font-size 11 font-name "Courrier" font-color white
; ///////////
; backdrop image
img-fond: load 64#{
coding-layout: func [
/local val-text ][
val-text: to-ascii f1/text
result: rejoin [ " function NoSpmAddress() { return String.fromCharCode(" val-text "); }" newline "function Zap() { return String.fromCharCode(109, 97, 105, 108, 116, 111, 58) + NoSpmAddress(); }" ]
; here we define the layout
my-lay: layout/size [
styles my-styles
backdrop img-fond
at 10x5
tx-inf yellow "Code to be placed in a javascript << NoSpm.js >> file : "
at 15x25
bar 400x2 yellow
at 30x1
str1: tx-inf 400x150 to-string result middle left
at 10x150
tx-inf yellow "Code to be placed between the ... tags of your HTML pages"
at 15x170
bar 400x2 yellow
at 30x175
tx-inf {} middle left
at 10x230
tx-inf yellow "Code to be placed in your email-contact tag of your HTML pages"
at 15x248
bar 400x2 yellow
at 30x255
tx-inf 350 middle left {Contact me ! }
at 330x290
bout " Close " 40x20 124.154.220 [unview coding-layout]
] 430x330 ;end of my-lay
f1/text: ""
] ; end of coding-layout
;//// Windows "A propos" (standard)
aPropos: func [/local lay] [
lay: copy [
styles my-styles
across origin 0x0 space 0x0
backdrop img-fond
image logo.gif box 200x24
effect [merge gradmul 1x0 0.0.0 128.128.128] return
pad 10x10 guide
foreach [name value] third system/script/header [
if not none? value [
append lay reduce [
'vtext mold :name 'tab 'a-propos-text form value
switch/default type?/word value [
string! [append lay mold [with [feel: none]]]
email! [append/only lay compose/deep [
alive?: true error? try [emailer/to (value)]
url! [append/only lay compose/deep [
error? try [browse (value)]
file! [append/only lay compose/deep [
error? try [editor (value)]
] [append lay [with [feel: none]]]
append lay 'return
append lay [
pad -10x10
box 200x24 effect [merge gradmul 1x0 128.128.128 0.0.0]
button "Close" black [unview/only lay] edge [size: none]
view/new/title center-face lay: layout lay join system/script/header/title system/script/header/version
; /////// main layout ///////
lay-main: layout/tight/size [
styles my-styles
backtile img-fond
box 25x50 effect [merge gradmul 0x1 0.0.0 128.128.128]
at 30x15
tx-inf "mailto:"
f1: field-inf "" [ result: "" ]
at 285x15
bout "Code it !" 50x20 0.106.5 [
view/new/title center-face coding-layout "Code"
at 350x15
bout "Info" 40x20 167.17.17 [aPropos]
at 390x15
bout "Quit" 40x20 124.154.220 [quit]
] 450x50
;/////////// End GUI defs ///////////////////
;///// MAIN ////
view/new center-face lay-main