Title: "Web Page Link Displayer"
    Date: 20-May-1999
    File: %weblinks.r
    Purpose: "Display all of the web links found on a page."
    library: [
        level: 'intermediate 
        platform: 'all 
        type: none 
        domain: [web other-net text-processing parse] 
        tested-under: none 
        support: none 
        license: none 
        see-also: none
    Version: 1.0.0
    Author: "Anonymous"

tags: make block! 100
text: make string! 8000
html-code: [
    copy tag ["<" thru ">"] (append tags tag) | 
    copy txt to "<" (append text txt)
page: read
parse page [to "<" some html-code]
foreach tag tags [
    if parse tag [""]
        to end
    ][print link]