Title: "Wiki"
    Date: 24-Dec-2002
    Name: 'Wiki
    Version: 3.3.2
    File: %wiki.r
    Author: "Andrew Martin"
    Purpose: {Implements a Wiki using Rebol and the Xitami webserver.}
    Comments: {
^-^-In %/Xitami/xitami.cfg -- the Xitami configuration file,
^-^-in the [Mime] section, add:
^-^-^-to allow the hypertext component to be sent.
^-^-Caution: Hypertext components only work with MSIE!
^-^-Also, change:
^-^-^-so as to correctly set the MIME for JavaScript files.
    library: [
        level: 'advanced
        platform: none
        type: 'tool
        domain: [other-net markup]
        tested-under: none
        support: none
        license: none
        see-also: none
Wiki_Files: %/C/Rebol/Wiki/Files/
if not value? 'Values [	; Rebol/Core doesn't run %User.r.
	do %/C/Rebol/Values/Values.r
if none? Rebol/options/cgi/script-name [
	use [Remote] [
		Remote: %/C/Xitami/cgi-bin/
		foreach File read %. [
			if #"/" != last File [
				write/binary Remote/:File read/binary File
		browse rejoin [http://localhost/cgi-bin/ Rebol/script/header/File #"?"]
Script_URL: join make url! compose [
	http (join Rebol/options/cgi/server-name Rebol/options/cgi/script-name)
	] #"?"
Deplus: func [Value [string!]] [
	replace/all dehex replace/all Value #"+" #" " CRLF newline
Encode: func [File [file!]] [
	replace/all to-string copy File #" " "%20"
CGI_Script_File: to-file Rebol/options/cgi/script-name
Folder_File?: func [Folder [file!] File [file!]] [
	any [
		if #"/" != first Folder [
		if %/ = Folder [
		all [
			Folder: remove copy Folder
Wiki_File: function [Folder [file!] Page [time! date! string!]] [File] [
	File: any [
		if time? Page [
			replace/all form Page #":" #"="
		if date? Page [
			form Page
	if not empty? File [
		File: join to-file File %.txt
	if #"/" = first File: Folder/:File [
		remove File
UnWiki_File: function [File [file!]] [Ext Name] [
	if %.bak = Ext: extension? File [
		return none
	if %.txt = Ext [
		Clear_Extension File
		Name: name? File
		parse Name [
			[1 2 Digit #"-" 3 Alpha #"-" 4 Digit end] (
				replace/all File #"-" #"/"
			[1 2 Digit #"=" 1 2 Digit opt [#"=" 2 Digit] end] (
				replace/all File #"=" #":"
Folder_Button: function [Folder [file!]] [Name] [
	Name: join name? Folder #"/"
	if all [
		#"/" = first Folder
		1 < length? Folder
		] [
		Folder: next Folder
	compose/deep [
		input/type/value/onclick/title/class "button" (Name) (
			rejoin ["window.location='" Script_URL either %/ = Folder [""] [Folder] {'}]
			) (rejoin ["Click to change folder to: " Name]) "Folders"
Folder_Buttons: function [Folder [file!] Page [file! string! time! date! none!]] [Buttons] [
	if #"/" != first Folder [
		Folder: head insert copy Folder #"/"
	Buttons: make block! 100
	if none? Page [
		Folder: folder? Folder
	if Folder [
		until [
			append Buttons Folder_Button Folder
			none? Folder: folder? Folder
		compose/deep [form [(Buttons)]]
See-Other: func [URL [url!]] [
	print rejoin [
		Rebol/options/cgi/server-protocol " 303 See Other" newline
		"Location: " URL newline
Envelope: func [Title [string!] Body [block!]] [
	content-type 'text/html
	print newline
	print ML compose/deep [
		html [
			head [
				title (Title)
				link/rel/type/href "stylesheet" "text/css" (%Tablesort.css)
				script/type/src "text/javascript" (%TableSort.js) ""
				link/rel/type/href "stylesheet" "text/css" (%Wiki.css)
				script/type/src "text/javascript" (%Wiki.js) ""

				;link/rel/type/href "stylesheet" "text/css" (%HtmlArea.css)
				;script/type/src "text/javascript" (%HtmlArea.js) ""

Nice: func [Title [string!] Folder [file!] Page [file! string! time! date! none!] Center [block!] /Edit] [
	Envelope reform [rebol/script/header/Title #"-" Title] compose/deep [
		body [
			div/id "Left_Column" [
				(Folder_Buttons Folder Page)
				(Search_Pages/GUI Page)
				(if Edit [Edit_Page/GUI Folder Page])
			div/id "Center_Column" [
Choose_Page: func [
	Title [string!] Folder [file! none!] Files [block!]
	Page [string! time! date!]
	] [
	Nice Title Folder Page compose/deep [
		h1 (Title)
		p/class "Initial" [
			{Matches for: "} span/class "Hilight" (Page) (
				if %/ != Folder [
					compose [{", in the folder: "} span/class "Hilight" (Folder)]
				) {"; include: }
		ul [(
			map Files func [File [file!]] [
				compose/deep [
					li [
						a/href (
							rejoin [
								Rebol/options/cgi/script-name #"?"
								either #"/" = last File [""] [#"/"]
								Encode Folder_File? Folder File
Match_Name: make object! [
	Title: "Match"
	Action: function [Folder [file!] Page [string! time! date!]] [Files] [
		Files: map map recursive-read Wiki_Files/:Folder :UnWiki_File func [File [file!]] [
			if found? find name? File Page [
		if empty? Files [
			See-Other join Script_URL join Folder Page
		if 1 = length? Files [
			See-Other join Script_URL join Folder first Files
		Choose_Page Title Folder Files Page
	Folder: %/
	Page: none
	set 'Match_Name^ compose [
		opt [set Folder file!] set Page [string! | time! | date!] 'Elipsis end
		(make paren! [Action Folder Page])
Search_Pages: make object! [
	Title: "Search"
	Action: function [Phrase [file! string! time! date!]] [Results Index Text] [
		Phrase: form Phrase
		Results: map recursive-read Wiki_Files func [File [file!]] [
			if all [
				%.txt = extension? File
				found? Index: find Text: read Wiki_Files/:File Phrase
				] [
				File: UnWiki_File File
				compose/deep [
					tbody [
						tr [
							td [
								(rejoin ["..." copy/part Index -35])
								span/class "Hilight" (copy/part Index length? Phrase)
								(append copy/part at Index 1 + length? Phrase 35 "...")
							td [a/href (rejoin [CGI_Script_File #"?" File]) (File)]
		Nice rejoin [Title ": " Phrase] %/ Phrase compose/deep [
			table/onclick "sortColumn(event)" [thead [tr [th "Results" th "Page"]] (Results)]
	Phrase: none
	set 'Search_Pages^ compose [
		(to-lit-word Title) set Phrase [file! | string! | time! | date!] end (
			make paren! [Action Phrase]
	GUI: function [Phrase [file! string! time! date! none!]] [Hint] [
		Hint: either none? Phrase [
			Phrase: ""
			{Click button to search for phrase in every page.}
			] [
			rejoin [
				{Click button to search for '} Phrase {' in every page.}
		compose/deep [
			form/id/name/method/action (Title) (Title) "GET" (CGI_Script_File) [
				label [
					(rejoin [Title #" " Rebol/script/header/title ": "]) br
					input/type/name/value/title "text" (join Magic Title) (form Phrase)
						"Enter the search phrase here."
				input/type/value/title "submit" (Title) (Hint)
Magic: #"*"
Random_Page: make object! [
	Title: "Random"
	Action: has [Files File Ext] [
		random/seed now
		Files: random recursive-read Wiki_Files
		File: foreach File Files [
			Ext: extension? File
			if %.txt = Ext [
				Clear_Extension File
			if %.bak != Ext [
				break/return File
		See-Other rejoin [Script_URL File]
	set 'Random_Page^ compose [(to-lit-word Title) (Title) end (make paren! [Action])]
	GUI: does [
		compose/deep [
			form/id/name/method/action (Title) (Title) "GET" (CGI_Script_File) [
				input/type/name/value "hidden" (join Magic Title) (Title)
				input/type/value/title "submit" (Title) "Click for a random page"
Save_Page: make object! [
	Title: "Save"
	Action: function [Folder [file!] Page [string! time! date!] Text [string!]] [File] [
		File: Wiki_File Folder Page
		either empty? Text [
			if exists? Wiki_Files/:File [
				delete Wiki_Files/:File
			See-Other rejoin [Script_URL Encode Folder]
			] [
			either exists? Wiki_Files/:File [
				write extension Wiki_Files/:File %.bak read Wiki_Files/:File
				] [
				md/deep folder? Wiki_Files/:File
			write Wiki_Files/:File Text
			See-Other rejoin [Script_URL Encode Folder Encode to-file Page]
	Page: Folder: Text: none
	set 'Save_Page^ compose [
		'Page set Page [string! | time! | date!]
		'Folder set Folder file!
		'Text set Text string! end
		(make paren! [Action Folder Page Text])
	GUI: func [Folder [file!] Page [time! date! string!] Text [string!]] [
		compose/deep [
			form/id/name/method/action (Title) (Title) "POST" (CGI_Script_File) [
				h1 (Page)
				input/type/name/value "hidden" (join Magic "Page") (Page)
				input/type/name/value "hidden" (join Magic "Folder") (to-string Folder)
				textarea/name/rows/cols/wrap/style (join Magic "Text") 25 80 "virtual" "width:100%;" (Text)
				;textarea/name/id/style "*Text" "*Text" "width:100%; height:200" [(eText/Wiki/Base Text Script_URL)]
				;script/language "javascript1.2" {
				;	editor_generate('*Text');
				;	}
				input/type/value/title "submit" "Save" "Saves your changes"
Get_Page: function [Folder [file!] Page [time! date! string!]] [File Title] [
	File: Wiki_File Folder Page
	either exists? Wiki_Files/:File [
		read Wiki_Files/:File
		] [
		rejoin [
			Title: form Page newline
			head insert/dup copy "" #"*" length? Title newline
			either date? Page [rejoin [weekday? Page newline]] [""]
Edit_Page: make object! [
	Title: "Edit"
	Action: function [Folder [file!] Page [time! date! string!]] [File] [
		File: Wiki_File Folder Page
		Envelope reform [Page #"-" Rebol/script/header/Title] compose/deep [
			body [
				div/id "Left_Column" [
					(Folder_Buttons Folder Page)
				div/id "Center_Column" [
					(Save_Page/GUI Folder Page Get_Page Folder Page)
	Folder: %/
	Page: none
	set 'Edit_Page^ compose [
		'Folder set Folder file! 'Edit set Page [time! | date! | string!] end
		(make paren! [Action Folder Page])
	GUI: func [Folder [file!] Page [time! date! string!]] [
		compose/deep [
			form/id/name/method/action (Title) (Title) "GET" (CGI_Script_File) [
				input/type/name/value "hidden" (join Magic "Folder") (to-string Folder)
				input/type/name/value "hidden" (join Magic Title) (Page)
				input/type/value/title "submit" "Edit" "Click to edit this page"
make object! [
	View_Page: function [Folder [file!] Page [string! time! date!]] [Files File] [
		File: Wiki_File Folder Page
		Nice/Edit reform [Page #"-" Rebol/script/header/Title] Folder Page compose/deep [
			(eText/Wiki/Base Get_Page Folder Page Script_URL)
	Hunt: function [Page [string! time! date!]] [Files File Folder] [
		Files: map recursive-read Wiki_Files func [File [file!]] [
			if all [
				%.txt = extension? File
				Page = name? Unwiki_File File
				] [
		if empty? Files [
			View_Page %/ Page
		if 1 = length? Files [
			File: first Files
			Folder: folder? File
			either Folder [
				See-Other rejoin [Script_URL File]
				] [
				View_Page %/ Page
		if 1 < length? Files [
			Choose_Page "View" %/ Files Page
	Folder: Page: none
	set 'View_Page^ [
		opt [set Folder file!] set Page [string! | time! | date!] end (
			either none? Folder [
				Hunt Page
				] [
				View_Page Folder Page
Delete_Folder: make object! [
	Title: "Delete"
	Action: func [Folder [file!]] [
		delete-dir Wiki_Files/:Folder
		See-Other rejoin [Script_URL any [Folder? Folder ""]]
	Folder: none
	set 'Delete_Folder^ compose [
		(to-lit-word Title) set Folder file! end (make paren! [Action Folder])
	GUI: func [Folder [file!]] [
		compose/deep [
			form/method/action "GET" (CGI_Script_File) [
				input/type/name/value "hidden" (join Magic Title) (to-string Folder)
				input/type/value/title "submit" (Title) "Click to delete folder."
View_Folder: function [Folder [file!]] [Links] [
	if dir? Wiki_Files/:Folder [
		Links: map map read Wiki_Files/:Folder :UnWiki_File func [File [file!]] [
			compose/deep [
				li [
					a/href (
						rejoin [
							Rebol/options/cgi/script-name #"?"
							either #"/" = last File [""] [#"/"]
							Encode Folder_File? Folder
		Nice form Folder Folder none compose/deep [
			h1 (form Folder)
				either empty? Links [
					Delete_Folder/GUI Folder
					] [
					reduce ['ul Links]
Mime-Data: func [Mime [path!] Data [binary!]] [
	print ["Content-Type:" :Mime newline]
	write-io system/ports/output Data length? Data
View_File: func [Folder [file!] File [file!]] [
	if exists? Wiki_Files/:Folder/:File [
		; See:;EN-US;Q260519&
		; See:
		if found? find [%.js %.r %.css %.csv %.doc %.rtf %.sdw %.txt] extension? File [
			print rejoin ["Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" File]
		Mime-Data any [
			select [
				%.bmp image/bmp
				%.css text/css
				%.csv text/csv
; text/plain text/csv text/comma-separated-values text/x-csv application/csv
; application/ application/x-excel application/x-msexcel
				%.gif image/gif
				%.htm text/html
				%.html text/html
				%.jpg image/jpeg
				%.js text/javascript
				%.pdf application/pdf
				%.png image/png
				%.r	text/x-rebol
				%.rtf text/richtext	; application/rtf
				%.svg image/svg+xml
				%.tif image/tiff
				%.tiff image/tiff
				%.txt text/plain
				%.wav audio/wav
				%.xml text/xml
				%.xsl text/xml application/x-zip-compressed	; application/unzip
				] Extension? File
			] read/binary Wiki_Files/:Folder/:File
Column_Type: function [Column [string!]] [Type] [
	if Type: find Column #":" [
		Column: copy/part Column Type
		Type: copy/part next Type tail Type
	reduce [Column Type]
CSV_Page: function [Folder [file!] File [file!]] [CSV Columns Title] [
	if all [
		%.csv = extension? File
		exists? Wiki_Files/:Folder/:File
		] [
		CSV: read/lines Wiki_Files/:Folder/:File
		Columns: parse/all CSV/1 ","
		Title: reform [name? File]
		Envelope reform [rebol/script/header/Title #"-" Title] compose/deep [
			body [
				object/id/classid "oTable" "clsid:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83" [
					param/name/value "DataURL" (
						rejoin [
							make url! compose [
								http (rejoin [Rebol/options/cgi/server-name folder? CGI_Script_File %Alias.r])
							Encode Folder
							Encode File
					param/name/value "UseHeader" "True"
					param/name/value "CharSet" "ISO-8859-1"
				div/id "Left_Column" [
					(Folder_Buttons Folder File)
					(Search_Pages/GUI form File)
				div/id "Center_Column" [
					h1 (Title)
					h2 "Filter"
					label [
						"Column: " select/id "Column" [(
							use [Block Type] [
								Block: make block! 2 * length? Columns
								foreach Column Columns [
									set [Column Type] Column_Type Column
									append Block compose/deep [
										option/value (Column) (Column)
					select/id "Criteria" [
						option/value "<" "<"	; <
						option/value "<=" "<="	; <=
						option/value/selected "=" "selected" "="	; =
						option/value ">=" ">="	; >=
						option/value ">" ">"	; >
						option/value "<>" "<>"	; <> -- not equal.
					label [
						"Value: " input/type/id/value "text" "Value" ""
					input/type/value/onclick "button" "Filter" "Filter ()"
					input/type/value/onclick "button" "Reset" "Reset ()"
					script/language "JavaScript" {
						function Filter () {
							oTable.FilterColumn= Column.options[Column.selectedIndex].value;
							oTable.FilterValue= Value.value;
							oTable.Reset ();
						function Reset () {
							oTable.FilterColumn= "";
							oTable.FilterCriterion= "";
							oTable.FilterValue= "no data";
							Value.value= "";
							oTable.Reset ();
					table/id/datasrc/border/cellspacing "hTable" #oTable 1 0 [
						thead [
							tr [(
								use [Block Type] [
									Block: make block! 5 * length? Columns
									foreach Column Columns [
										set [Column Type] Column_Type Column
										append Block compose/deep [
											"CSV" "MouseUp (this)" "MouseDown (this)"
												rejoin [
													{Sort_Column ('}
													{', this)}
												) [(Column)]
						tbody [
							tr [(
								use [Block Type Right] [
									Block: make block! 2 * length? Columns
									foreach Column Columns [
										set [Column Type] Column_Type Column
										Right: find ["Float" "Int"] Type
										append Block compose/deep either Right [
												td/align "right" [
													span/datafld (Column) ""
												td [
													span/datafld (Column) ""
					p/class "Initial" [
						"Records: " (-1 + length? CSV) #"."
RNV_Contents: function [Folder [file!] File [file!]] [Blocks Index Name Title] [
	if not all [
		%.rnv = extension? File
		exists? Wiki_Files/:Folder/:File
		] [
	RNV/Directory: Wiki_Files/:Folder
	Blocks: RNV/Value to-word name? File
	Index: make block! 2 * length? Blocks
	Name: to-word name? File
	repeat Block length? Blocks [
		insert tail Index reduce [
			RNV/Name Blocks/:Block Name Block
	sort/skip Index 2
	Nice Title: name? File Folder File compose/deep [
		h1 (Title)
		ul [(
			map Index func [Name Index [integer!]] [
				compose/deep [
					li [a/href (rejoin [Script_URL Folder File #"/" Index]) (form Name)]
RNV_Page: function [
	Folder [file!] File [file!] Index [integer! string!]
	] [Blocks Block Filename BlockName Name Phrase PageName Values] [
	if not all [
		%.rnv = extension? File
		exists? Wiki_Files/:Folder/:File
		] [
	RNV/Directory: Wiki_Files/:Folder
	Blocks: RNV/Value to-word name? File
	Filename: name? File
	BlockName: to-word Filename
	if string? Index [
		Phrase: Index
		Index: any [
			repeat Index length? Blocks [
				if all [
					Name: Blocks/:Index/:BlockName
					Phrase = form Name
					] [
					break/return Index
			repeat Index length? Blocks [
				if all [
					Name: Blocks/:Index/:BlockName
					found? find form Name Phrase
					] [
					break/return Index
	Block: pick Blocks Index
	Title: rejoin [
		Filename #"/" PageName: any [
			select Block BlockName
			RNV/Name Block BlockName
	Nice Title join Folder File form PageName compose/deep [
		h1 (Title)
		table/onclick "sortColumn(event)" [
			thead [
				tr [
					th "Name" th "Value"
			tbody [(
				map Block func [Name Value] [
					compose/deep [
						tr [
							td (join Name ": ") td [(
								any [
									if all [word? Name integer? Value Name != BlockName] [
										compose [
											a/href (
												rejoin [
													Script_URL Folder Name %.rnv #"/" Value
												) (
												form RNV/NameValue Name Value
									if all [word? Name block? Value] [
										Value: sort/skip map Value func [Value [integer!]] [
											reduce [
												RNV/NameValue Name Value
												rejoin [
													Script_URL Folder Name %.rnv #"/" Value
											] 2
										Values: remove map Value func [Click Link] [
											compose/deep [br a/href (Link) [(form Click)]]
										either empty? Values [
											] [
									if all [file? Value %.png = extension? Value] [
										compose [
											img/src (
												rejoin [Script_URL Folder Name #"/" Value]
									form Value
File_Upload: make object! [
	Action: func [Folder [file!] File [file!] Content [string!] Mime [path!] Data [binary!]] [
		if (extension? File) = to-file find/last Content #"." [
			File: Folder/:File
			if exists? File [
				write/binary Extension Wiki_Files/:File %.bak read/binary Wiki_Files/:File
			write/binary Wiki_Files/:File Data
			See-Other rejoin [Script_URL Folder? File]
	Folder: File: Content: Mime: Data: none
	set 'File_Upload^ compose [
		'Folder set Folder string! 'File set File string!
		'Content set Content string! set Mime path! set Data binary! end
		(make paren! [Action to-file Folder to-file File Content Mime Data])
	Page: function [Folder [file!] File [file!]] [Title] [
		Nice Title: "File Upload" Folder name? File compose/deep [
			h1 (Title)
			p/class "Initial" [
				{Folder: "} span/class "Hilight" (Folder)
				{"; File: "} span/class "Hilight" (File) {".}
			form/enctype/method/action "multipart/form-data" "POST" (CGI_Script_File) [
				input/type/name/value "hidden" "Folder" (to-string Folder)
				input/type/name/value "hidden" "File" (File)
				label ["Your file: " input/type/name/value "file" "Content" (File)] br
				input/type/value/title "submit" (Title) "Click button to upload file to Wiki"
Query_String: any [
	if "GET" = Rebol/options/cgi/request-method [
	if "POST" = Rebol/options/cgi/request-method [
		use [Length] [
			Query_String: make string! 2 +
				Length: to-integer Rebol/options/cgi/content-length
			read-io Rebol/ports/input Query_String Length
if any [
	none? Query_String
	empty? Query_String
	] [
	View_Folder %/
Decode_Multipart: function [String [string!]] [Block Disposition Divider Name Value Type] [
	Block: make block! 10
	Disposition: [{Content-Disposition: form-data; name="} copy Name some Alpha {"}]
	parse/all String [
		copy Divider [some #"-" some Graphic] (insert Divider CRLF)
		some [
			Disposition CRLF
			copy Value to Divider (repend Block [to-word Name Value])
		Disposition {; filename="} copy Value to {"} skip CRLF (
			repend Block [to-word Name Value]
		"Content-Type: " copy Value [some Alpha #"/" some [Alpha | #"-" | #"+"]] CRLF (
			append/only Block load Value
		copy Value to Divider (append Block to-binary Value) Divider "--" CRLF
Decode_Magic_CGI: function [
	{Converts CGI argument string to a block of set-words and value strings.}
	Args [any-string!] "Starts at first argument word."
	] [
	Block Word Attr Value
	] [
	Block: make block! 7
	parse/all Args [
		some [
			Magic copy Word some Alpha #"=" (
				append Block to-word Word
			[copy Attr to #"&" skip | copy Attr to end]
				append Block either none? Attr [
					copy ""
					] [
					Attr: Deplus Attr
					either parse/all Attr [
						copy Value [Date^ | Time^] (Value: load Value)
						| copy Value [Folder-File^ | Folder^ | File^] (Value: to-file Value)
						] [
						] [
Command: []
make object! [
	Forbidden: {:*?"<>|/\.}	; A Wiki/Windows file name cannot contain any of these characters.
	Permitted: complement charset Forbidden
	Elipsis?: false
	Elipsis^: [opt ["..." (Elipsis?: true)]]
	Value: none
	Time: [copy Value Time^ Elipsis^ (Value: load Value)]
	Date: [copy Value Date^ Elipsis^ (Value: load Value)]
	File: [copy Value File^ (Value: to-file Deplus Value)]
	Name: [copy Value some Permitted Elipsis^ (Value: Deplus Value)]
	Folder: [copy Value Folder^ (Value: to-file Deplus Value)]
	Folder-File: [copy Value Folder-File^ (Value: to-file Deplus Value)]
	Folder_Start: Folder_End: none
	all [
		any [
			not empty? Command: Decode_Multipart Query_String
			not empty? Command: Decode_Magic_CGI Query_String
			all [
				parse Folder_Start: Query_String [
					some [
						[Time | Date | File | Name end] (
							if Elipsis? [
								push Command 'Elipsis
							push Command Value
						| skip Folder_End:
				any [
					none? Folder_End
					parse copy/part Folder_Start Folder_End [Folder (push Command Value)]
Do_Command: has [Folder File Index] [
	parse Command [
		| Random_Page^
		| Edit_Page^
		| Save_Page^
		| Match_Name^
		| Delete_Folder^
		| Search_Pages^
		| set Folder file! set Index string! set File file! (
			parse Index [
				Digits end (Index: to-integer Index)
			RNV_Page Folder File Index
		| set Folder file! set File file! end (
			RNV_Contents Folder File
			CSV_Page Folder File
			View_File Folder File
			File_Upload/Page Folder File
		| set File file! end (
			either #"/" = last File [
				View_Folder Folder: File
				md/deep Wiki_Files/:Folder
				View_Folder Folder
				] [
				Folder: %/
				RNV_Contents Folder File
				CSV_Page Folder File
				View_File Folder File
				File_Upload/Page Folder File
		| View_Page^
Envelope Rebol/script/header/Title compose/deep [
	body [
		div/id "Center_Column" [
			h1 (Rebol/script/header/Title)
			p/class "Initial" [
				"Command: " (mold Command) " is unknown!"