Title: "Capture console output"
    Purpose: {Turn on the "echo" port so that console output goes
    there, and make "there" a text file.}

;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]
;; [ This script was taken from here:                                          ]
;; [        ]
;; [ with the plan of making it part of a little "development environment."    ]
;; [ The way it would be used would be for a main program to launch another    ]
;; [ REBOL program, and then that other program would execute this function    ]
;; [ and then halt.  The halt would bring up the REBOL console with output     ]
;; [ going to the specified file.  That REBOL console with its captured        ]
;; [ output then would be used for running various commands, with the output   ]
;; [ saved for later examination.                                              ]
;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]

    "Copies console output to a file."
    target [file! none! logic!]
    if port? system/ports/echo [
        close system/ports/echo
        system/ports/echo: none
    if target = true [target: %rebol-echo.txt]
    if file? target [
        system/ports/echo: throw-on-error [
            either not append [
                open/write/new/direct target
            ] [
                target: open/direct target
                skip target 4294967295 ; highest int should move to the end

;;Uncomment to test
;CAPTURE-CONSOLE %ConsoleOutput.txt