Title: "Can Rebol Print?"
    Date: 12-Oct-2008
    Version: 0.1.1
    File: %can-rebol-print.r
    Author: "mr.z"
    Rights: "copyright mr.z 2008"
    Purpose: "This script illustrate some possible methods of printing script output."
    Hisory: [0.1.1 12-Oct-2008  "add   to browser path"]
    Requires: "CHP.exe or similar is needed to print if the method CHP is attempted." 
        library: [
        level: 'beginner
        platform: 'Windows
        type: [tutorial article tutorial how-to]
        domain: [printing]
        tested-under: none
        license: none

home: what-dir

;                     ****************************************
;                     *                Sample HTML Page           *
;                     ****************************************

html-page: {
Printing HTML


REBOL can directly write an HTML file. A REBOL layout can also be converted to an HTML document.
A REBOL layout can be converted to an image and used in an HTML document.

If onload="javascript:window.print();" is in the BODY tag, the page will print when loaded.
The tag is: < BODY onload="javascript:window.print();" >

An HTML document can be text only, text & images, or a REBOL layout image.
HTML is a rich formating language, & browsers will paginate when printing.

} ; **************************************** ; * Method Pages For The Page Layout * ; **************************************** opening-text: { Four methods are explored to print In Windows XP: 1. Notepad can be used to print text files. 2. Fax & Image Viewer can be used to print image files. 3. Web browsers can be used to print HTML documents. 4. Applications can print as a hidden process. Passing files to the above applications can cause them to print the file. Most called applications will suddenly appear, and this sudden appearance can be a distraction. The Safari browser is a welcome exception. If applications are called as a hidden process, they won't display either, and an almost seamless printout can be achieved. Printing as a hidden process is illustrated in the method "CHP". The "Method" Menu "Text", "Viewer", and "HTML" & "CHP" buttons will display the print method and set the print method. When the "Print" button is clicked, the displayed page is printed by the selected method. The "Font" Menu There are 3 fonts to compare the effect of different fonts on printed output. } notepad-text: { Notepad prints only text and displays briefly when called, but the quality of the print is good and it paginates. Script: file: join what-dir %notepad-test.txt exe: "notepad/p" call reduce [exe file] The header, footer, & font can be set in Notepad. } viewer-text: { The Fax & Image Viewer program can also be called from the command line. The viewer's default setting stretches images to fit the viewer's default page size. This may cause some distortion of text in the image. Using sizes of 612x792 pixels (approx 8.5x11) in the REBOL page layout may minimize any distortion that might otherwise occur. Script: command-line: [] exe: "RunDll32.exe" dll: "c:\windows\system32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_PrintTo" parameter: "/pt" file: to-local-file join what-dir image-filename printer: "HP Deskjet F300 series" append command-line reform [exe dll parameter mold file mold printer] replace command-line/1 "{" "^"" ;replace braces that are added automatically replace command-line/1 "}" "^"" call command-line (...awkward but functional) "image-filename" could be the image of a REBOL layout for example. A better quality image of text might also be achieved by: - using a black backdrop, - enabling Windows Clear Type - ensuring the print quality is set to "best". Clear Type can be set at Control Panel/Appearance and Themes/Display/Appearance/Effects. The Fax & Image Viewer can print a reasonable quality text image. There are no distracting alerts or popup windows. Note that the book layout scroller is included in the image of the page layout. } browser-text: { REBOL can write HTML or convert a REBOL layout (or an image of a layout) to an HTML document. The tag will print the document. Script: file: join what-dir %test.html exe: %/c/program%20files/safari/safari.exe call reduce [exe file] Browsers differ. When Safari (3.1.2 525.21) is first called, it will print without displaying the browser, which is very useful. Other variations/pc's may have different luck. Some browsers might crop large images to fit them into the browser's default page and margin sizes. The sudden appearance of the browser may be a distracting and unwelcome. Browser security settings may prevent Javascript from running. HTML is, however, a rich and versatile formating language and browsers produce high quality print. } hidden-text: { Is there an operating system that can send the universal HTML document directly to the printer without the document first being shown in an application? Maybe, but there definitely is "Create Hidden Process"*, CHP.exe, a program that uses the Win32 CreateProcess API to silently launch applications in a hidden window. Script: do write-html file: join what-dir %test.html call reduce ["c:\rebol\chp.exe c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe" file] wait 10 call [{tskill iexplore}] If the browser does not close after printing, call [{tskill iexplore}] will ensure that it does. The 10 second wait ensures the document will be sent to the printer. The required time may vary, and is less after the first print attempt has occurred. Internet Explorer's security settings can impede the javascript. A lower security setting can be achieved by checking by checking "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer" in Tools/InternetOptions/Security. Shutting the browser down with tskill will trigger the browser's crash recovery feature. This feature can be turned off by unchecking "Enable automatic crash recovery", in Tools/Internet Options/Advanced Browsing. Both the "Create Hidden Process" binary & source code are available, GNU General Public License of the Free Software Foundation, license version 3 or later. * (copyright 2007 Ritchie Lawrence "Can Rebol Print?" does not include CHP.exe, so this method cannot be printed. Printing through hidden applications produce near seamless printouts but calls can be restricted by the browser and firewall. } ; **************************************** ; * Functions * ; **************************************** paste-text: func [font-in text] [ clear method-page/text method-page/line-list: none method-page/text: text method-page/font/name: font-in show method-page ] fonts-back: [ loop 18 [fonts/offset/x: fonts/offset/x + 10 show fonts] fonts/data: false ] methods-back: [ loop 18 [methods/offset/x: methods/offset/x + 10 show methods] methods/data: false reset-face text-scroller method-page/para/scroll/y: 0 show method-page ] write-html: [ some-text: copy method-page/text if not exists? %logo.png [save/png %logo.png logo.gif] if not exists? %test.html [write %test.html html-page] ] font-in: "arial" ; **************************************** ; * Page Layout * ; **************************************** heading-text: {Can Rebol Print?} bold22: make face/font [style: 'bold size: 22] page: layout [ size 612x792 backdrop white origin 20x60 page-heading: box 510x40 effect [ draw [ font bold22 pen gray text anti-aliased heading-text 5x2 ] ] method-page: info 550x650 white white font-name font-fixed font-size 13 wrap with [edge: none] opening-text at 440x25 image logo.gif at 500x700 text "!" gold font-size 34 ] ; **************************************** ; * Main Layout * ; **************************************** book: layout [ size 700x792 backdrop black style click button coffee with [edge/size: 1x1 edge/effect: none edge/color: orange] at 0x0 page-box: box 612x792 black origin 600x600 text-scroller: scroller coal black [scroll-para method-page text-scroller] origin 650x600 below space 1 fonts: box 225x24 with [ pane: layout/tight [ size 225x24 backdrop black style click button coffee with [edge/size: 1x1 edge/effect: none edge/color: orange] across space 0 click "Font" 50 olive left [ either not fonts/data [ loop 18 [fonts/offset/x: fonts/offset/x - 10 show fonts] fonts/data: true ][ do fonts-back ] ] click "Courier New" 85 [paste-text font-in: "courier new" copy method-page/text do fonts-back] click "Arial" 45 [paste-text font-in: "arial" copy method-page/text do fonts-back] click "Times" 45 [paste-text font-in: "times" copy method-page/text do fonts-back] ] ] methods: box 225x24 with [ pane: layout/tight [ size 225x24 backdrop black style click button coffee with [edge/size: 1x1 edge/effect: none edge/color: orange] across space 0 click "Method" 50 olive [ either not methods/data [ loop 18 [methods/offset/x: methods/offset/x - 10 show methods] methods/data: true ][ do methods-back ;methods/data: false ] ] click "Text" 34 [ paste-text font-in copy notepad-text heading-text: "Printing Text With Notepad" show page-heading do methods-back ] click "Viewer" 50 [ paste-text font-in copy viewer-text heading-text: "Printing With Fax & Image Viewer" show page-heading do methods-back ] click "HTML" 46 [ paste-text font-in copy browser-text heading-text: "Printing HTML" show page-heading do methods-back ] click "CHP" 45 [ paste-text font-in copy hidden-text heading-text: "Printing HTML As A Hidden Process" show page-heading do methods-back ] ] ] click 50 olive - 30 "Print" left [ switch heading-text [ "Printing Text With Notepad" [ if not exists? %notepad-test.txt [write %notepad-test.txt copy method-page/text] file: join what-dir %notepad-test.txt exe: "notepad/p" call reduce [exe file] ] "Printing With Fax & Image Viewer" [ page-box/image: to-image page page-box/effect: [sharpen] show page-box image-filename: %viewer-test.png if not exists? image-filename [save/png image-filename to-image page] command-line: [] exe: "RunDll32.exe" dll: "c:\windows\system32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_PrintTo" parameter: "/pt" file: to-local-file join what-dir image-filename printer: "HP Deskjet F300 series" append command-line reform [exe dll parameter mold file mold printer] replace command-line/1 "{" "^"" ;replace braces that are added automatically replace command-line/1 "}" "^"" call command-line ] "Printing HTML" [ do write-html file: join what-dir %test.html exe: %/c/program%20files/safari/safari.exe file: join what-dir %test.html call reduce [exe file] wait 10 call [{tskill safari}] ;closes the browser ;browse %test.html ;works, comment out the 2 calls above ] "Printing HTML As A Hidden Process" [ do write-html file: join what-dir %test.html call reduce ["c:\rebol\chp.exe c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe" file] wait 10 call [{tskill iexplore}] ] ] ] click 50 olive - 60 "Quit" left [quit] ] page/offset: 0x0 page-box/pane: page view/offset book 200x10