Title: "Report the memory and other data from the computer info files"
    Purpose: {Use a folder of files from the GatherComputerInfo
    program and list some miscellaneous information about each computer,
    including memory which is important information when planning  
    software upgrades.}

;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]
;; [ This program was suggested as a way to report the memory and other        ]
;; [ important information about deployed computers.                           ]
;; [ It uses text files created at startup time by computers.                  ]
;; [ Each text file contains information that the computer gathered about      ]
;; [ itself, Those files                                                       ]
;; [ were written into a common folder, and then all files in that folder      ]
;; [ were processed by this program which extracted the information we want    ]
;; [ to report.                                                                ]
;; [ The file is text in a REBOL-readable format, and the relevant items       ]
;; [ look like this:                                                           ]
;; [ COMPUTERNAME: "IS-SWHITE7"                                                ]
;; [ MANUFACTURER: "Hewlett-Packard"                                           ]
;; [ MODEL: "HP EliteDesk 800 G1 SFF"                                          ]
;; [ SERIALNO: "2UA52831RN"                                                    ]
;; [ MEMORY: "15.9085540771484"                                                ]
;; [ LASTREBOOT: "06/27/2017 09:19:27"                                         ]
;; [ DEFAULTBROWSER: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"         ]
;; [                                                                           ]
;; [ The program to create these files is on the COBOLREBOL free stuff area    ]
;; [ and is called GatherComputerInfo.ps1.                                     ]
;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]

;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]
;; [ Change these items for your own installation.                             ]
;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]

MR-FILENAME: %ComputerMemory.html    ;; output report in html format
LOGDIR: %ComputerList                ;; folder of computer info files

;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]
;; [ In a report file, there are several REBOL-readable data items.            ]
;; [ The ones below are the ones we will report on.                            ]
;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]


;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]
;; [ In our first attempt (and this might still be true), powershell put       ]
;; [ nulls in the list of monitors.  So we will read the file as binary,       ]
;; [ replace nulls with empty strings or spaces (whatever works), and then     ]
;; [ load that instead of loading the file directly.                           ]
;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]


;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]
;; [ These are the html fragments we will use to produce a report.             ]
;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]


Computer Memory Report

Computer memory report

Computer name Model Windows version Memory Adobe Version Default browser
} MR-HTML-ROW: { <% MR-COMPUTER %> <% MR-MODEL %> <% MR-WINDOWS %> <% MR-MEMORY %> <% MR-ADOBE %> <% MR-BROWSER %> } MR-HTML-CORRUPT: { <% MR-COMPUTER %> <% rejoin ["Corrupt file " MR-CORRUPT-FILE-NAME] %> } change-dir LOGDIR FILE-LIST: read %. append MR-PAGE MR-HTML-HEAD append MR-PAGE newline foreach PHONEHOME-FILE FILE-LIST [ MR-COMPUTER: copy "" MR-BROWSER: copy "" MR-BROWSERPATH: copy "" MR-BROWSERPARTS: copy [] USERNAME: copy "" LOGINDATE: copy "" LOGINTEIME: copy "" COMPUTERNAME: copy "" MANUFACTURER: copy "" MODEL: copy "" SERIALNO: copy "" LOGGEDIN: copy "" OS: copy "" MEMORY: copy "" LASTREBOOT: copy "" DEFAULTBROWSER: copy "" INSTALLED-SOFTWARE: copy [] PHONEHOME-BINARY: copy "" ;; -- start of existence check either exists? PHONEHOME-FILE [ ;; -- the file exists PHONEHOME-BINARY: to-string read/binary PHONEHOME-FILE replace/all PHONEHOME-BINARY #{00} "" either error? try [do load PHONEHOME-BINARY] [ ;; -- the file is bad MR-CORRUPT-FILE-NAME: to-string PHONEHOME-FILE append MR-PAGE build-markup MR-HTML-CORRUPT append MR-PAGE newline ] [ ;; -- the file is loadable, but could be incomplete MR-COMPUTER: COMPUTERNAME either equal? MODEL "" [ MR-MODEL: " " ] [ MR-MODEL: MODEL ] either equal? OS "" [ MR-WINDOWS: " " ] [ MR-WINDOWS: OS ] either equal? MEMORY "" [ MR-MEMORY: " " ] [ MR-MEMORY: trim/all/with to-string to-money MEMORY "$" ;; cheap trick ] either equal? DEFAULTBROWSER "" [ MR-BROWSER: " " ] [ MR-BROWSERPATH: to-rebol-file DEFAULTBROWSER MR-BROWSERPARTS: split-path MR-BROWSERPATH MR-BROWSER: copy second MR-BROWSERPARTS ] MR-ADOBE: copy "" MR-REMIT: copy "" foreach [PKG VER] INSTALLED-SOFTWARE [ if find/any PKG "Adobe Acrobat*" [ append MR-ADOBE PKG append MR-ADOBE rejoin [ ", " VER " " ] ] ] if equal? MR-ADOBE "" [ MR-ADOBE: " " ] append MR-PAGE build-markup MR-HTML-ROW append MR-PAGE newline ] ] [ ;; -- the file does not exist MR-MODEL: "unknown" MR-WINDOWS: "unknown" MR-MEMORY: "unknown" MR-ADOBE: "unknown" append MR-PAGE build-markup MR-HTML-ROW append MR-PAGE newline ] ;; -- end of existence check ] append MR-PAGE MR-HTML-FOOT append MR-PAGE newline write MR-FILENAME MR-PAGE browse MR-FILENAME ;halt