Title: "CGI wrapper function for debugging"
    Date: 12-jul-2003
    Version: 0.0.1
    File: %cgi-debug.r
    Author: "Sunanda"
    Purpose: "Provides debugging info for scripts running as a CGI under a webserver"
    library: [
        level: 'beginner
        platform: 'all
        type: [function tool]
        domain: [cgi web]
        tested-under: [win unix linux]
        support: none
        license: bsd
        see-also: none
   cgi-debug: func [target-code [block!]

;; == Usage:
;; ==   cgi-debug [block of code]
;; == With a bit of luck, wrapping this round a
;; == block of code will return a html page with
;; == the error details, if it goes wrong.
;; ==
;; == That html may be appended to to html you've
;; == emitted prior to the failure, so it might
;; == look a mess.

   if error? cgi-debug-capture-error: try [do target-code 1]
     if not silent
        print "Content-type: text/html^/"
print "

[system name] Error

" print

print form now/precise print "
Sorry, we've had an unexpected error" print ["
=====Error in script" system/options/script "=====
"] print

print [replace/all copy mold disarm cgi-debug-capture-error newline " "] print
] ip-address: none error? try [ip-address: to-tuple system/options/cgi/remote-addr] ;; now attempt to write it to the log file: ;; ---------------------------------------- error? try [ write/append/lines %cgi-debug.log join "cgi-debug error captured -- " [now/precise " ... " replace/all copy mold disarm cgi-debug-capture-error newline " " " ... " "ip-address: " ip-address ] ] ;;try ;; Now attempt to send an email report ;; ----------------------------------- error? try [ if not = to-tuple system/options/cgi/remote-addr [set-net [--from-email-address-- --default-server--] send to-email "--to-email address--" join "cgi-debug: error -- " [newline mold disarm cgi-debug-capture-error newline "ip-address: " ip-address ] ] ;;if ] ;; error/try quit ] ;; if ] ;; cgi-debug function