Title: "SQL script indexer"
    Purpose: {Create a primitive html index of all sql scripts in a
    specified folder, using structured text in a comment block.}

;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]
;; [ This program solves a site-specific problem of making an html index of    ]
;; [ sql scripts in a given folder, assuming that each script has a            ]
;; [ comment block of structured text that can be parsed out and used for      ]
;; [ the index.  The text must look like this sample:                          ]
;; [                                                                           ]
;; [ /*                                                                        ]
;; [ AUTHOR: "J Smith"                                                         ]
;; [ DATE-WRITTEN: 29-JUN-2017                                                 ]
;; [ DATABASE: "database-name"                                                 ]
;; [ SEARCH-WORDS: ["keyword-1" "keyword-2"]                                   ]
;; [ REMARKS: {Multi-line free-format description of the script.}              ]
;; [ COLUMN-NAMES: {column-1,column-2,column-3}                                ]
;; [ */                                                                        ]
;; [                                                                           ]
;; [ Note that there can be any number of search words, and any number of      ]
;; [ column names.  All of these items are optional and the program will       ]
;; [ just produce blanks in the index for anything that is missing.            ]
;; [                                                                           ]
;; [ The index produced by this program is very primitive. It just puts the    ]
;; [ items in the comment block into a row on an html page.                    ]
;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]

;; To save mouse clicks, go to the place where scripts are likely
;; to be found.  This will change for each installation.

change-dir %/F/PROGRAMMING/SQL/CollectedProjects/

;; Find the folder where the sql scripts are located, go there, and find
;; all the sql scripts in it.

if not dir? PROGRAMS-DIR: request-dir [
    alert "No directory selected."

program-file?: func ["Returns true if file is a SQL file" file] [
    find [%.sql] find/last file "."

change-dir PROGRAMS-DIR

while [not tail? PROGRAM-NAMES] [
    either program-file? first PROGRAM-NAMES 
        [remove PROGRAM-NAMES]
if empty? PROGRAM-NAMES [
    alert "No programs found" 

;; HTML fragments to assemble into a page


SQL script

SQL scripts we have written

} ;; The html file that we will create. HTML-FILE-ID: %SqlScriptIndex.html HTML-FILE: "" HTML-ROW: { <% WS-DATABASE %> <% WS-FILEID %> <% WS-DATEWRITTEN %> <% WS-REMARKS %> } ;; Data items that we will put on the index. WS-DATABASE: "" WS-FILEID: "" WS-DATEWRITTEN: "" WS-REMARKS: "" ;; Begin. append HTML-FILE HTML-HEAD append HTML-FILE newline DEBUG-FILEID: "" foreach SCRIPTFILE PROGRAM-NAMES [ DEBUG-FILEID: to-string SCRIPTFILE print ["Indexing " DEBUG-FILEID] SCRIPTCODE: read SCRIPTFILE COMMENTBLOCK: copy "" parse/case SCRIPTCODE [thru "/*" copy COMMENTBLOCK to "*/"] if greater? (length? COMMENTBLOCK) 0 [ AUTHOR: none DATE-WRITTEN: none DATABASE: none SEARCH-WORDS: none REMARKS: none COLUMN-NAMES: none WS-DATABASE: copy "" WS-FILEID: copy "" WS-DATEWRITTEN: copy "" WS-REMARKS: copy "" do load COMMENTBLOCK if value? DATABASE [ WS-DATABASE: copy DATABASE ] if value? DATE-WRITTEN [ ;; WS-DATEWRITTEN: to-string DATE-WRITTEN WS-DATEWRITTEN: rejoin [ DATE-WRITTEN/year "/" DATE-WRITTEN/month "/" DATE-WRITTEN/day ] ] if value? REMARKS [ WS-REMARKS: copy REMARKS ] WS-FILEID: to-string SCRIPTFILE append HTML-FILE build-markup HTML-ROW ] ] ;; Finish the file and write it to disk. append HTML-FILE HTML-FOOT append HTML-FILE newline write HTML-FILE-ID HTML-FILE ;; Alert that we are done. print "Done." halt