Title: "error-logger"
    Date: 10-Dec-2001/20:08:05+1:00
    Version: 1.2.0
    File: %error-logger.r
    Author: "Volker"
    Usage: {

find "test: [", kill all below and do this script,
or copy the functions to yours.

Following Docu thanks to Sunanda :

Problem: Rebol error messages give way to little context. Useful for 
development maybe, but underpowered for code deployed in the field.

Volker's solution.

1. Be structured. Embed all Funcs in Objects:

  MyObject1: [Myfunc1: func [...] [...]
                    Myfunc2: func [...] [...]

  MyObject2: [Myfunc1: func [...] [...]
                    Myfunc2: func [...] [...]

This is pretty good practice anyway.

2. For any of these functions you want a better set of reporting on, defined 
the with the Logged marker word:

  MyObject1: [Myfunc1: logged func [...] [...]
                    Myfunc2: func [...] [...]

  MyObject2: [Myfunc1: logged func [...] [...]
                    Myfunc2: logged func [...] [...]

(So for some reason, I've decided not to get a better oversight on 

3. Before you make your first object call, run Volker's initialisation code:

Logging MyObject1
Logging MyObject2

(This replaces the 'logged marker word with some magic).

Thanks Volker!
    Purpose: {give better error feedback. logs a kind of stack-trace on error.}
    History: [
    1.2.0 "thanks to Sunanda real docu :)" 
    1.1.0 "logged/logging to have more service added" 
    1.0.1 "error without log-file, fixed"
    library: [
        level: none 
        platform: none 
        type: 'tool 
        domain: none 
        tested-under: none 
        support: none 
        license: none 
        see-also: none
;control your logging here
;note i prefer logs with newest entries at top,
;otherwise i could use write/append ;-)
insert-error-log: func [msg] [
    msg: rejoin [newline mold now newline msg]
    print msg
    if not exists? log-file: %error-log.txt [write log-file ""]
    (write log-file join msg read log-file)
mission: func [
    {like throw-on-error, but on error string is printed and logged.}
    string "mission-name"
    blk [block!]
] [
    if error? set/any 'blk try blk [
        msg: reform [
            ">>>mission failed>>>" newline
            "mission" remold string "error:" newline
            form-error disarm blk newline