Title: "Make an html img tag from an image file"
    Purpose: {Request an image file, read it, convert it to base 64,
    and put it into an img tag for embedding in a web page.}

;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]
;; [ It is possible to embed an image into an html document if the image       ]
;; [ can be incoded as base 64, whatever that means.  This function takes      ]
;; [ a file name and a text description, reads the file, converts it to        ]
;; [ base 64, and makes an html img tag.  It uses the passed text description  ]
;; [ as the "alt" attribute for the image.                                     ]
;; [ The function does no checking about the existence of the image file.      ]
;; [ That would more appropriately be done by the caller.                      ]
;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]

IMGTAG: func [
] [
    return rejoin [ 
        {} ALTDESC {}

;;Uncomment to test, provide your own image called TestImage.png (or jpg). 
;write %imgtagtest.html rejoin [
;IMGTAG test


;} ;IMGTAG %TestImage.png "Elbow image" ;{ ; ;} ;] ;browse %imgtagtest.html