file: %dicomparser.r
	title: "Parser for Dicom Header"
    version: 1.0.0
    author: "Willem Michiels"
    purpose: "Parse dicom headers"
	date: 7-Apr-2008
	library: [
        level: 'intermediate
        platform: 'all
        type: [tool protocol]
        domain: [dialects parse]
        tested-under: none
        support: none
        license: mit
        see-also: none
	requirements: "rebdb from dobeash, dcmDict.ctl and dcmDict.dat"
	notes: "the contents of dcmDict.ctl an dcmDict.dat can be found at the end of this script as a comment.  Copy these lines to separate files in order to be able to use implicit little endian."

do %db.r

vrNumber: ["AS" "FL" "FD" "SL" "SS" "UL" "US"]
vrString: ["AE" "AT" "CS" "DA" "DS" "DT" "IS" "LO" "LT" "OF" "PN" "SH" "ST" "TM" "UI" "UT"]
vrOther: ["OB" "OW" "SQ" "UN"]

Implicit_VR_Little_Endian: "1.2.840.10008.1.2"  
Explicit_VR_Little_Endian: "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1" 

checkVl: func [vr vl] [
	; if (find ["IS"] vr)	[ if not (vl <= 12) ["vl not correct"]]
	; if (find ["AE" "CS" "DS" "SH"	"TM"] vr) [ if not (vl <= 16) ["vl not correct"] ]
	if (find ["SS" "US"] vr)	[ if not (vl <= 2) [vl: 2] ]
	if (find ["AS" "AT" "FL" "SL" "UL"] vr)	[ if not (vl <= 4) [vl: 4] ]
	if (find ["DA" "FD"] vr) [ if not (vl <= 8) [vl: 8] ]
	; if (find ["DT"] vr) [ if not (vl <= 26) ["vl not correct"] ]
	; if (find ["LO" "UI"] vr) [ if not (vl <= 64) ["vl not correct"] ]
	; if (find ["PN"] vr) [ if not (vl <= (5 x 64)) ["vl not correct"] ]
	; if (find ["ST"] vr) [ if not (vl <= 1024) ["vl not correct"] ]
	; if (find ["LT"] vr) [ if not (vl <= 10240) ["vl not correct"] ]
	; if (find ["UT"] vr) [ if not (vl <= ((power 2 32) - 2)) ["vl not correct"] ]
	; if (find ["OF"] vr) [  if not (vl <= ((power 2 32) - 4)) ["vl not correct"] ]
	; "OB", "OW", "UN"		"SQ"
	return vl

parseDcmHeader: function [data] [][;[result group element transferSyntax vl vr value] [
    result: copy []
	take/part data 128
	take/part data 4
	transferSyntax: "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1" 
	; while [ not all [ group = #{7FE0} element = #{0010} ]] [
	while [not empty? data][
        ; determine data group
        group: reverse take/part data 2
        ;determine data element
        element:  reverse take/part data 2
		if all [ group = #{7FE0} element = #{0010} ] [
			return result
        ;determine  vr, not to be done for tags (FFFE,E000), (FFFE,E00D) and (FFFE,E0DD)
        either group = #{FFFE} [
			vr = "NA"
			either any [ group = #{0002} transferSyntax = "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1" ][
				; print "vr is included in file, database not needed"
				vr: to-string take/part data 2
				; print "looking for vr in database" 
				vr: to-string db-select/where vr dcmdict [all [dataGroup = :group dataElement = :element]]
        ;determine  value length
		either group = #{FFFE} [
			vl: to-integer reverse take/part data 4
			either any [ group = #{0002} transferSyntax = "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1" ] [
				either  find union vrNumber vrString vr [
					vl: to-integer reverse take/part data 2
					take/part data 2
					vl: to-integer reverse take/part data 4
				vl: to-integer reverse take/part data 4
		; vl: checkVl vr vl
        ; determine  value
		either any [group = #{FFFE} vr = "SQ"] [	
			value: ""
			value: take/part data vl
			if find vrString vr [value: trim to-string value]
			if find vrNumber vr [value: trim to-string to-integer reverse value]
			if find vrOther vr [value: trim to-string value]
			; if "SQ" = vr [value: parsedcmheader value]
			; if group = #{FFFE} [
				; if find [#{E000} #{E00D} #{E0DD}] element  [value: ""]
			; ]
		if all [ group = #{0002} element = #{0010} ] [ 
			transferSyntax: trim copy value
			; print [ "transfersyntax found in meta-header is -"transferSyntax"-"]
		; print reduce [group element vr vl value]
		append/only result reduce [group element vr vl value]
    ; print result
    return result

ppHeader: function [data] [element] [
	foreach element data [
		prin element
		print ""

dumpHeader: function [data destination] [] [
	write destination ""
	foreach line data [
		write/append destination reduce [mold line/1 "    " mold line/2 "    " line/3 "    " line/4 "    " line/5 newline]

comment [the following line is the content of dcmDict.ctl
Columns [dataGroup dataElement vr description]

comment [the following lines are the contents of dcmDict.dat
#{0000} #{0000} "UL" "CommandGroupLength" 
#{0000} #{0002} "UI" "AffectedSOPClassUID" 
#{0000} #{0003} "UI" "RequestedSOPClassUID" 
#{0000} #{0100} "US" "CommandField" 
#{0000} #{0110} "US" "MessageID" 
#{0000} #{0120} "US" "MessageIDBeingRespondedTo" 
#{0000} #{0600} "AE" "MoveDestination" 
#{0000} #{0700} "US" "Priority" 
#{0000} #{0800} "US" "DataSetType" 
#{0000} #{0900} "US" "Status" 
#{0000} #{0901} "AT" "OffendingElement" 
#{0000} #{0902} "LO" "ErrorComment" 
#{0000} #{0903} "US" "ErrorID" 
#{0000} #{1000} "UI" "AffectedSOPInstanceUID" 
#{0000} #{1001} "UI" "RequestedSOPInstanceUID" 
#{0000} #{1002} "US" "EventTypeID" 
#{0000} #{1005} "AT" "AttributeIdentifierList" 
#{0000} #{1008} "US" "ActionTypeID" 
#{0000} #{1020} "US" "NumberOfRemainingSuboperations" 
#{0000} #{1021} "US" "NumberOfCompletedSuboperations" 
#{0000} #{1022} "US" "NumberOfFailedSuboperations" 
#{0000} #{1023} "US" "NumberOfWarningSuboperations" 
#{0000} #{1030} "AE" "MoveOriginatorApplicationEntityTitle" 
#{0000} #{1031} "US" "MoveOriginatorMessageID" 
#{0002} #{0000} "UL" "MetaElementGroupLength" 
#{0002} #{0001} "OB" "FileMetaInformationVersion" 
#{0002} #{0002} "UI" "MediaStorageSOPClassUID" 
#{0002} #{0003} "UI" "MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID" 
#{0002} #{0010} "UI" "TransferSyntaxUID" 
#{0002} #{0012} "UI" "ImplementationClassUID" 
#{0002} #{0013} "SH" "ImplementationVersionName" 
#{0002} #{0016} "AE" "SourceApplicationEntityTitle" 
#{0002} #{0100} "UI" "PrivateInformationCreatorUID" 
#{0002} #{0102} "OB" "PrivateInformation" 
#{0004} #{0000} "UL" "FileSetGroupLength" 
#{0004} #{1130} "CS" "FileSetID" 
#{0004} #{1141} "CS" "FileSetDescriptorFileID" 
#{0004} #{1142} "CS" "SpecificCharacterSetOfFileSetDescriptorFile" 
#{0004} #{1200} "up" {OffsetOfTheFirstDirectoryRecordOfTheRootDirectoryEntity} 
#{0004} #{1202} "up" {OffsetOfTheLastDirectoryRecordOfTheRootDirectoryEntity} 
#{0004} #{1212} "US" "FileSetConsistencyFlag" 
#{0004} #{1220} "SQ" "DirectoryRecordSequence" 
#{0004} #{1400} "up" "OffsetOfTheNextDirectoryRecord" 
#{0004} #{1410} "US" "RecordInUseFlag" 
#{0004} #{1420} "up" "OffsetOfReferencedLowerLevelDirectoryEntity" 
#{0004} #{1430} "CS" "DirectoryRecordType" 
#{0004} #{1432} "UI" "PrivateRecordUID" 
#{0004} #{1500} "CS" "ReferencedFileID" 
#{0004} #{1504} "up" "MRDRDirectoryRecordOffset" 
#{0004} #{1510} "UI" "ReferencedSOPClassUIDInFile" 
#{0004} #{1511} "UI" "ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDInFile" 
#{0004} #{1512} "UI" "ReferencedTransferSyntaxUIDInFile" 
#{0004} #{151A} "UI" "ReferencedRelatedGeneralSOPClassUIDInFile" 
#{0004} #{1600} "UL" "NumberOfReferences" 
#{0008} #{0000} "UL" "IdentifyingGroupLength" 
#{0008} #{0005} "CS" "SpecificCharacterSet" 
#{0008} #{0008} "CS" "ImageType" 
#{0008} #{0012} "DA" "InstanceCreationDate" 
#{0008} #{0013} "TM" "InstanceCreationTime" 
#{0008} #{0014} "UI" "InstanceCreatorUID" 
#{0008} #{0016} "UI" "SOPClassUID" 
#{0008} #{0018} "UI" "SOPInstanceUID" 
#{0008} #{001A} "UI" "RelatedGeneralSOPClassUID" 
#{0008} #{001B} "UI" "OriginalSpecializedSOPClassUID" 
#{0008} #{0020} "DA" "StudyDate" 
#{0008} #{0021} "DA" "SeriesDate" 
#{0008} #{0022} "DA" "AcquisitionDate" 
#{0008} #{0023} "DA" "ContentDate" 
#{0008} #{0024} "DA" "OverlayDate" 
#{0008} #{0025} "DA" "CurveDate" 
#{0008} #{002A} "DT" "AcquisitionDatetime" 
#{0008} #{0030} "TM" "StudyTime" 
#{0008} #{0031} "TM" "SeriesTime" 
#{0008} #{0032} "TM" "AcquisitionTime" 
#{0008} #{0033} "TM" "ContentTime" 
#{0008} #{0034} "TM" "OverlayTime" 
#{0008} #{0035} "TM" "CurveTime" 
#{0008} #{0050} "SH" "AccessionNumber" 
#{0008} #{0052} "CS" "QueryRetrieveLevel" 
#{0008} #{0054} "AE" "RetrieveAETitle" 
#{0008} #{0056} "CS" "InstanceAvailability" 
#{0008} #{0058} "UI" "FailedSOPInstanceUIDList" 
#{0008} #{0060} "CS" "Modality" 
#{0008} #{0061} "CS" "ModalitiesInStudy" 
#{0008} #{0062} "UI" "SOPClassesInStudy" 
#{0008} #{0064} "CS" "ConversionType" 
#{0008} #{0068} "CS" "PresentationIntentType" 
#{0008} #{0070} "LO" "Manufacturer" 
#{0008} #{0080} "LO" "InstitutionName" 
#{0008} #{0081} "ST" "InstitutionAddress" 
#{0008} #{0082} "SQ" "InstitutionCodeSequence" 
#{0008} #{0090} "PN" "ReferringPhysiciansName" 
#{0008} #{0092} "ST" "ReferringPhysiciansAddress" 
#{0008} #{0094} "SH" "ReferringPhysiciansTelephoneNumbers" 
#{0008} #{0096} "SQ" "ReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence" 
#{0008} #{0100} "SH" "CodeValue" 
#{0008} #{0102} "SH" "CodingSchemeDesignator" 
#{0008} #{0103} "SH" "CodingSchemeVersion" 
#{0008} #{0104} "LO" "CodeMeaning" 
#{0008} #{0105} "CS" "MappingResource" 
#{0008} #{0106} "DT" "ContextGroupVersion" 
#{0008} #{0107} "DT" "ContextGroupLocalVersion" 
#{0008} #{010B} "CS" "CodeSetExtensionFlag" 
#{0008} #{010C} "UI" "CodingSchemeUID" 
#{0008} #{010D} "UI" "CodeSetExtensionCreatorUID" 
#{0008} #{010F} "CS" "ContextIdentifier" 
#{0008} #{0110} "SQ" "CodingSchemeIdentificationSequence" 
#{0008} #{0112} "LO" "CodingSchemeRegistry" 
#{0008} #{0114} "ST" "CodingSchemeExternalID" 
#{0008} #{0115} "ST" "CodingSchemeName" 
#{0008} #{0116} "ST" "ResponsibleOrganization" 
#{0008} #{0201} "SH" "TimezoneOffsetFromUTC" 
#{0008} #{1010} "SH" "StationName" 
#{0008} #{1030} "LO" "StudyDescription" 
#{0008} #{1032} "SQ" "ProcedureCodeSequence" 
#{0008} #{103E} "LO" "SeriesDescription" 
#{0008} #{1040} "LO" "InstitutionalDepartmentName" 
#{0008} #{1048} "PN" "PhysiciansOfRecord" 
#{0008} #{1049} "SQ" "PhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence" 
#{0008} #{1050} "PN" "PerformingPhysiciansName" 
#{0008} #{1052} "SQ" "PerformingPhysicianIdentificationSequence" 
#{0008} #{1060} "PN" "NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy" 
#{0008} #{1062} "SQ" "PhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence" 
#{0008} #{1070} "PN" "OperatorsName" 
#{0008} #{1072} "SQ" "OperatorIdentificationSequence" 
#{0008} #{1080} "LO" "AdmittingDiagnosesDescription" 
#{0008} #{1084} "SQ" "AdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence" 
#{0008} #{1090} "LO" "ManufacturersModelName" 
#{0008} #{1100} "SQ" "ReferencedResultsSequence" 
#{0008} #{1110} "SQ" "ReferencedStudySequence" 
#{0008} #{1111} "SQ" "ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence" 
#{0008} #{1115} "SQ" "ReferencedSeriesSequence" 
#{0008} #{1120} "SQ" "ReferencedPatientSequence" 
#{0008} #{1125} "SQ" "ReferencedVisitSequence" 
#{0008} #{1130} "SQ" "ReferencedOverlaySequence" 
#{0008} #{113A} "SQ" "ReferencedWaveformSequence" 
#{0008} #{1140} "SQ" "ReferencedImageSequence" 
#{0008} #{1145} "SQ" "ReferencedCurveSequence" 
#{0008} #{114A} "SQ" "ReferencedInstanceSequence" 
#{0008} #{114B} "SQ" "ReferencedRealWorldValueMappingInstanceSequence" 
#{0008} #{1150} "UI" "ReferencedSOPClassUID" 
#{0008} #{1155} "UI" "ReferencedSOPInstanceUID" 
#{0008} #{115A} "UI" "SOPClassesSupported" 
#{0008} #{1160} "IS" "ReferencedFrameNumber" 
#{0008} #{1195} "UI" "TransactionUID" 
#{0008} #{1197} "US" "FailureReason" 
#{0008} #{1198} "SQ" "FailedSOPSequence" 
#{0008} #{1199} "SQ" "ReferencedSOPSequence" 
#{0008} #{1200} "SQ" "StudiesContainingOtherReferencedInstancesSequence" 
#{0008} #{1250} "SQ" "RelatedSeriesSequence" 
#{0008} #{2111} "ST" "DerivationDescription" 
#{0008} #{2112} "SQ" "SourceImageSequence" 
#{0008} #{2120} "SH" "StageName" 
#{0008} #{2122} "IS" "StageNumber" 
#{0008} #{2124} "IS" "NumberOfStages" 
#{0008} #{2127} "SH" "ViewName" 
#{0008} #{2128} "IS" "ViewNumber" 
#{0008} #{2129} "IS" "NumberOfEventTimers" 
#{0008} #{212A} "IS" "NumberOfViewsInStage" 
#{0008} #{2130} "DS" "EventElapsedTimes" 
#{0008} #{2132} "LO" "EventTimerNames" 
#{0008} #{2142} "IS" "StartTrim" 
#{0008} #{2143} "IS" "StopTrim" 
#{0008} #{2144} "IS" "RecommendedDisplayFrameRate" 
#{0008} #{2218} "SQ" "AnatomicRegionSequence" 
#{0008} #{2220} "SQ" "AnatomicRegionModifierSequence" 
#{0008} #{2228} "SQ" "PrimaryAnatomicStructureSequence" 
#{0008} #{2229} "SQ" "AnatomicStructureSpaceOrRegionSequence" 
#{0008} #{2230} "SQ" "PrimaryAnatomicStructureModifierSequence" 
#{0008} #{2240} "SQ" "TransducerPositionSequence" 
#{0008} #{2242} "SQ" "TransducerPositionModifierSequence" 
#{0008} #{2244} "SQ" "TransducerOrientationSequence" 
#{0008} #{2246} "SQ" "TransducerOrientationModifierSequence" 
#{0008} #{3001} "SQ" "AlternateRepresentationSequence" 
#{0008} #{3010} "UI" "IrradiationEventUID" 
#{0008} #{9007} "CS" "FrameType" 
#{0008} #{9092} "SQ" "ReferencedImageEvidenceSequence" 
#{0008} #{9121} "SQ" "ReferencedRawDataSequence" 
#{0008} #{9123} "UI" "CreatorVersionUID" 
#{0008} #{9124} "SQ" "DerivationImageSequence" 
#{0008} #{9154} "SQ" "SourceImageEvidenceSequence" 
#{0008} #{9205} "CS" "PixelPresentation" 
#{0008} #{9206} "CS" "VolumetricProperties" 
#{0008} #{9207} "CS" "VolumeBasedCalculationTechnique" 
#{0008} #{9208} "CS" "ComplexImageComponent" 
#{0008} #{9209} "CS" "AcquisitionContrast" 
#{0008} #{9215} "SQ" "DerivationCodeSequence" 
#{0008} #{9237} "SQ" "ReferencedGrayscalePresentationStateSequence" 
#{0008} #{9410} "SQ" "ReferencedOtherPlaneSequence" 
#{0008} #{9458} "SQ" "FrameDisplaySequence" 
#{0008} #{9459} "FL" "RecommendedDisplayFrameRateInFloat" 
#{0008} #{9460} "CS" "SkipFrameRangeFlag" 
#{0010} #{0000} "UL" "PatientGroupLength" 
#{0010} #{0010} "PN" "PatientsName" 
#{0010} #{0020} "LO" "PatientID" 
#{0010} #{0021} "LO" "IssuerOfPatientID" 
#{0010} #{0030} "DA" "PatientsBirthDate" 
#{0010} #{0032} "TM" "PatientsBirthTime" 
#{0010} #{0040} "CS" "PatientsSex" 
#{0010} #{0050} "SQ" "PatientsInsurancePlanCodeSequence" 
#{0010} #{0101} "SQ" "PatientsPrimaryLanguageCodeSequence" 
#{0010} #{0102} "SQ" "PatientsPrimaryLanguageCodeModifierSequence" 
#{0010} #{1000} "LO" "OtherPatientIDs" 
#{0010} #{1001} "PN" "OtherPatientNames" 
#{0010} #{1005} "PN" "PatientsBirthName" 
#{0010} #{1010} "AS" "PatientsAge" 
#{0010} #{1020} "DS" "PatientsSize" 
#{0010} #{1030} "DS" "PatientsWeight" 
#{0010} #{1040} "LO" "PatientsAddress" 
#{0010} #{1060} "PN" "PatientsMothersBirthName" 
#{0010} #{1080} "LO" "MilitaryRank" 
#{0010} #{1081} "LO" "BranchOfService" 
#{0010} #{1090} "LO" "MedicalRecordLocator" 
#{0010} #{2000} "LO" "MedicalAlerts" 
#{0010} #{2110} "LO" "ContrastAllergies" 
#{0010} #{2150} "LO" "CountryOfResidence" 
#{0010} #{2152} "LO" "RegionOfResidence" 
#{0010} #{2154} "SH" "PatientsTelephoneNumbers" 
#{0010} #{2160} "SH" "EthnicGroup" 
#{0010} #{2180} "SH" "Occupation" 
#{0010} #{21A0} "CS" "SmokingStatus" 
#{0010} #{21B0} "LT" "AdditionalPatientHistory" 
#{0010} #{21C0} "US" "PregnancyStatus" 
#{0010} #{21D0} "DA" "LastMenstrualDate" 
#{0010} #{21F0} "LO" "PatientsReligiousPreference" 
#{0010} #{4000} "LT" "PatientComments" 
#{0010} #{9431} "FL" "ExaminedBodyThickness" 
#{0012} #{0000} "UL" "ClinicalTrialGroupLength" 
#{0012} #{0010} "LO" "ClinicalTrialSponsorName" 
#{0012} #{0020} "LO" "ClinicalTrialProtocolID" 
#{0012} #{0021} "LO" "ClinicalTrialProtocolName" 
#{0012} #{0030} "LO" "ClinicalTrialSiteID" 
#{0012} #{0031} "LO" "ClinicalTrialSiteName" 
#{0012} #{0040} "LO" "ClinicalTrialSubjectID" 
#{0012} #{0042} "LO" "ClinicalTrialSubjectReadingID" 
#{0012} #{0050} "LO" "ClinicalTrialTimePointID" 
#{0012} #{0051} "ST" "ClinicalTrialTimePointDescription" 
#{0012} #{0060} "LO" "ClinicalTrialCoordinatingCenterName" 
#{0012} #{0062} "CS" "PatientIdentifyRemoved" 
#{0012} #{0063} "LO" "DeIdentificationMethod" 
#{0012} #{0064} "SQ" "DeIdentificationMethodCodeSequence" 
#{0018} #{0000} "UL" "AcquisitionGroupLength" 
#{0018} #{0010} "LO" "ContrastBolusAgent" 
#{0018} #{0012} "SQ" "ContrastBolusAgentSequence" 
#{0018} #{0014} "SQ" "ContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence" 
#{0018} #{0015} "CS" "BodyPartExamined" 
#{0018} #{0020} "CS" "ScanningSequence" 
#{0018} #{0021} "CS" "SequenceVariant" 
#{0018} #{0022} "CS" "ScanOptions" 
#{0018} #{0023} "CS" "MRAcquisitionType" 
#{0018} #{0024} "SH" "SequenceName" 
#{0018} #{0025} "CS" "AngioFlag" 
#{0018} #{0026} "SQ" "InterventionDrugInformationSequence" 
#{0018} #{0027} "TM" "InterventionDrugStopTime" 
#{0018} #{0028} "DS" "InterventionDrugDose" 
#{0018} #{0029} "SQ" "InterventionDrugCodeSequence" 
#{0018} #{002A} "SQ" "AdditionalDrugSequence" 
#{0018} #{0031} "LO" "Radiopharmaceutical" 
#{0018} #{0034} "LO" "InterventionDrugName" 
#{0018} #{0035} "TM" "InterventionDrugStartTime" 
#{0018} #{0036} "SQ" "InterventionSequence" 
#{0018} #{0038} "CS" "InterventionalStatus" 
#{0018} #{003A} "ST" "InterventionDescription" 
#{0018} #{0040} "IS" "CineRate" 
#{0018} #{0050} "DS" "SliceThickness" 
#{0018} #{0060} "DS" "KVP" 
#{0018} #{0070} "IS" "CountsAccumulated" 
#{0018} #{0071} "CS" "AcquisitionTerminationCondition" 
#{0018} #{0072} "DS" "EffectiveDuration" 
#{0018} #{0073} "CS" "AcquisitionStartCondition" 
#{0018} #{0074} "IS" "AcquisitionStartConditionData" 
#{0018} #{0075} "IS" "AcquisitionTerminationConditionData" 
#{0018} #{0080} "DS" "RepetitionTime" 
#{0018} #{0081} "DS" "EchoTime" 
#{0018} #{0082} "DS" "InversionTime" 
#{0018} #{0083} "DS" "NumberOfAverages" 
#{0018} #{0084} "DS" "ImagingFrequency" 
#{0018} #{0085} "SH" "ImagedNucleus" 
#{0018} #{0086} "IS" "EchoNumbers" 
#{0018} #{0087} "DS" "MagneticFieldStrength" 
#{0018} #{0088} "DS" "SpacingBetweenSlices" 
#{0018} #{0089} "IS" "NumberOfPhaseEncodingSteps" 
#{0018} #{0090} "DS" "DataCollectionDiameter" 
#{0018} #{0091} "IS" "EchoTrainLength" 
#{0018} #{0093} "DS" "PercentSampling" 
#{0018} #{0094} "DS" "PercentPhaseFieldOfView" 
#{0018} #{0095} "DS" "PixelBandwidth" 
#{0018} #{1000} "LO" "DeviceSerialNumber" 
#{0018} #{1002} "UI" "DeviceUID" 
#{0018} #{1004} "LO" "PlateID" 
#{0018} #{1010} "LO" "SecondaryCaptureDeviceID" 
#{0018} #{1011} "LO" "HardcopyCreationDeviceID" 
#{0018} #{1012} "DA" "DateOfSecondaryCapture" 
#{0018} #{1014} "TM" "TimeOfSecondaryCapture" 
#{0018} #{1016} "LO" "SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer" 
#{0018} #{1017} "LO" "HardcopyDeviceManufacturer" 
#{0018} #{1018} "LO" "SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturersModelName" 
#{0018} #{1019} "LO" "SecondaryCaptureDeviceSoftwareVersions" 
#{0018} #{101A} "LO" "HardcopyDeviceSoftwareVersion" 
#{0018} #{101B} "LO" "HardcopyDeviceManufacturersModelName" 
#{0018} #{1020} "LO" "SoftwareVersions" 
#{0018} #{1022} "SH" "VideoImageFormatAcquired" 
#{0018} #{1023} "LO" "DigitalImageFormatAcquired" 
#{0018} #{1030} "LO" "ProtocolName" 
#{0018} #{1040} "LO" "ContrastBolusRoute" 
#{0018} #{1041} "DS" "ContrastBolusVolume" 
#{0018} #{1042} "TM" "ContrastBolusStartTime" 
#{0018} #{1043} "TM" "ContrastBolusStopTime" 
#{0018} #{1044} "DS" "ContrastBolusTotalDose" 
#{0018} #{1045} "IS" "SyringeCounts" 
#{0018} #{1046} "DS" "ContrastFlowRate" 
#{0018} #{1047} "DS" "ContrastFlowDuration" 
#{0018} #{1048} "CS" "ContrastBolusIngredient" 
#{0018} #{1049} "DS" "ContrastBolusIngredientConcentration" 
#{0018} #{1050} "DS" "SpatialResolution" 
#{0018} #{1060} "DS" "TriggerTime" 
#{0018} #{1061} "LO" "TriggerSourceOrType" 
#{0018} #{1062} "IS" "NominalInterval" 
#{0018} #{1063} "DS" "FrameTime" 
#{0018} #{1064} "LO" "FramingType" 
#{0018} #{1065} "DS" "FrameTimeVector" 
#{0018} #{1066} "DS" "FrameDelay" 
#{0018} #{1067} "DS" "ImageTriggerDelay" 
#{0018} #{1068} "DS" "MultiplexGroupTimeOffset" 
#{0018} #{1069} "DS" "TriggerTimeOffset" 
#{0018} #{106A} "CS" "SynchronizationTrigger" 
#{0018} #{106C} "US" "SynchronizationChannel" 
#{0018} #{106E} "UL" "TriggerSamplePosition" 
#{0018} #{1070} "LO" "RadiopharmaceuticalRoute" 
#{0018} #{1071} "DS" "RadiopharmaceuticalVolume" 
#{0018} #{1072} "TM" "RadiopharmaceuticalStartTime" 
#{0018} #{1073} "TM" "RadiopharmaceuticalStopTime" 
#{0018} #{1074} "DS" "RadionuclideTotalDose" 
#{0018} #{1075} "DS" "RadionuclideHalfLife" 
#{0018} #{1076} "DS" "RadionuclidePositronFraction" 
#{0018} #{1077} "DS" "RadiopharmaceuticalSpecificActivity" 
#{0018} #{1078} "DT" "RadiopharmaceuticalStartDatetime" 
#{0018} #{1079} "DT" "RadiopharmaceuticalStopDatetime" 
#{0018} #{1080} "CS" "BeatRejectionFlag" 
#{0018} #{1081} "IS" "LowRRValue" 
#{0018} #{1082} "IS" "HighRRValue" 
#{0018} #{1083} "IS" "IntervalsAcquired" 
#{0018} #{1084} "IS" "IntervalsRejected" 
#{0018} #{1085} "LO" "PVCRejection" 
#{0018} #{1086} "IS" "SkipBeats" 
#{0018} #{1088} "IS" "HeartRate" 
#{0018} #{1090} "IS" "CardiacNumberOfImages" 
#{0018} #{1094} "IS" "TriggerWindow" 
#{0018} #{1100} "DS" "ReconstructionDiameter" 
#{0018} #{1110} "DS" "DistanceSourceToDetector" 
#{0018} #{1111} "DS" "DistanceSourceToPatient" 
#{0018} #{1114} "DS" "EstimatedRadiographicMagnificationFactor" 
#{0018} #{1120} "DS" "GantryDetectorTilt" 
#{0018} #{1121} "DS" "GantryDetectorSlew" 
#{0018} #{1130} "DS" "TableHeight" 
#{0018} #{1131} "DS" "TableTraverse" 
#{0018} #{1134} "CS" "TableMotion" 
#{0018} #{1135} "DS" "TableVerticalIncrement" 
#{0018} #{1136} "DS" "TableLateralIncrement" 
#{0018} #{1137} "DS" "TableLongitudinalIncrement" 
#{0018} #{1138} "DS" "TableAngle" 
#{0018} #{113A} "CS" "TableType" 
#{0018} #{1140} "CS" "RotationDirection" 
#{0018} #{1141} "DS" "AngularPosition" 
#{0018} #{1142} "DS" "RadialPosition" 
#{0018} #{1143} "DS" "ScanArc" 
#{0018} #{1144} "DS" "AngularStep" 
#{0018} #{1145} "DS" "CenterOfRotationOffset" 
#{0018} #{1147} "CS" "FieldOfViewShape" 
#{0018} #{1149} "IS" "FieldOfViewDimensions" 
#{0018} #{1150} "IS" "ExposureTime" 
#{0018} #{1151} "IS" "XRayTubeCurrent" 
#{0018} #{1152} "IS" "Exposure" 
#{0018} #{1153} "IS" "ExposureInMicroAs" 
#{0018} #{1154} "DS" "AveragePulseWidth" 
#{0018} #{1155} "CS" "RadiationSetting" 
#{0018} #{1156} "CS" "RectificationType" 
#{0018} #{115A} "CS" "RadiationMode" 
#{0018} #{115E} "DS" "ImageAndFluoroscopyAreaDoseProduct" 
#{0018} #{1160} "SH" "FilterType" 
#{0018} #{1161} "LO" "TypeOfFilters" 
#{0018} #{1162} "DS" "IntensifierSize" 
#{0018} #{1164} "DS" "ImagerPixelSpacing" 
#{0018} #{1166} "CS" "Grid" 
#{0018} #{1170} "IS" "GeneratorPower" 
#{0018} #{1180} "SH" "CollimatorGridName" 
#{0018} #{1181} "CS" "CollimatorType" 
#{0018} #{1182} "IS" "FocalDistance" 
#{0018} #{1183} "DS" "XFocusCenter" 
#{0018} #{1184} "DS" "YFocusCenter" 
#{0018} #{1190} "DS" "FocalSpots" 
#{0018} #{1191} "CS" "AnodeTargetMaterial" 
#{0018} #{11A0} "DS" "BodyPartThickness" 
#{0018} #{11A2} "DS" "CompressionForce" 
#{0018} #{1200} "DA" "DateOfLastCalibration" 
#{0018} #{1201} "TM" "TimeOfLastCalibration" 
#{0018} #{1210} "SH" "ConvolutionKernel" 
#{0018} #{1242} "IS" "ActualFrameDuration" 
#{0018} #{1243} "IS" "CountRate" 
#{0018} #{1244} "US" "PreferredPlaybackSequencing" 
#{0018} #{1250} "SH" "ReceiveCoilName" 
#{0018} #{1251} "SH" "TransmitCoilName" 
#{0018} #{1260} "SH" "PlateType" 
#{0018} #{1261} "LO" "PhosphorType" 
#{0018} #{1300} "DS" "ScanVelocity" 
#{0018} #{1301} "CS" "WholeBodyTechnique" 
#{0018} #{1302} "IS" "ScanLength" 
#{0018} #{1310} "US" "AcquisitionMatrix" 
#{0018} #{1312} "CS" "InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection" 
#{0018} #{1314} "DS" "FlipAngle" 
#{0018} #{1315} "CS" "VariableFlipAngleFlag" 
#{0018} #{1316} "DS" "SAR" 
#{0018} #{1318} "DS" "dBdt" 
#{0018} #{1400} "LO" "AcquisitionDeviceProcessingDescription" 
#{0018} #{1401} "LO" "AcquisitionDeviceProcessingCode" 
#{0018} #{1402} "CS" "CassetteOrientation" 
#{0018} #{1403} "CS" "CassetteSize" 
#{0018} #{1404} "US" "ExposuresOnPlate" 
#{0018} #{1405} "IS" "RelativeXRayExposure" 
#{0018} #{1450} "DS" "ColumnAngulation" 
#{0018} #{1460} "DS" "TomoLayerHeight" 
#{0018} #{1470} "DS" "TomoAngle" 
#{0018} #{1480} "DS" "TomoTime" 
#{0018} #{1490} "CS" "TomoType" 
#{0018} #{1491} "CS" "TomoClass" 
#{0018} #{1495} "IS" "NumberOfTomosynthesisSourceImages" 
#{0018} #{1500} "CS" "PositionerMotion" 
#{0018} #{1508} "CS" "PositionerType" 
#{0018} #{1510} "DS" "PositionerPrimaryAngle" 
#{0018} #{1511} "DS" "PositionerSecondaryAngle" 
#{0018} #{1520} "DS" "PositionerPrimaryAngleIncrement" 
#{0018} #{1521} "DS" "PositionerSecondaryAngleIncrement" 
#{0018} #{1530} "DS" "DetectorPrimaryAngle" 
#{0018} #{1531} "DS" "DetectorSecondaryAngle" 
#{0018} #{1600} "CS" "ShutterShape" 
#{0018} #{1602} "IS" "ShutterLeftVerticalEdge" 
#{0018} #{1604} "IS" "ShutterRightVerticalEdge" 
#{0018} #{1606} "IS" "ShutterUpperHorizontalEdge" 
#{0018} #{1608} "IS" "ShutterLowerHorizontalEdge" 
#{0018} #{1610} "IS" "CenterOfCircularShutter" 
#{0018} #{1612} "IS" "RadiusOfCircularShutter" 
#{0018} #{1620} "IS" "VerticesOfThePolygonalShutter" 
#{0018} #{1622} "US" "ShutterPresentationValue" 
#{0018} #{1623} "US" "ShutterOverlayGroup" 
#{0018} #{1624} "US" "ShutterPresentationColorCIELabValue" 
#{0018} #{1700} "CS" "CollimatorShape" 
#{0018} #{1702} "IS" "CollimatorLeftVerticalEdge" 
#{0018} #{1704} "IS" "CollimatorRightVerticalEdge" 
#{0018} #{1706} "IS" "CollimatorUpperHorizontalEdge" 
#{0018} #{1708} "IS" "CollimatorLowerHorizontalEdge" 
#{0018} #{1710} "IS" "CenterOfCircularCollimator" 
#{0018} #{1712} "IS" "RadiusOfCircularCollimator" 
#{0018} #{1720} "IS" "VerticesOfThePolygonalCollimator" 
#{0018} #{1800} "CS" "AcquisitionTimeSynchronized" 
#{0018} #{1801} "SH" "TimeSource" 
#{0018} #{1802} "CS" "TimeDistributionProtocol" 
#{0018} #{1803} "LO" "NTPSourceAddress" 
#{0018} #{2001} "IS" "PageNumberVector" 
#{0018} #{2002} "SH" "FrameLabelVector" 
#{0018} #{2003} "DS" "FramePrimaryAngleVector" 
#{0018} #{2004} "DS" "FrameSecondaryAngleVector" 
#{0018} #{2005} "DS" "SliceLocationVector" 
#{0018} #{2006} "SH" "DisplayWindowLabelVector" 
#{0018} #{2010} "DS" "NominalScannedPixelSpacing" 
#{0018} #{2020} "CS" "DigitizingDeviceTransportDirection" 
#{0018} #{2030} "DS" "RotationOfScannedFilm" 
#{0018} #{3100} "CS" "IVUSAcquisition" 
#{0018} #{3101} "DS" "IVUSPullbackRate" 
#{0018} #{3102} "DS" "IVUSGatedRate" 
#{0018} #{3103} "IS" "IVUSPullbackStartFrameNumber" 
#{0018} #{3104} "IS" "IVUSPullbackStopFrameNumber" 
#{0018} #{3105} "IS" "LesionNumber" 
#{0018} #{5000} "SH" "OutputPower" 
#{0018} #{5010} "LO" "TransducerData" 
#{0018} #{5012} "DS" "FocusDepth" 
#{0018} #{5020} "LO" "ProcessingFunction" 
#{0018} #{5021} "LO" "PostprocessingFunction" 
#{0018} #{5022} "DS" "MechanicalIndex" 
#{0018} #{5024} "DS" "BoneThermalIndex" 
#{0018} #{5026} "DS" "CranialThermalIndex" 
#{0018} #{5027} "DS" "SoftTissueThermalIndex" 
#{0018} #{5028} "DS" "SoftTissueFocusThermalIndex" 
#{0018} #{5029} "DS" "SoftTissueSurfaceThermalIndex" 
#{0018} #{5050} "IS" "DepthOfScanField" 
#{0018} #{5100} "CS" "PatientPosition" 
#{0018} #{5101} "CS" "ViewPosition" 
#{0018} #{5104} "SQ" "ProjectionEponymousNameCodeSequence" 
#{0018} #{6000} "DS" "Sensitivity" 
#{0018} #{6011} "SQ" "SequenceOfUltrasoundRegions" 
#{0018} #{6012} "US" "RegionSpatialFormat" 
#{0018} #{6014} "US" "RegionDataType" 
#{0018} #{6016} "UL" "RegionFlags" 
#{0018} #{6018} "UL" "RegionLocationMinX0" 
#{0018} #{601A} "UL" "RegionLocationMinY0" 
#{0018} #{601C} "UL" "RegionLocationMaxX1" 
#{0018} #{601E} "UL" "RegionLocationMaxY1" 
#{0018} #{6020} "SL" "ReferencePixelX0" 
#{0018} #{6022} "SL" "ReferencePixelY0" 
#{0018} #{6024} "US" "PhysicalUnitsXDirection" 
#{0018} #{6026} "US" "PhysicalUnitsYDirection" 
#{0018} #{6028} "FD" "ReferencePixelPhysicalValueX" 
#{0018} #{602A} "FD" "ReferencePixelPhysicalValueY" 
#{0018} #{602C} "FD" "PhysicalDeltaX" 
#{0018} #{602E} "FD" "PhysicalDeltaY" 
#{0018} #{6030} "UL" "TransducerFrequency" 
#{0018} #{6031} "CS" "TransducerType" 
#{0018} #{6032} "UL" "PulseRepetitionFrequency" 
#{0018} #{6034} "FD" "DopplerCorrectionAngle" 
#{0018} #{6036} "FD" "SteeringAngle" 
#{0018} #{6039} "SL" "DopplerSampleVolumeXPosition" 
#{0018} #{603B} "SL" "DopplerSampleVolumeYPosition" 
#{0018} #{603D} "SL" "TMLinePositionX0" 
#{0018} #{603F} "SL" "TMLinePositionY0" 
#{0018} #{6041} "SL" "TMLinePositionX1" 
#{0018} #{6043} "SL" "TMLinePositionY1" 
#{0018} #{6044} "US" "PixelComponentOrganization" 
#{0018} #{6046} "UL" "PixelComponentMask" 
#{0018} #{6048} "UL" "PixelComponentRangeStart" 
#{0018} #{604A} "UL" "PixelComponentRangeStop" 
#{0018} #{604C} "US" "PixelComponentPhysicalUnits" 
#{0018} #{604E} "US" "PixelComponentDataType" 
#{0018} #{6050} "UL" "NumberOfTableBreakPoints" 
#{0018} #{6052} "UL" "TableOfXBreakPoints" 
#{0018} #{6054} "FD" "TableOfYBreakPoints" 
#{0018} #{6056} "UL" "NumberOfTableEntries" 
#{0018} #{6058} "UL" "TableOfPixelValues" 
#{0018} #{605A} "FL" "TableOfParameterValues" 
#{0018} #{6060} "FL" "RWaveTimeVector" 
#{0018} #{7000} "CS" "DetectorConditionsNominalFlag" 
#{0018} #{7001} "DS" "DetectorTemperature" 
#{0018} #{7004} "CS" "DetectorType" 
#{0018} #{7005} "CS" "DetectorConfiguration" 
#{0018} #{7006} "LT" "DetectorDescription" 
#{0018} #{7008} "LT" "DetectorMode" 
#{0018} #{700A} "SH" "DetectorID" 
#{0018} #{700C} "DA" "DateOfLastDetectorCalibration" 
#{0018} #{700E} "TM" "TimeOfLastDetectorCalibration" 
#{0018} #{7010} "IS" "ExposuresOnDetectorSinceLastCalibration" 
#{0018} #{7011} "IS" "ExposuresOnDetectorSinceManufactured" 
#{0018} #{7012} "DS" "DetectorTimeSinceLastExposure" 
#{0018} #{7014} "DS" "DetectorActiveTime" 
#{0018} #{7016} "DS" "DetectorActivationOffsetFromExposure" 
#{0018} #{701A} "DS" "DetectorBinning" 
#{0018} #{7020} "DS" "DetectorElementPhysicalSize" 
#{0018} #{7022} "DS" "DetectorElementSpacing" 
#{0018} #{7024} "CS" "DetectorActiveShape" 
#{0018} #{7026} "DS" "DetectorActiveDimensions" 
#{0018} #{7028} "DS" "DetectorActiveOrigin" 
#{0018} #{702A} "LO" "DetectorManufacturerName" 
#{0018} #{702B} "LO" "DetectorManufacturersModelName" 
#{0018} #{7030} "DS" "FieldOfViewOrigin" 
#{0018} #{7032} "DS" "FieldOfViewRotation" 
#{0018} #{7034} "CS" "FieldOfViewHorizontalFlip" 
#{0018} #{7040} "LT" "GridAbsorbingMaterial" 
#{0018} #{7041} "LT" "GridSpacingMaterial" 
#{0018} #{7042} "DS" "GridThickness" 
#{0018} #{7044} "DS" "GridPitch" 
#{0018} #{7046} "IS" "GridAspectRatio" 
#{0018} #{7048} "DS" "GridPeriod" 
#{0018} #{704C} "DS" "GridFocalDistance" 
#{0018} #{7050} "CS" "FilterMaterial" 
#{0018} #{7052} "DS" "FilterThicknessMinimum" 
#{0018} #{7054} "DS" "FilterThicknessMaximum" 
#{0018} #{7060} "CS" "ExposureControlMode" 
#{0018} #{7062} "LT" "ExposureControlModeDescription" 
#{0018} #{7064} "CS" "ExposureStatus" 
#{0018} #{7065} "DS" "PhototimerSetting" 
#{0018} #{8150} "DS" "ExposureTimeInMicroS" 
#{0018} #{8151} "DS" "XRayTubeCurrentInMicroA" 
#{0018} #{9004} "CS" "ContentQualification" 
#{0018} #{9005} "SH" "PulseSequenceName" 
#{0018} #{9006} "SQ" "MRImagingModifierSequence" 
#{0018} #{9008} "CS" "EchoPulseSequence" 
#{0018} #{9009} "CS" "InversionRecovery" 
#{0018} #{9010} "CS" "FlowCompensation" 
#{0018} #{9011} "CS" "MultipleSpinEcho" 
#{0018} #{9012} "CS" "MultiPlanarExcitation" 
#{0018} #{9014} "CS" "PhaseContrast" 
#{0018} #{9015} "CS" "TimeOfFlightContrast" 
#{0018} #{9016} "CS" "Spoiling" 
#{0018} #{9017} "CS" "SteadyStatePulseSequence" 
#{0018} #{9018} "CS" "EchoPlanarPulseSequence" 
#{0018} #{9019} "FD" "TagAngleFirstAxis" 
#{0018} #{9020} "CS" "MagnetizationTransfer" 
#{0018} #{9021} "CS" "T2Preparation" 
#{0018} #{9022} "CS" "BloodSignalNulling" 
#{0018} #{9024} "CS" "SaturationRecovery" 
#{0018} #{9025} "CS" "SpectrallySelectedSuppression" 
#{0018} #{9026} "CS" "SpectrallySelectedExcitation" 
#{0018} #{9027} "CS" "SpatialPreSaturation" 
#{0018} #{9028} "CS" "Tagging" 
#{0018} #{9029} "CS" "OversamplingPhase" 
#{0018} #{9030} "FD" "TagSpacingFirstDimension" 
#{0018} #{9032} "CS" "GeometryOfKSpaceTraversal" 
#{0018} #{9033} "CS" "SegmentedKSpaceTraversal" 
#{0018} #{9034} "CS" "RectilinearPhaseEncodeReordering" 
#{0018} #{9035} "FD" "TagThickness" 
#{0018} #{9036} "CS" "PartialFourierDirection" 
#{0018} #{9037} "CS" "CardiacSynchronizationTechnique" 
#{0018} #{9041} "LO" "ReceiveCoilManufacturerName" 
#{0018} #{9042} "SQ" "MRReceiveCoilSequence" 
#{0018} #{9043} "CS" "ReceiveCoilType" 
#{0018} #{9044} "CS" "QuadratureReceiveCoil" 
#{0018} #{9045} "SQ" "MultiCoilDefinitionSequence" 
#{0018} #{9046} "LO" "MultiCoilConfiguration" 
#{0018} #{9047} "SH" "MultiCoilElementName" 
#{0018} #{9048} "CS" "MultiCoilElementUsed" 
#{0018} #{9049} "SQ" "MRTransmitCoilSequence" 
#{0018} #{9050} "LO" "TransmitCoilManufacturerName" 
#{0018} #{9051} "CS" "TransmitCoilType" 
#{0018} #{9052} "FD" "SpectralWidth" 
#{0018} #{9053} "FD" "ChemicalShiftReference" 
#{0018} #{9054} "CS" "VolumeLocalizationTechnique" 
#{0018} #{9058} "US" "MRAcquisitionFrequencyEncodingSteps" 
#{0018} #{9059} "CS" "Decoupling" 
#{0018} #{9060} "CS" "DecoupledNucleus" 
#{0018} #{9061} "FD" "DecouplingFrequency" 
#{0018} #{9062} "CS" "DecouplingMethod" 
#{0018} #{9063} "FD" "DecouplingChemicalShiftReference" 
#{0018} #{9064} "CS" "KSpaceFiltering" 
#{0018} #{9065} "CS" "TimeDomainFiltering" 
#{0018} #{9066} "US" "NumberOfZeroFills" 
#{0018} #{9067} "CS" "BaselineCorrection" 
#{0018} #{9069} "FD" "ParallelReductionFactorInPlane" 
#{0018} #{9070} "FD" "CardiacRRIntervalSpecified" 
#{0018} #{9073} "FD" "AcquisitionDuration" 
#{0018} #{9074} "DT" "FrameAcquisitionDatetime" 
#{0018} #{9075} "CS" "DiffusionDirectionality" 
#{0018} #{9076} "SQ" "DiffusionGradientDirectionSequence" 
#{0018} #{9077} "CS" "ParallelAcquisition" 
#{0018} #{9078} "CS" "ParallelAcquisitionTechnique" 
#{0018} #{9079} "FD" "InversionTimes" 
#{0018} #{9080} "ST" "MetaboliteMapDescription" 
#{0018} #{9081} "CS" "PartialFourier" 
#{0018} #{9082} "FD" "EffectiveEchoTime" 
#{0018} #{9083} "SQ" "MetaboliteMapCodeSequence" 
#{0018} #{9084} "SQ" "ChemicalShiftSequence" 
#{0018} #{9085} "CS" "CardiacSignalSource" 
#{0018} #{9087} "FD" "DiffusionBValue" 
#{0018} #{9089} "FD" "DiffusionGradientOrientation" 
#{0018} #{9090} "FD" "VelocityEncodingDirection" 
#{0018} #{9091} "FD" "VelocityEncodingMinimumValue" 
#{0018} #{9093} "US" "NumberOfKSpaceTrajectories" 
#{0018} #{9094} "CS" "CoverageOfKSpace" 
#{0018} #{9095} "UL" "SpectroscopyAcquisitionPhaseRows" 
#{0018} #{9098} "FD" "TransmitterFrequency" 
#{0018} #{9100} "CS" "ResonantNucleus" 
#{0018} #{9101} "CS" "FrequencyCorrection" 
#{0018} #{9103} "SQ" "MRSpectroscopyFOVGeometrySequence" 
#{0018} #{9104} "FD" "SlabThickness" 
#{0018} #{9105} "FD" "SlabOrientation" 
#{0018} #{9106} "FD" "MidSlabPosition" 
#{0018} #{9107} "SQ" "MRSpatialSaturationSequence" 
#{0018} #{9112} "SQ" "MRTimingAndRelatedParametersSequence" 
#{0018} #{9114} "SQ" "MREchoSequence" 
#{0018} #{9115} "SQ" "MRModifierSequence" 
#{0018} #{9117} "SQ" "MRDiffusionSequence" 
#{0018} #{9118} "SQ" "CardiacTriggerSequence" 
#{0018} #{9119} "SQ" "MRAveragesSequence" 
#{0018} #{9125} "SQ" "MRFOVGeometrySequence" 
#{0018} #{9126} "SQ" "VolumeLocalizationSequence" 
#{0018} #{9127} "UL" "SpectroscopyAcquisitionDataColumns" 
#{0018} #{9147} "CS" "DiffusionAnisotropyType" 
#{0018} #{9151} "DT" "FrameReferenceDatetime" 
#{0018} #{9152} "SQ" "MRMetaboliteMapSequence" 
#{0018} #{9155} "FD" "ParallelReductionFactorOutOfPlane" 
#{0018} #{9159} "UL" "SpectroscopyAcquisitionOutOfPlanePhaseSteps" 
#{0018} #{9166} "CS" "BulkMotionStatus" 
#{0018} #{9168} "FD" "ParallelReductionFactorSecondInPlane" 
#{0018} #{9169} "CS" "CardiacBeatRejectionTechnique" 
#{0018} #{9170} "CS" "RespiratoryMotionCompensationTechnique" 
#{0018} #{9171} "CS" "RespiratorySignalSource" 
#{0018} #{9172} "CS" "BulkMotionCompensationTechnique" 
#{0018} #{9173} "CS" "BulkMotionSignalSource" 
#{0018} #{9174} "CS" "ApplicableSafetyStandardAgency" 
#{0018} #{9175} "LO" "ApplicableSafetyStandardDescription" 
#{0018} #{9176} "SQ" "OperatingModeSequence" 
#{0018} #{9177} "CS" "OperatingModeType" 
#{0018} #{9178} "CS" "OperationMode" 
#{0018} #{9179} "CS" "SpecificAbsorptionRateDefinition" 
#{0018} #{9180} "CS" "GradientOutputType" 
#{0018} #{9181} "FD" "SpecificAbsorptionRateValue" 
#{0018} #{9182} "FD" "GradientOutput" 
#{0018} #{9183} "CS" "FlowCompensationDirection" 
#{0018} #{9184} "FD" "TaggingDelay" 
#{0018} #{9197} "SQ" "MRVelocityEncodingSequence" 
#{0018} #{9198} "CS" "FirstOrderPhaseCorrection" 
#{0018} #{9199} "CS" "WaterReferencedPhaseCorrection" 
#{0018} #{9200} "CS" "MRSpectroscopyAcquisitionType" 
#{0018} #{9214} "CS" "RespiratoryCyclePosition" 
#{0018} #{9217} "FD" "VelocityEncodingMaximumValue" 
#{0018} #{9218} "FD" "TagSpacingSecondDimension" 
#{0018} #{9219} "SS" "TagAngleSecondAxis" 
#{0018} #{9220} "FD" "FrameAcquisitionDuration" 
#{0018} #{9226} "SQ" "MRImageFrameTypeSequence" 
#{0018} #{9227} "SQ" "MRSpectroscopyFrameTypeSequence" 
#{0018} #{9231} "US" "MRAcquisitionPhaseEncodingStepsInPlane" 
#{0018} #{9232} "US" "MRAcquisitionPhaseEncodingStepsOutOfPlane" 
#{0018} #{9234} "UL" "SpectroscopyAcquisitionPhaseColumns" 
#{0018} #{9236} "CS" "CardiacCyclePosition" 
#{0018} #{9239} "SQ" "SpecificAbsorptionRateSequence" 
#{0018} #{9240} "US" "RFEchoTrainLength" 
#{0018} #{9241} "US" "GradientEchoTrainLength" 
#{0018} #{9295} "FD" "ChemicalShiftsMinimumIntegrationLimitInPpm" 
#{0018} #{9296} "FD" "ChemicalShiftsMaximumIntegrationLimitInPpm" 
#{0018} #{9301} "SQ" "CTAcquisitionTypeSequence" 
#{0018} #{9302} "CS" "AcquisitionType" 
#{0018} #{9303} "FD" "TubeAngle" 
#{0018} #{9304} "SQ" "CTAcquisitionDetailsSequence" 
#{0018} #{9305} "FD" "RevolutionTime" 
#{0018} #{9306} "FD" "SingleCollimationWidth" 
#{0018} #{9307} "FD" "TotalCollimationWidth" 
#{0018} #{9308} "SQ" "CTTableDynamicsSequence" 
#{0018} #{9309} "FD" "TableSpeed" 
#{0018} #{9310} "FD" "TableFeedPerRotation" 
#{0018} #{9311} "FD" "SpiralPitchFactor" 
#{0018} #{9312} "SQ" "CTGeometrySequence" 
#{0018} #{9313} "FD" "DataCollectionCenterPatient" 
#{0018} #{9314} "SQ" "CTReconstructionSequence" 
#{0018} #{9315} "CS" "ReconstructionAlgorithm" 
#{0018} #{9316} "CS" "ConvolutionKernelGroup" 
#{0018} #{9317} "FD" "ReconstructionFieldOfView" 
#{0018} #{9318} "FD" "ReconstructionTargetCenterPatient" 
#{0018} #{9319} "FD" "ReconstructionAngle" 
#{0018} #{9320} "SH" "ImageFilter" 
#{0018} #{9321} "SQ" "CTExposureSequence" 
#{0018} #{9322} "FD" "ReconstructionPixelSpacing" 
#{0018} #{9323} "CS" "ExposureModulationType" 
#{0018} #{9324} "FD" "EstimatedDoseSaving" 
#{0018} #{9325} "SQ" "CTXRayDetailsSequence" 
#{0018} #{9326} "SQ" "CTPositionSequence" 
#{0018} #{9327} "FD" "TablePosition" 
#{0018} #{9328} "FD" "ExposureTimeInms" 
#{0018} #{9329} "SQ" "CTImageFrameTypeSequence" 
#{0018} #{9330} "FD" "XRayTubeCurrentInmA" 
#{0018} #{9332} "FD" "ExposureInmAs" 
#{0018} #{9333} "CS" "ConstantVolumeFlag" 
#{0018} #{9334} "CS" "FluoroscopyFlag" 
#{0018} #{9335} "FD" "DistanceSourceToDataCollectionCenter" 
#{0018} #{9337} "US" "ContrastBolusAgentNumber" 
#{0018} #{9338} "SQ" "ContrastBolusIngredientCodeSequence" 
#{0018} #{9340} "SQ" "ContrastAdministrationProfileSequence" 
#{0018} #{9341} "SQ" "ContrastBolusUsageSequence" 
#{0018} #{9342} "CS" "ContrastBolusAgentAdministered" 
#{0018} #{9343} "CS" "ContrastBolusAgentDetected" 
#{0018} #{9344} "CS" "ContrastBolusAgentPhase" 
#{0018} #{9345} "FD" "CTDIvol" 
#{0018} #{9401} "SQ" "ProjectionPixelCalibrationSequence" 
#{0018} #{9402} "FL" "DistanceSourceToIsocenter" 
#{0018} #{9403} "FL" "DistanceObjectToTableTop" 
#{0018} #{9404} "FL" "ObjectPixelSpacingInCenterOfBeam" 
#{0018} #{9405} "SQ" "PositionerPositionSequence" 
#{0018} #{9406} "SQ" "TablePositionSequence" 
#{0018} #{9407} "SQ" "CollimatorShapeSequence" 
#{0018} #{9412} "SQ" "XA/XRFFrameCharacteristicsSequence" 
#{0018} #{9420} "CS" "XRayReceptorType" 
#{0018} #{9423} "LO" "AcquisitionProtocolName" 
#{0018} #{9424} "LT" "AcquisitionProtocolDescription" 
#{0018} #{9425} "CS" "Contrast/BolusIngredientOpaque" 
#{0018} #{9426} "FL" "DistanceReceptorPlaneToDetectorHousing" 
#{0018} #{9427} "CS" "IntensifierActiveShape" 
#{0018} #{9428} "FL" "IntensifierActiveDimension(s)" 
#{0018} #{9429} "FL" "PhysicalDetectorSize" 
#{0018} #{9430} "US" "PositionOfIsocenterProjection" 
#{0018} #{9432} "SQ" "FieldOfViewSequence" 
#{0018} #{9433} "LO" "FieldOfViewDescription" 
#{0018} #{9434} "SQ" "ExposureControlSensingRegionsSequence" 
#{0018} #{9435} "CS" "ExposureControlSensingRegionShape" 
#{0018} #{9436} "SS" "ExposureControlSensingRegionLeftVerticalEdge" 
#{0018} #{9437} "SS" "ExposureControlSensingRegionRightVerticalEdge" 
#{0018} #{9438} "SS" "ExposureControlSensingRegionUpperHorizontalEdge" 
#{0018} #{9439} "SS" "ExposureControlSensingRegionLowerHorizontalEdge" 
#{0018} #{9440} "SS" "CenterOfCircularExposureControlSensingRegion" 
#{0018} #{9441} "US" "RadiusOfCircularExposureControlSensingRegion" 
#{0018} #{9442} "SS" "VerticesOfThePolygonalExposureControlSensingRegion" 
#{0018} #{9447} "FL" "ColumnAngulationPatient" 
#{0018} #{9449} "FL" "BeamAngle" 
#{0018} #{9451} "SQ" "FrameDetectorParametersSequence" 
#{0018} #{9452} "FL" "CalculatedAnatomyThickness" 
#{0018} #{9455} "SQ" "CalibrationSequence" 
#{0018} #{9456} "SQ" "ObjectThicknessSequence" 
#{0018} #{9457} "CS" "PlaneIdentification" 
#{0018} #{9461} "FL" "FieldOfViewDimensionsInFloat" 
#{0018} #{9462} "SQ" "IsocenterReferenceSystemSequence" 
#{0018} #{9463} "FL" "PositionerIsocenterPrimaryAngle" 
#{0018} #{9464} "FL" "PositionerIsocenterSecondaryAngle" 
#{0018} #{9465} "FL" "PositionerIsocenterDetectorRotationAngle" 
#{0018} #{9466} "FL" "TableXPositionToIsocenter" 
#{0018} #{9467} "FL" "TableYPositionToIsocenter" 
#{0018} #{9468} "FL" "TableZPositionToIsocenter" 
#{0018} #{9469} "FL" "TableHorizontalRotationAngle" 
#{0018} #{9470} "FL" "TableHeadTiltAngle" 
#{0018} #{9471} "FL" "TableCradleTiltAngle" 
#{0018} #{9472} "SQ" "FrameDisplayShutterSequence" 
#{0018} #{9473} "FL" "AcquiredImageAreaDoseProduct" 
#{0018} #{9474} "CS" "CArmPositionerTabletopRelationship" 
#{0018} #{9476} "SQ" "XRayGeometrySequence" 
#{0018} #{9477} "SQ" "IrradiationEventIdentificationSequence" 
#{0018} #{A001} "SQ" "ContributingEquipmentSequence" 
#{0018} #{A002} "DT" "ContributionDateTime" 
#{0018} #{A003} "ST" "ContributionDescription" 
#{0020} #{0000} "UL" "ImageGroupLength" 
#{0020} #{000D} "UI" "StudyInstanceUID" 
#{0020} #{000E} "UI" "SeriesInstanceUID" 
#{0020} #{0010} "SH" "StudyID" 
#{0020} #{0011} "IS" "SeriesNumber" 
#{0020} #{0012} "IS" "AcquisitionNumber" 
#{0020} #{0013} "IS" "InstanceNumber" 
#{0020} #{0019} "IS" "ItemNumber" 
#{0020} #{0020} "CS" "PatientOrientation" 
#{0020} #{0022} "IS" "OverlayNumber" 
#{0020} #{0024} "IS" "CurveNumber" 
#{0020} #{0026} "IS" "LookupTableNumber" 
#{0020} #{0032} "DS" "ImagePositionPatient" 
#{0020} #{0037} "DS" "ImageOrientationPatient" 
#{0020} #{0052} "UI" "FrameOfReferenceUID" 
#{0020} #{0060} "CS" "Laterality" 
#{0020} #{0062} "CS" "ImageLaterality" 
#{0020} #{0100} "IS" "TemporalPositionIdentifier" 
#{0020} #{0105} "IS" "NumberOfTemporalPositions" 
#{0020} #{0110} "DS" "TemporalResolution" 
#{0020} #{0200} "UI" "SynchronizationFrameOfReferenceUID" 
#{0020} #{1000} "IS" "SeriesInStudy" 
#{0020} #{1002} "IS" "ImagesInAcquisition" 
#{0020} #{1004} "IS" "AcquisitionsInStudy" 
#{0020} #{1040} "LO" "PositionReferenceIndicator" 
#{0020} #{1041} "DS" "SliceLocation" 
#{0020} #{1070} "IS" "OtherStudyNumbers" 
#{0020} #{1200} "IS" "NumberOfPatientRelatedStudies" 
#{0020} #{1202} "IS" "NumberOfPatientRelatedSeries" 
#{0020} #{1204} "IS" "NumberOfPatientRelatedInstances" 
#{0020} #{1206} "IS" "NumberOfStudyRelatedSeries" 
#{0020} #{1208} "IS" "NumberOfStudyRelatedInstances" 
#{0020} #{1209} "IS" "NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances" 
#{0020} #{4000} "LT" "ImageComments" 
#{0020} #{9056} "SH" "StackID" 
#{0020} #{9057} "UL" "InStackPositionNumber" 
#{0020} #{9071} "SQ" "FrameAnatomySequence" 
#{0020} #{9072} "CS" "FrameLaterality" 
#{0020} #{9111} "SQ" "FrameContentSequence" 
#{0020} #{9113} "SQ" "PlanePositionSequence" 
#{0020} #{9116} "SQ" "PlaneOrientationSequence" 
#{0020} #{9128} "UL" "TemporalPositionIndex" 
#{0020} #{9153} "FD" "TriggerDelayTime" 
#{0020} #{9156} "US" "FrameAcquisitionNumber" 
#{0020} #{9157} "UL" "DimensionIndexValues" 
#{0020} #{9158} "LT" "FrameComments" 
#{0020} #{9161} "UI" "ConcatenationUID" 
#{0020} #{9162} "US" "InConcatenationNumber" 
#{0020} #{9163} "US" "InConcatenationTotalNumber" 
#{0020} #{9164} "UI" "DimensionOrganizationUID" 
#{0020} #{9165} "AT" "DimensionIndexPointer" 
#{0020} #{9167} "AT" "FunctionalGroupPointer" 
#{0020} #{9213} "LO" "DimensionIndexPrivateCreator" 
#{0020} #{9221} "SQ" "DimensionOrganizationSequence" 
#{0020} #{9222} "SQ" "DimensionIndexSequence" 
#{0020} #{9228} "UL" "ConcatenationFrameOffsetNumber" 
#{0020} #{9238} "LO" "FunctionalGroupPrivateCreator" 
#{0020} #{9421} "LO" "DimensionDescriptionLabel" 
#{0020} #{9450} "SQ" "PatientOrientationInFrameSequence" 
#{0020} #{9453} "LO" "FrameLabel" 
#{0022} #{0000} "UL" "OphtalmologyGroupLength" 
#{0022} #{0001} "US" "LightPathFilterPass-ThroughWavelength" 
#{0022} #{0002} "US" "LightPathFilterPassBand" 
#{0022} #{0003} "US" "ImagePathFilterPass-ThroughWavelength" 
#{0022} #{0004} "US" "ImagePathFilterPassBand" 
#{0022} #{0005} "CS" "PatientEyeMovementCommanded" 
#{0022} #{0006} "SQ" "PatientEyeMovementCommandCodeSequence" 
#{0022} #{0007} "FL" "SphericalLensPower" 
#{0022} #{0008} "FL" "CylinderLensPower" 
#{0022} #{0009} "FL" "CylinderAxis" 
#{0022} #{000A} "FL" "EmmetropicMagnification" 
#{0022} #{000B} "FL" "IntraOcularPressure" 
#{0022} #{000C} "FL" "HorizontalFieldOfView" 
#{0022} #{000D} "CS" "PupilDilated" 
#{0022} #{000E} "FL" "DegreeOfDilation" 
#{0022} #{0010} "FL" "StereoBaselineAngle" 
#{0022} #{0011} "FL" "StereoBaselineDisplacement" 
#{0022} #{0012} "FL" "StereoHorizontalPixelOffset" 
#{0022} #{0013} "FL" "StereoVerticalPixelOffset" 
#{0022} #{0014} "FL" "StereoRotation" 
#{0022} #{0015} "SQ" "AcquisitionDeviceTypeCodeSequence" 
#{0022} #{0016} "SQ" "IlluminationTypeCodeSequence" 
#{0022} #{0017} "SQ" "LightPathFilterTypeStackCodeSequence" 
#{0022} #{0018} "SQ" "ImagePathFilterTypeStackCodeSequence" 
#{0022} #{0019} "SQ" "LensesCodeSequence" 
#{0022} #{001A} "SQ" "ChannelDescriptionCodeSequence" 
#{0022} #{001B} "SQ" "RefractiveStateSequence" 
#{0022} #{001C} "SQ" "MydriaticAgentCodeSequence" 
#{0022} #{001D} "SQ" "RelativeImagePositionCodeSequence" 
#{0022} #{0020} "SQ" "StereoPairsSequence" 
#{0022} #{0021} "SQ" "LeftImageSequence" 
#{0022} #{0022} "SQ" "RightImageSequence" 
#{0028} #{0000} "UL" "ImagePresentationGroupLength" 
#{0028} #{0002} "US" "SamplesPerPixel" 
#{0028} #{0003} "US" "SamplesPerPixelUsed" 
#{0028} #{0004} "CS" "PhotometricInterpretation" 
#{0028} #{0006} "US" "PlanarConfiguration" 
#{0028} #{0008} "IS" "NumberOfFrames" 
#{0028} #{0009} "AT" "FrameIncrementPointer" 
#{0028} #{000A} "AT" "FrameDimensionPointer" 
#{0028} #{0010} "US" "Rows" 
#{0028} #{0011} "US" "Columns" 
#{0028} #{0012} "US" "Planes" 
#{0028} #{0014} "US" "UltrasoundColorDataPresent" 
#{0028} #{0030} "DS" "PixelSpacing" 
#{0028} #{0031} "DS" "ZoomFactor" 
#{0028} #{0032} "DS" "ZoomCenter" 
#{0028} #{0034} "IS" "PixelAspectRatio" 
#{0028} #{0051} "CS" "CorrectedImage" 
#{0028} #{0100} "US" "BitsAllocated" 
#{0028} #{0101} "US" "BitsStored" 
#{0028} #{0102} "US" "HighBit" 
#{0028} #{0103} "US" "PixelRepresentation" 
#{0028} #{0106} "xs" "SmallestImagePixelValue" 
#{0028} #{0107} "xs" "LargestImagePixelValue" 
#{0028} #{0108} "xs" "SmallestPixelValueInSeries" 
#{0028} #{0109} "xs" "LargestPixelValueInSeries" 
#{0028} #{0110} "xs" "SmallestImagePixelValueInPlane" 
#{0028} #{0111} "xs" "LargestImagePixelValueInPlane" 
#{0028} #{0120} "xs" "PixelPaddingValue" 
#{0028} #{0300} "CS" "QualityControlImage" 
#{0028} #{0301} "CS" "BurnedInAnnotation" 
#{0028} #{1040} "CS" "PixelIntensityRelationship" 
#{0028} #{1041} "SS" "PixelIntensityRelationshipSign" 
#{0028} #{1050} "DS" "WindowCenter" 
#{0028} #{1051} "DS" "WindowWidth" 
#{0028} #{1052} "DS" "RescaleIntercept" 
#{0028} #{1053} "DS" "RescaleSlope" 
#{0028} #{1054} "LO" "RescaleType" 
#{0028} #{1055} "LO" "WindowCenterWidthExplanation" 
#{0028} #{1056} "CS" "VOILUTFunction" 
#{0028} #{1090} "CS" "RecommendedViewingMode" 
#{0028} #{1101} "xs" "RedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor" 
#{0028} #{1102} "xs" "GreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor" 
#{0028} #{1103} "xs" "BluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor" 
#{0028} #{1199} "UI" "PaletteColorLookupTableUID" 
#{0028} #{1201} "OW" "RedPaletteColorLookupTableData" 
#{0028} #{1202} "OW" "GreenPaletteColorLookupTableData" 
#{0028} #{1203} "OW" "BluePaletteColorLookupTableData" 
#{0028} #{1221} "OW" "SegmentedRedPaletteColorLookupTableData" 
#{0028} #{1222} "OW" "SegmentedGreenPaletteColorLookupTableData" 
#{0028} #{1223} "OW" "SegmentedBluePaletteColorLookupTableData" 
#{0028} #{1300} "CS" "ImplantPresent" 
#{0028} #{1350} "CS" "PartialView" 
#{0028} #{1351} "ST" "PartialViewDescription" 
#{0028} #{1352} "SQ" "PartialViewCodeSequence" 
#{0028} #{135A} "CS" "SpatialLocationsPreserved" 
#{0028} #{2000} "OB" "ICCProfile" 
#{0028} #{2110} "CS" "LossyImageCompression" 
#{0028} #{2112} "DS" "LossyImageCompressionRatio" 
#{0028} #{2114} "CS" "LossyImageCompressionMethod" 
#{0028} #{3000} "SQ" "ModalityLUTSequence" 
#{0028} #{3002} "xs" "LUTDescriptor" 
#{0028} #{3003} "LO" "LUTExplanation" 
#{0028} #{3004} "LO" "ModalityLUTType" 
#{0028} #{3006} "lt" "LUTData" 
#{0028} #{3010} "SQ" "VOILUTSequence" 
#{0028} #{3110} "SQ" "SoftcopyVOILUTSequence" 
#{0028} #{5000} "SQ" "BiPlaneAcquisitionSequence" 
#{0028} #{6010} "US" "RepresentativeFrameNumber" 
#{0028} #{6020} "US" "FrameNumbersOfInterestFOI" 
#{0028} #{6022} "LO" "FramesOfInterestDescription" 
#{0028} #{6023} "CS" "FrameOfInterestType" 
#{0028} #{6040} "US" "RWavePointer" 
#{0028} #{6100} "SQ" "MaskSubtractionSequence" 
#{0028} #{6101} "CS" "MaskOperation" 
#{0028} #{6102} "US" "ApplicableFrameRange" 
#{0028} #{6110} "US" "MaskFrameNumbers" 
#{0028} #{6112} "US" "ContrastFrameAveraging" 
#{0028} #{6114} "FL" "MaskSubPixelShift" 
#{0028} #{6120} "SS" "TIDOffset" 
#{0028} #{6190} "ST" "MaskOperationExplanation" 
#{0028} #{9001} "UL" "DataPointRows" 
#{0028} #{9002} "UL" "DataPointColumns" 
#{0028} #{9003} "CS" "SignalDomainColumns" 
#{0028} #{9099} "US" "LargestMonochromePixelValue" 
#{0028} #{9108} "CS" "DataRepresentation" 
#{0028} #{9110} "SQ" "PixelMeasuresSequence" 
#{0028} #{9132} "SQ" "FrameVOILUTSequence" 
#{0028} #{9145} "SQ" "PixelValueTransformationSequence" 
#{0028} #{9235} "CS" "SignalDomainRows" 
#{0028} #{9411} "FL" "DisplayFilterPercentage" 
#{0028} #{9415} "SQ" "FramePixelShiftSequence" 
#{0028} #{9416} "US" "SubtractionItemID" 
#{0028} #{9422} "SQ" "PixelIntensityRelationshipLUTSequence" 
#{0028} #{9443} "SQ" "FramePixelDataPropertiesSequence" 
#{0028} #{9444} "CS" "GeometricalProperties" 
#{0028} #{9445} "FL" "GeometricMaximumDistortion" 
#{0028} #{9446} "CS" "ImageProcessingApplied" 
#{0028} #{9454} "CS" "MaskSelectionMode" 
#{0028} #{9475} "CS" "LUTFunction" 
#{0032} #{0000} "UL" "StudyGroupLength" 
#{0032} #{000A} "CS" "StudyStatusID" 
#{0032} #{000C} "CS" "StudyPriorityID" 
#{0032} #{0012} "LO" "StudyIDIssuer" 
#{0032} #{0032} "DA" "StudyVerifiedDate" 
#{0032} #{0033} "TM" "StudyVerifiedTime" 
#{0032} #{0034} "DA" "StudyReadDate" 
#{0032} #{0035} "TM" "StudyReadTime" 
#{0032} #{1000} "DA" "ScheduledStudyStartDate" 
#{0032} #{1001} "TM" "ScheduledStudyStartTime" 
#{0032} #{1010} "DA" "ScheduledStudyStopDate" 
#{0032} #{1011} "TM" "ScheduledStudyStopTime" 
#{0032} #{1020} "LO" "ScheduledStudyLocation" 
#{0032} #{1021} "AE" "ScheduledStudyLocationAETitles" 
#{0032} #{1030} "LO" "ReasonForStudy" 
#{0032} #{1031} "SQ" "RequestingPhysicianIdentificationSequence" 
#{0032} #{1032} "PN" "RequestingPhysician" 
#{0032} #{1033} "LO" "RequestingService" 
#{0032} #{1040} "DA" "StudyArrivalDate" 
#{0032} #{1041} "TM" "StudyArrivalTime" 
#{0032} #{1050} "DA" "StudyCompletionDate" 
#{0032} #{1051} "TM" "StudyCompletionTime" 
#{0032} #{1055} "CS" "StudyComponentStatusID" 
#{0032} #{1060} "LO" "RequestedProcedureDescription" 
#{0032} #{1064} "SQ" "RequestedProcedureCodeSequence" 
#{0032} #{1070} "LO" "RequestedContrastAgent" 
#{0032} #{4000} "LT" "StudyComments" 
#{0038} #{0000} "UL" "VisitGroupLength" 
#{0038} #{0004} "SQ" "ReferencedPatientAliasSequence" 
#{0038} #{0008} "CS" "VisitStatusID" 
#{0038} #{0010} "LO" "AdmissionID" 
#{0038} #{0011} "LO" "IssuerOfAdmissionID" 
#{0038} #{0016} "LO" "RouteOfAdmissions" 
#{0038} #{001A} "DA" "ScheduledAdmissionDate" 
#{0038} #{001B} "TM" "ScheduledAdmissionTime" 
#{0038} #{001C} "DA" "ScheduledDischargeDate" 
#{0038} #{001D} "TM" "ScheduledDischargeTime" 
#{0038} #{001E} "LO" "ScheduledPatientInstitutionResidence" 
#{0038} #{0020} "DA" "AdmittingDate" 
#{0038} #{0021} "TM" "AdmittingTime" 
#{0038} #{0030} "DA" "DischargeDate" 
#{0038} #{0032} "TM" "DischargeTime" 
#{0038} #{0040} "LO" "DischargeDiagnosisDescription" 
#{0038} #{0044} "SQ" "DischargeDiagnosisCodeSequence" 
#{0038} #{0050} "LO" "SpecialNeeds" 
#{0038} #{0100} "SQ" "PertinentDocumentsSequence" 
#{0038} #{0300} "LO" "CurrentPatientLocation" 
#{0038} #{0400} "LO" "PatientsInstitutionResidence" 
#{0038} #{0500} "LO" "PatientState" 
#{0038} #{0502} "SQ" "PatientClinicalTrialParticipationSequence" 
#{0038} #{4000} "LT" "VisitComments" 
#{003A} #{0000} "UL" "WaveformGroupLength" 
#{003A} #{0004} "CS" "WaveformOriginality" 
#{003A} #{0005} "US" "NumberOfWaveformChannels" 
#{003A} #{0010} "UL" "NumberOfWaveformSamples" 
#{003A} #{001A} "DS" "SamplingFrequency" 
#{003A} #{0020} "SH" "MultiplexGroupLabel" 
#{003A} #{0200} "SQ" "ChannelDefinitionSequence" 
#{003A} #{0202} "IS" "WaveformChannelNumber" 
#{003A} #{0203} "SH" "ChannelLabel" 
#{003A} #{0205} "CS" "ChannelStatus" 
#{003A} #{0208} "SQ" "ChannelSourceSequence" 
#{003A} #{0209} "SQ" "ChannelSourceModifiersSequence" 
#{003A} #{020A} "SQ" "SourceWaveformSequence" 
#{003A} #{020C} "LO" "ChannelDerivationDescription" 
#{003A} #{0210} "DS" "ChannelSensitivity" 
#{003A} #{0211} "SQ" "ChannelSensitivityUnitsSequence" 
#{003A} #{0212} "DS" "ChannelSensitivityCorrectionFactor" 
#{003A} #{0213} "DS" "ChannelBaseline" 
#{003A} #{0214} "DS" "ChannelTimeSkew" 
#{003A} #{0215} "DS" "ChannelSampleSkew" 
#{003A} #{0218} "DS" "ChannelOffset" 
#{003A} #{021A} "US" "WaveformBitsStored" 
#{003A} #{0220} "DS" "FilterLowFrequency" 
#{003A} #{0221} "DS" "FilterHighFrequency" 
#{003A} #{0222} "DS" "NotchFilterFrequency" 
#{003A} #{0223} "DS" "NotchFilterBandwidth" 
#{003A} #{0300} "SQ" "MultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence" 
#{003A} #{0301} "IS" "ChannelIdentificationCode" 
#{003A} #{0302} "CS" "ChannelMode" 
#{0040} #{0000} "UL" "ModalityWorklistGroupLength" 
#{0040} #{0001} "AE" "ScheduledStationAETitle" 
#{0040} #{0002} "DA" "ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate" 
#{0040} #{0003} "TM" "ScheduledProcedureStepStartTime" 
#{0040} #{0004} "DA" "ScheduledProcedureStepEndDate" 
#{0040} #{0005} "TM" "ScheduledProcedureStepEndTime" 
#{0040} #{0006} "PN" "ScheduledPerformingPhysiciansName" 
#{0040} #{0007} "LO" "ScheduledProcedureStepDescription" 
#{0040} #{0008} "SQ" "ScheduledProtocolCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{0009} "SH" "ScheduledProcedureStepID" 
#{0040} #{000A} "SQ" "StageCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{000B} "SQ" "ScheduledPerformingPhysicianIdentificationSequence" 
#{0040} #{0010} "SH" "ScheduledStationName" 
#{0040} #{0011} "SH" "ScheduledProcedureStepLocation" 
#{0040} #{0012} "LO" "PreMedication" 
#{0040} #{0020} "CS" "ScheduledProcedureStepStatus" 
#{0040} #{0100} "SQ" "ScheduledProcedureStepSequence" 
#{0040} #{0220} "SQ" "ReferencedNonImageCompositeSOPInstanceSequence" 
#{0040} #{0241} "AE" "PerformedStationAETitle" 
#{0040} #{0242} "SH" "PerformedStationName" 
#{0040} #{0243} "SH" "PerformedLocation" 
#{0040} #{0244} "DA" "PerformedProcedureStepStartDate" 
#{0040} #{0245} "TM" "PerformedProcedureStepStartTime" 
#{0040} #{0250} "DA" "PerformedProcedureStepEndDate" 
#{0040} #{0251} "TM" "PerformedProcedureStepEndTime" 
#{0040} #{0252} "CS" "PerformedProcedureStepStatus" 
#{0040} #{0253} "SH" "PerformedProcedureStepID" 
#{0040} #{0254} "LO" "PerformedProcedureStepDescription" 
#{0040} #{0255} "LO" "PerformedProcedureTypeDescription" 
#{0040} #{0260} "SQ" "PerformedProtocolCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{0270} "SQ" "ScheduledStepAttributesSequence" 
#{0040} #{0275} "SQ" "RequestAttributesSequence" 
#{0040} #{0280} "ST" "CommentsOnThePerformedProcedureStep" 
#{0040} #{0281} "SQ" {PerformedProcedureStepDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequence} 
#{0040} #{0293} "SQ" "QuantitySequence" 
#{0040} #{0294} "DS" "Quantity" 
#{0040} #{0295} "SQ" "MeasuringUnitsSequence" 
#{0040} #{0296} "SQ" "BillingItemSequence" 
#{0040} #{0300} "US" "TotalTimeOfFluoroscopy" 
#{0040} #{0301} "US" "TotalNumberOfExposures" 
#{0040} #{0302} "US" "EntranceDose" 
#{0040} #{0303} "US" "ExposedArea" 
#{0040} #{0306} "DS" "DistanceSourceToEntrance" 
#{0040} #{030E} "SQ" "ExposureDoseSequence" 
#{0040} #{0310} "ST" "CommentsOnRadiationDose" 
#{0040} #{0312} "DS" "XRayOutput" 
#{0040} #{0314} "DS" "HalfValueLayer" 
#{0040} #{0316} "DS" "OrganDose" 
#{0040} #{0318} "CS" "OrganExposed" 
#{0040} #{0320} "SQ" "BillingProcedureStepSequence" 
#{0040} #{0321} "SQ" "FilmConsumptionSequence" 
#{0040} #{0324} "SQ" "BillingSuppliesAndDevicesSequence" 
#{0040} #{0340} "SQ" "PerformedSeriesSequence" 
#{0040} #{0400} "LT" "CommentsOnTheScheduledProcedureStep" 
#{0040} #{0440} "SQ" "ProtocolContextSequence" 
#{0040} #{0441} "SQ" "ContentItemModifierSequence" 
#{0040} #{050A} "LO" "SpecimenAccessionNumber" 
#{0040} #{0550} "SQ" "SpecimenSequence" 
#{0040} #{0551} "LO" "SpecimenIdentifier" 
#{0040} #{0555} "SQ" "AcquisitionContextSequence" 
#{0040} #{0556} "ST" "AcquisitionContextDescription" 
#{0040} #{059A} "SQ" "SpecimenTypeCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{06FA} "LO" "SlideIdentifier" 
#{0040} #{071A} "SQ" "ImageCenterPointCoordinatesSequence" 
#{0040} #{072A} "DS" "XOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem" 
#{0040} #{073A} "DS" "YOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem" 
#{0040} #{074A} "DS" "ZOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem" 
#{0040} #{08D8} "SQ" "PixelSpacingSequence" 
#{0040} #{08DA} "SQ" "CoordinateSystemAxisCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{08EA} "SQ" "MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{1001} "SH" "RequestedProcedureID" 
#{0040} #{1002} "LO" "ReasonForTheRequestedProcedure" 
#{0040} #{1003} "SH" "RequestedProcedurePriority" 
#{0040} #{1004} "LO" "PatientTransportArrangements" 
#{0040} #{1005} "LO" "RequestedProcedureLocation" 
#{0040} #{1006} "SH" "PlacerOrderNumberProcedure" 
#{0040} #{1007} "SH" "FillerOrderNumberProcedure" 
#{0040} #{1008} "LO" "ConfidentialityCode" 
#{0040} #{1009} "SH" "ReportingPriority" 
#{0040} #{100A} "SQ" "ReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{1010} "PN" "NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResults" 
#{0040} #{1011} "SQ" "IntendedRecipientsOfResultsIdentificationSequence" 
#{0040} #{1101} "SQ" "PersonIdentificationCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{1102} "ST" "PersonsAddress" 
#{0040} #{1103} "LO" "PersonsTelephoneNumbers" 
#{0040} #{1400} "LT" "RequestedProcedureComments" 
#{0040} #{2004} "DA" "IssueDateOfImagingServiceRequest" 
#{0040} #{2005} "TM" "IssueTimeOfImagingServiceRequest" 
#{0040} #{2008} "PN" "OrderEnteredBy" 
#{0040} #{2009} "SH" "OrderEnterersLocation" 
#{0040} #{2010} "SH" "OrderCallbackPhoneNumber" 
#{0040} #{2016} "LO" "PlacerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequest" 
#{0040} #{2017} "LO" "FillerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequest" 
#{0040} #{2400} "LT" "ImagingServiceRequestComments" 
#{0040} #{3001} "LO" "ConfidentialityConstraintOnPatientDataDescription" 
#{0040} #{4001} "CS" "GeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepStatus" 
#{0040} #{4002} "CS" "GeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepStatus" 
#{0040} #{4003} "CS" "GeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepPriority" 
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#{0040} #{4005} "DT" "ScheduledProcedureStepStartDateAndTime" 
#{0040} #{4006} "CS" "MultipleCopiesFlag" 
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#{0040} #{4009} "SQ" "HumanPerformerCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{4010} "DT" "ScheduledProcedureStepModificationDateAndTime" 
#{0040} #{4011} "DT" "ExpectedCompletionDateAndTime" 
#{0040} #{4015} "SQ" {ResultingGeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepsSequence} 
#{0040} #{4016} "SQ" {ReferencedGeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepSequence} 
#{0040} #{4018} "SQ" "ScheduledWorkitemCodeSequence" 
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#{0040} #{4030} "SQ" "PerformedStationGeographicLocationCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{4031} "SQ" "RequestedSubsequentWorkitemCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{4032} "SQ" "NonDICOMOutputCodeSequence" 
#{0040} #{4033} "SQ" "OutputInformationSequence" 
#{0040} #{4034} "SQ" "ScheduledHumanPerformersSequence" 
#{0040} #{4035} "SQ" "ActualHumanPerformersSequence" 
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#{0040} #{9211} "xs" "RealWorldValueLastValueMapped" 
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#{0040} #{9216} "xs" "RealWorldValueFirstValueMapped" 
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#{0040} #{A050} "CS" "ContinuityOfContent" 
#{0040} #{A073} "SQ" "VerifyingObserverSequence" 
#{0040} #{A075} "PN" "VerifyingObserverName" 
#{0040} #{A078} "SQ" "AuthorObserverSequence" 
#{0040} #{A07A} "SQ" "ParticipantSequence" 
#{0040} #{A07C} "SQ" "CustodialOrganizationSequence" 
#{0040} #{A080} "CS" "ParticipationType" 
#{0040} #{A082} "DT" "ParticipationDatetime" 
#{0040} #{A084} "CS" "ObserverType" 
#{0040} #{A088} "SQ" "VerifyingObserverIdentificationCodeSequence" 
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#{0040} #{A120} "DT" "DateTime" 
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#{0054} #{0200} "DS" "StartAngle" 
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#{0054} #{0210} "IS" "TriggerVector" 
#{0054} #{0211} "US" "NumberOfTriggersInPhase" 
#{0054} #{0220} "SQ" "ViewCodeSequence" 
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#{0054} #{0300} "SQ" "RadionuclideCodeSequence" 
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#{0054} #{1002} "CS" "CountsSource" 
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#{0054} #{1101} "LO" "AttenuationCorrectionMethod" 
#{0054} #{1102} "CS" "DecayCorrection" 
#{0054} #{1103} "LO" "ReconstructionMethod" 
#{0054} #{1104} "LO" "DetectorLinesOfResponseUsed" 
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#{0054} #{1324} "DS" "DeadTimeFactor" 
#{0054} #{1330} "US" "ImageIndex" 
#{0054} #{1400} "CS" "CountsIncluded" 
#{0054} #{1401} "CS" "DeadTimeCorrectionFlag" 
#{0060} #{0000} "UL" "HistogramGroupLength" 
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#{0060} #{3008} "US" "HistogramBinWidth" 
#{0060} #{3010} "LO" "HistogramExplanation" 
#{0060} #{3020} "UL" "HistogramData" 
#{0070} #{0000} "UL" "PresentationStateGroupLength" 
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#{2010} #{00A6} "CS" "DefaultMagnificationType" 
#{2010} #{00A7} "CS" "OtherMagnificationTypesAvailable" 
#{2010} #{00A8} "CS" "DefaultSmoothingType" 
#{2010} #{00A9} "CS" "OtherSmoothingTypesAvailable" 
#{2010} #{0100} "CS" "BorderDensity" 
#{2010} #{0110} "CS" "EmptyImageDensity" 
#{2010} #{0120} "US" "MinDensity" 
#{2010} #{0130} "US" "MaxDensity" 
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#{2010} #{0150} "ST" "ConfigurationInformation" 
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#{2010} #{0154} "IS" "MaximumCollatedFilms" 
#{2010} #{015E} "US" "Illumination" 
#{2010} #{0160} "US" "ReflectedAmbientLight" 
#{2010} #{0376} "DS" "PrinterPixelSpacing" 
#{2010} #{0500} "SQ" "ReferencedFilmSessionSequence" 
#{2010} #{0510} "SQ" "ReferencedImageBoxSequence" 
#{2010} #{0520} "SQ" "ReferencedBasicAnnotationBoxSequence" 
#{2020} #{0000} "UL" "ImageBoxGroupLength" 
#{2020} #{0010} "US" "ImagePosition" 
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#{2020} #{0050} "CS" "RequestedResolutionID" 
#{2020} #{00A0} "CS" "RequestedImageSizeFlag" 
#{2020} #{00A2} "CS" "DecimateCropResult" 
#{2020} #{0110} "SQ" "BasicGrayscaleImageSequence" 
#{2020} #{0111} "SQ" "BasicColorImageSequence" 
#{2030} #{0000} "UL" "AnnotationGroupLength" 
#{2030} #{0010} "US" "AnnotationPosition" 
#{2030} #{0020} "LO" "TextString" 
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#{2040} #{0011} "US" "ReferencedOverlayPlaneGroups" 
#{2040} #{0020} "SQ" "OverlayPixelDataSequence" 
#{2040} #{0060} "CS" "OverlayMagnificationType" 
#{2040} #{0070} "CS" "OverlaySmoothingType" 
#{2040} #{0072} "CS" "OverlayOrImageMagnification" 
#{2040} #{0074} "US" "MagnifyToNumberOfColumns" 
#{2040} #{0080} "CS" "OverlayForegroundDensity" 
#{2040} #{0082} "CS" "OverlayBackgroundDensity" 
#{2040} #{0090} "CS" "OverlayMode" 
#{2040} #{0100} "CS" "ThresholdDensity" 
#{2050} #{0000} "UL" "PresentationLUTGroupLength" 
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#{2100} #{0000} "UL" "PrintJobGroupLength" 
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#{2100} #{0050} "TM" "CreationTime" 
#{2100} #{0070} "AE" "Originator" 
#{2100} #{0140} "AE" "DestinationAE" 
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#{2100} #{0170} "IS" "NumberOfFilms" 
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#{2120} #{0000} "UL" "QueueGroupLength" 
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#{2130} #{0000} "UL" "PrintContentGroupLength" 
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#{2130} #{0015} "SQ" "PrinterCharacteristicsSequence" 
#{2130} #{0030} "SQ" "FilmBoxContentSequence" 
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#{2130} #{0050} "SQ" "AnnotationContentSequence" 
#{2130} #{0060} "SQ" "ImageOverlayBoxContentSequence" 
#{2130} #{0080} "SQ" "PresentationLUTContentSequence" 
#{2130} #{00A0} "SQ" "ProposedStudySequence" 
#{2130} #{00C0} "SQ" "OriginalImageSequence" 
#{2200} #{0000} "UL" "MediaCreationGroupLength" 
#{2200} #{0001} "CS" "LabelUsingInformationExtractedFromInstances" 
#{2200} #{0002} "UT" "LabelText" 
#{2200} #{0003} "CS" "LabelStyleSelection" 
#{2200} #{0004} "LT" "MediaDisposition" 
#{2200} #{0005} "LT" "BarcodeValue" 
#{2200} #{0006} "CS" "BarcodeSymbology" 
#{2200} #{0007} "CS" "AllowMediaSplitting" 
#{2200} #{0008} "CS" "IncludeNon-DICOMObjects" 
#{2200} #{0009} "CS" "IncludeDisplayApplication" 
#{2200} #{000A} "CS" "PreserveCompositeInstancesAfterMediaCreation" 
#{2200} #{000B} "US" "TotalNumberOfPiecesOfMediaCreated" 
#{2200} #{000C} "LO" "RequestedMediaApplicationProfile" 
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#{2200} #{000E} "AT" "FailureAttributes" 
#{2200} #{000F} "CS" "AllowLossyCompression" 
#{2200} #{0020} "CS" "RequestPriority" 
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#{3002} #{0010} "DS" "RTImageOrientation" 
#{3002} #{0011} "DS" "ImagePlanePixelSpacing" 
#{3002} #{0012} "DS" "RTImagePosition" 
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#{3002} #{0024} "DS" "RadiationMachineSSD" 
#{3002} #{0026} "DS" "RTImageSID" 
#{3002} #{0028} "DS" "SourceToReferenceObjectDistance" 
#{3002} #{0029} "IS" "FractionNumber" 
#{3002} #{0030} "SQ" "ExposureSequence" 
#{3002} #{0032} "DS" "MetersetExposure" 
#{3002} #{0034} "DS" "DiaphragmPosition" 
#{3002} #{0040} "SQ" "FluenceeMapSequence" 
#{3002} #{0041} "CS" "FluenceDataSource" 
#{3002} #{0042} "DS" "FluenceDataScale" 
#{3004} #{0000} "UL" "RTDoseGroupLength" 
#{3004} #{0001} "CS" "DVHType" 
#{3004} #{0002} "CS" "DoseUnits" 
#{3004} #{0004} "CS" "DoseType" 
#{3004} #{0006} "LO" "DoseComment" 
#{3004} #{0008} "DS" "NormalizationPoint" 
#{3004} #{000A} "CS" "DoseSummationType" 
#{3004} #{000C} "DS" "GridFrameOffsetVector" 
#{3004} #{000E} "DS" "DoseGridScaling" 
#{3004} #{0010} "SQ" "RTDoseROISequence" 
#{3004} #{0012} "DS" "DoseValue" 
#{3004} #{0014} "CS" "TissueHeterogeneityCorrection" 
#{3004} #{0040} "DS" "DVHNormalizationPoint" 
#{3004} #{0042} "DS" "DVHNormalizationDoseValue" 
#{3004} #{0050} "SQ" "DVHSequence" 
#{3004} #{0052} "DS" "DVHDoseScaling" 
#{3004} #{0054} "CS" "DVHVolumeUnits" 
#{3004} #{0056} "IS" "DVHNumberOfBins" 
#{3004} #{0058} "DS" "DVHData" 
#{3004} #{0060} "SQ" "DVHReferencedROISequence" 
#{3004} #{0062} "CS" "DVHROIContributionType" 
#{3004} #{0070} "DS" "DVHMinimumDose" 
#{3004} #{0072} "DS" "DVHMaximumDose" 
#{3004} #{0074} "DS" "DVHMeanDose" 
#{3006} #{0000} "UL" "RTStructureSetGroupLength" 
#{3006} #{0002} "SH" "StructureSetLabel" 
#{3006} #{0004} "LO" "StructureSetName" 
#{3006} #{0006} "ST" "StructureSetDescription" 
#{3006} #{0008} "DA" "StructureSetDate" 
#{3006} #{0009} "TM" "StructureSetTime" 
#{3006} #{0010} "SQ" "ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence" 
#{3006} #{0012} "SQ" "RTReferencedStudySequence" 
#{3006} #{0014} "SQ" "RTReferencedSeriesSequence" 
#{3006} #{0016} "SQ" "ContourImageSequence" 
#{3006} #{0020} "SQ" "StructureSetROISequence" 
#{3006} #{0022} "IS" "ROINumber" 
#{3006} #{0024} "UI" "ReferencedFrameOfReferenceUID" 
#{3006} #{0026} "LO" "ROIName" 
#{3006} #{0028} "ST" "ROIDescription" 
#{3006} #{002A} "IS" "ROIDisplayColor" 
#{3006} #{002C} "DS" "ROIVolume" 
#{3006} #{0030} "SQ" "RTRelatedROISequence" 
#{3006} #{0033} "CS" "RTROIRelationship" 
#{3006} #{0036} "CS" "ROIGenerationAlgorithm" 
#{3006} #{0038} "LO" "ROIGenerationDescription" 
#{3006} #{0039} "SQ" "ROIContourSequence" 
#{3006} #{0040} "SQ" "ContourSequence" 
#{3006} #{0042} "CS" "ContourGeometricType" 
#{3006} #{0044} "DS" "ContourSlabThickness" 
#{3006} #{0045} "DS" "ContourOffsetVector" 
#{3006} #{0046} "IS" "NumberOfContourPoints" 
#{3006} #{0048} "IS" "ContourNumber" 
#{3006} #{0049} "IS" "AttachedContours" 
#{3006} #{0050} "DS" "ContourData" 
#{3006} #{0080} "SQ" "RTROIObservationsSequence" 
#{3006} #{0082} "IS" "ObservationNumber" 
#{3006} #{0084} "IS" "ReferencedROINumber" 
#{3006} #{0085} "SH" "ROIObservationLabel" 
#{3006} #{0086} "SQ" "RTROIIdentificationCodeSequence" 
#{3006} #{0088} "ST" "ROIObservationDescription" 
#{3006} #{00A0} "SQ" "RelatedRTROIObservationsSequence" 
#{3006} #{00A4} "CS" "RTROIInterpretedType" 
#{3006} #{00A6} "PN" "ROIInterpreter" 
#{3006} #{00B0} "SQ" "ROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence" 
#{3006} #{00B2} "CS" "ROIPhysicalProperty" 
#{3006} #{00B4} "DS" "ROIPhysicalPropertyValue" 
#{3006} #{00C0} "SQ" "FrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence" 
#{3006} #{00C2} "UI" "RelatedFrameOfReferenceUID" 
#{3006} #{00C4} "CS" "FrameOfReferenceTransformationType" 
#{3006} #{00C6} "DS" "FrameOfReferenceTransformationMatrix" 
#{3006} #{00C8} "LO" "FrameOfReferenceTransformationComment" 
#{3008} #{0000} "UL" "RTTreatmentGroupLength" 
#{3008} #{0010} "SQ" "MeasuredDoseReferenceSequence" 
#{3008} #{0012} "ST" "MeasuredDoseDescription" 
#{3008} #{0014} "CS" "MeasuredDoseType" 
#{3008} #{0016} "DS" "MeasuredDoseValue" 
#{3008} #{0020} "SQ" "TreatmentSessionBeamSequence" 
#{3008} #{0022} "IS" "CurrentFractionNumber" 
#{3008} #{0024} "DA" "TreatmentControlPointDate" 
#{3008} #{0025} "TM" "TreatmentControlPointTime" 
#{3008} #{002A} "CS" "TreatmentTerminationStatus" 
#{3008} #{002B} "SH" "TreatmentTerminationCode" 
#{3008} #{002C} "CS" "TreatmentVerificationStatus" 
#{3008} #{0030} "SQ" "ReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence" 
#{3008} #{0032} "DS" "SpecifiedPrimaryMeterset" 
#{3008} #{0033} "DS" "SpecifiedSecondaryMeterset" 
#{3008} #{0036} "DS" "DeliveredPrimaryMeterset" 
#{3008} #{0037} "DS" "DeliveredSecondaryMeterset" 
#{3008} #{003A} "DS" "SpecifiedTreatmentTime" 
#{3008} #{003B} "DS" "DeliveredTreatmentTime" 
#{3008} #{0040} "SQ" "ControlPointDeliverySequence" 
#{3008} #{0042} "DS" "SpecifiedMeterset" 
#{3008} #{0044} "DS" "DeliveredMeterset" 
#{3008} #{0048} "DS" "DoseRateDelivered" 
#{3008} #{0050} "SQ" "TreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence" 
#{3008} #{0052} "DS" "CumulativeDoseToDoseReference" 
#{3008} #{0054} "DA" "FirstTreatmentDate" 
#{3008} #{0056} "DA" "MostRecentTreatmentDate" 
#{3008} #{005A} "IS" "NumberOfFractionsDelivered" 
#{3008} #{0060} "SQ" "OverrideSequence" 
#{3008} #{0062} "AT" "OverrideParameterPointer" 
#{3008} #{0064} "IS" "MeasuredDoseReferenceNumber" 
#{3008} #{0066} "ST" "OverrideReason" 
#{3008} #{0070} "SQ" "CalculatedDoseReferenceSequence" 
#{3008} #{0072} "IS" "CalculatedDoseReferenceNumber" 
#{3008} #{0074} "ST" "CalculatedDoseReferenceDescription" 
#{3008} #{0076} "DS" "CalculatedDoseReferenceDoseValue" 
#{3008} #{0078} "DS" "StartMeterset" 
#{3008} #{007A} "DS" "EndMeterset" 
#{3008} #{0080} "SQ" "ReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence" 
#{3008} #{0082} "IS" "ReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceNumber" 
#{3008} #{0090} "SQ" "ReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence" 
#{3008} #{0092} "IS" "ReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceNumber" 
#{3008} #{00A0} "SQ" "BeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence" 
#{3008} #{00B0} "SQ" "RecordedWedgeSequence" 
#{3008} #{00C0} "SQ" "RecordedCompensatorSequence" 
#{3008} #{00D0} "SQ" "RecordedBlockSequence" 
#{3008} #{00E0} "SQ" "TreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence" 
#{3008} #{0100} "SQ" "RecordedSourceSequence" 
#{3008} #{0105} "LO" "SourceSerialNumber" 
#{3008} #{0110} "SQ" "TreatmentSessionApplicationSetupSequence" 
#{3008} #{0116} "CS" "ApplicationSetupCheck" 
#{3008} #{0120} "SQ" "RecordedBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence" 
#{3008} #{0122} "IS" "ReferencedBrachyAccessoryDeviceNumber" 
#{3008} #{0130} "SQ" "RecordedChannelSequence" 
#{3008} #{0132} "DS" "SpecifiedChannelTotalTime" 
#{3008} #{0134} "DS" "DeliveredChannelTotalTime" 
#{3008} #{0136} "IS" "SpecifiedNumberOfPulses" 
#{3008} #{0138} "IS" "DeliveredNumberOfPulses" 
#{3008} #{013A} "DS" "SpecifiedPulseRepetitionInterval" 
#{3008} #{013C} "DS" "DeliveredPulseRepetitionInterval" 
#{3008} #{0140} "SQ" "RecordedSourceApplicatorSequence" 
#{3008} #{0142} "IS" "ReferencedSourceApplicatorNumber" 
#{3008} #{0150} "SQ" "RecordedChannelShieldSequence" 
#{3008} #{0152} "IS" "ReferencedChannelShieldNumber" 
#{3008} #{0160} "SQ" "BrachyControlPointDeliveredSequence" 
#{3008} #{0162} "DA" "SafePositionExitDate" 
#{3008} #{0164} "TM" "SafePositionExitTime" 
#{3008} #{0166} "DA" "SafePositionReturnDate" 
#{3008} #{0168} "TM" "SafePositionReturnTime" 
#{3008} #{0200} "CS" "CurrentTreatmentStatus" 
#{3008} #{0202} "ST" "TreatmentStatusComment" 
#{3008} #{0220} "SQ" "FractionGroupSummarySequence" 
#{3008} #{0223} "IS" "ReferencedFractionNumber" 
#{3008} #{0224} "CS" "FractionGroupType" 
#{3008} #{0230} "CS" "BeamStopperPosition" 
#{3008} #{0240} "SQ" "FractionStatusSummarySequence" 
#{3008} #{0250} "DA" "TreatmentDate" 
#{3008} #{0251} "TM" "TreatmentTime" 
#{300A} #{0000} "UL" "RTPlanGroupLength" 
#{300A} #{0002} "SH" "RTPlanLabel" 
#{300A} #{0003} "LO" "RTPlanName" 
#{300A} #{0004} "ST" "RTPlanDescription" 
#{300A} #{0006} "DA" "RTPlanDate" 
#{300A} #{0007} "TM" "RTPlanTime" 
#{300A} #{0009} "LO" "TreatmentProtocols" 
#{300A} #{000A} "CS" "PlanIntent" 
#{300A} #{000B} "LO" "TreatmentSites" 
#{300A} #{000C} "CS" "RTPlanGeometry" 
#{300A} #{000E} "ST" "PrescriptionDescription" 
#{300A} #{0010} "SQ" "DoseReferenceSequence" 
#{300A} #{0012} "IS" "DoseReferenceNumber" 
#{300A} #{0013} "LO" "DoseReferenceUID" 
#{300A} #{0014} "CS" "DoseReferenceStructureType" 
#{300A} #{0015} "CS" "NominalBeamEnergyUnit" 
#{300A} #{0016} "LO" "DoseReferenceDescription" 
#{300A} #{0018} "DS" "DoseReferencePointCoordinates" 
#{300A} #{001A} "DS" "NominalPriorDose" 
#{300A} #{0020} "CS" "DoseReferenceType" 
#{300A} #{0021} "DS" "ConstraintWeight" 
#{300A} #{0022} "DS" "DeliveryWarningDose" 
#{300A} #{0023} "DS" "DeliveryMaximumDose" 
#{300A} #{0025} "DS" "TargetMinimumDose" 
#{300A} #{0026} "DS" "TargetPrescriptionDose" 
#{300A} #{0027} "DS" "TargetMaximumDose" 
#{300A} #{0028} "DS" "TargetUnderdoseVolumeFraction" 
#{300A} #{002A} "DS" "OrganAtRiskFullVolumeDose" 
#{300A} #{002B} "DS" "OrganAtRiskLimitDose" 
#{300A} #{002C} "DS" "OrganAtRiskMaximumDose" 
#{300A} #{002D} "DS" "OrganAtRiskOverdoseVolumeFraction" 
#{300A} #{0040} "SQ" "ToleranceTableSequence" 
#{300A} #{0042} "IS" "ToleranceTableNumber" 
#{300A} #{0043} "SH" "ToleranceTableLabel" 
#{300A} #{0044} "DS" "GantryAngleTolerance" 
#{300A} #{0046} "DS" "BeamLimitingDeviceAngleTolerance" 
#{300A} #{0048} "SQ" "BeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence" 
#{300A} #{004A} "DS" "BeamLimitingDevicePositionTolerance" 
#{300A} #{004C} "DS" "PatientSupportAngleTolerance" 
#{300A} #{004E} "DS" "TableTopEccentricAngleTolerance" 
#{300A} #{0051} "DS" "TableTopVerticalPositionTolerance" 
#{300A} #{0052} "DS" "TableTopLongitudinalPositionTolerance" 
#{300A} #{0053} "DS" "TableTopLateralPositionTolerance" 
#{300A} #{0055} "CS" "RTPlanRelationship" 
#{300A} #{0070} "SQ" "FractionGroupSequence" 
#{300A} #{0071} "IS" "FractionGroupNumber" 
#{300A} #{0072} "LO" "FractionGroupDescription" 
#{300A} #{0078} "IS" "NumberOfFractionsPlanned" 
#{300A} #{0079} "IS" "NumberOfFractionPatternDigitsPerDay" 
#{300A} #{007A} "IS" "RepeatFractionCycleLength" 
#{300A} #{007B} "LT" "FractionPattern" 
#{300A} #{0080} "IS" "NumberOfBeams" 
#{300A} #{0082} "DS" "BeamDoseSpecificationPoint" 
#{300A} #{0084} "DS" "BeamDose" 
#{300A} #{0086} "DS" "BeamMeterset" 
#{300A} #{00A0} "IS" "NumberOfBrachyApplicationSetups" 
#{300A} #{00A2} "DS" "BrachyApplicationSetupDoseSpecificationPoint" 
#{300A} #{00A4} "DS" "BrachyApplicationSetupDose" 
#{300A} #{00B0} "SQ" "BeamSequence" 
#{300A} #{00B2} "SH" "TreatmentMachineName" 
#{300A} #{00B3} "CS" "PrimaryDosimeterUnit" 
#{300A} #{00B4} "DS" "SourceAxisDistance" 
#{300A} #{00B6} "SQ" "BeamLimitingDeviceSequence" 
#{300A} #{00B8} "CS" "RTBeamLimitingDeviceType" 
#{300A} #{00BA} "DS" "SourceToBeamLimitingDeviceDistance" 
#{300A} #{00BC} "IS" "NumberOfLeafJawPairs" 
#{300A} #{00BE} "DS" "LeafPositionBoundaries" 
#{300A} #{00C0} "IS" "BeamNumber" 
#{300A} #{00C2} "LO" "BeamName" 
#{300A} #{00C3} "ST" "BeamDescription" 
#{300A} #{00C4} "CS" "BeamType" 
#{300A} #{00C6} "CS" "RadiationType" 
#{300A} #{00C7} "CS" "HighDoseTechniqueType" 
#{300A} #{00C8} "IS" "ReferenceImageNumber" 
#{300A} #{00CA} "SQ" "PlannedVerificationImageSequence" 
#{300A} #{00CC} "LO" "ImagingDeviceSpecificAcquisitionParameters" 
#{300A} #{00CE} "CS" "TreatmentDeliveryType" 
#{300A} #{00D0} "IS" "NumberOfWedges" 
#{300A} #{00D1} "SQ" "WedgeSequence" 
#{300A} #{00D2} "IS" "WedgeNumber" 
#{300A} #{00D3} "CS" "WedgeType" 
#{300A} #{00D4} "SH" "WedgeID" 
#{300A} #{00D5} "IS" "WedgeAngle" 
#{300A} #{00D6} "DS" "WedgeFactor" 
#{300A} #{00D8} "DS" "WedgeOrientation" 
#{300A} #{00DA} "DS" "SourceToWedgeTrayDistance" 
#{300A} #{00DC} "SH" "BolusID" 
#{300A} #{00DD} "ST" "BolusDescription" 
#{300A} #{00E0} "IS" "NumberOfCompensators" 
#{300A} #{00E1} "SH" "MaterialID" 
#{300A} #{00E2} "DS" "TotalCompensatorTrayFactor" 
#{300A} #{00E3} "SQ" "CompensatorSequence" 
#{300A} #{00E4} "IS" "CompensatorNumber" 
#{300A} #{00E5} "SH" "CompensatorID" 
#{300A} #{00E6} "DS" "SourceToCompensatorTrayDistance" 
#{300A} #{00E7} "IS" "CompensatorRows" 
#{300A} #{00E8} "IS" "CompensatorColumns" 
#{300A} #{00E9} "DS" "CompensatorPixelSpacing" 
#{300A} #{00EA} "DS" "CompensatorPosition" 
#{300A} #{00EB} "DS" "CompensatorTransmissionData" 
#{300A} #{00EC} "DS" "CompensatorThicknessData" 
#{300A} #{00ED} "IS" "NumberOfBoli" 
#{300A} #{00EE} "CS" "CompensatorType" 
#{300A} #{00F0} "IS" "NumberOfBlocks" 
#{300A} #{00F2} "DS" "TotalBlockTrayFactor" 
#{300A} #{00F4} "SQ" "BlockSequence" 
#{300A} #{00F5} "SH" "BlockTrayID" 
#{300A} #{00F6} "DS" "SourceToBlockTrayDistance" 
#{300A} #{00F8} "CS" "BlockType" 
#{300A} #{00FA} "CS" "BlockDivergence" 
#{300A} #{00FB} "CS" "BlockMountingPosition" 
#{300A} #{00FC} "IS" "BlockNumber" 
#{300A} #{00FE} "LO" "BlockName" 
#{300A} #{0100} "DS" "BlockThickness" 
#{300A} #{0102} "DS" "BlockTransmission" 
#{300A} #{0104} "IS" "BlockNumberOfPoints" 
#{300A} #{0106} "DS" "BlockData" 
#{300A} #{0107} "SQ" "ApplicatorSequence" 
#{300A} #{0108} "SH" "ApplicatorID" 
#{300A} #{0109} "CS" "ApplicatorType" 
#{300A} #{010A} "LO" "ApplicatorDescription" 
#{300A} #{010C} "DS" "CumulativeDoseReferenceCoefficient" 
#{300A} #{010E} "DS" "FinalCumulativeMetersetWeight" 
#{300A} #{0110} "IS" "NumberOfControlPoints" 
#{300A} #{0111} "SQ" "ControlPointSequence" 
#{300A} #{0112} "IS" "ControlPointIndex" 
#{300A} #{0114} "DS" "NominalBeamEnergy" 
#{300A} #{0115} "DS" "DoseRateSet" 
#{300A} #{0116} "SQ" "WedgePositionSequence" 
#{300A} #{0118} "CS" "WedgePosition" 
#{300A} #{011A} "SQ" "BeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence" 
#{300A} #{011C} "DS" "LeafJawPositions" 
#{300A} #{011E} "DS" "GantryAngle" 
#{300A} #{011F} "CS" "GantryRotationDirection" 
#{300A} #{0120} "DS" "BeamLimitingDeviceAngle" 
#{300A} #{0121} "CS" "BeamLimitingDeviceRotationDirection" 
#{300A} #{0122} "DS" "PatientSupportAngle" 
#{300A} #{0123} "CS" "PatientSupportRotationDirection" 
#{300A} #{0124} "DS" "TableTopEccentricAxisDistance" 
#{300A} #{0125} "DS" "TableTopEccentricAngle" 
#{300A} #{0126} "CS" "TableTopEccentricRotationDirection" 
#{300A} #{0128} "DS" "TableTopVerticalPosition" 
#{300A} #{0129} "DS" "TableTopLongitudinalPosition" 
#{300A} #{012A} "DS" "TableTopLateralPosition" 
#{300A} #{012C} "DS" "IsocenterPosition" 
#{300A} #{012E} "DS" "SurfaceEntryPoint" 
#{300A} #{0130} "DS" "SourceToSurfaceDistance" 
#{300A} #{0134} "DS" "CumulativeMetersetWeight" 
#{300A} #{0180} "SQ" "PatientSetupSequence" 
#{300A} #{0182} "IS" "PatientSetupNumber" 
#{300A} #{0183} "LO" "PatientSetupLabel" 
#{300A} #{0184} "LO" "PatientAdditionalPosition" 
#{300A} #{0190} "SQ" "FixationDeviceSequence" 
#{300A} #{0192} "CS" "FixationDeviceType" 
#{300A} #{0194} "SH" "FixationDeviceLabel" 
#{300A} #{0196} "ST" "FixationDeviceDescription" 
#{300A} #{0198} "SH" "FixationDevicePosition" 
#{300A} #{0199} "FL" "FixationDevicePitchAngle" 
#{300A} #{019A} "FL" "FixationDeviceRollAngle" 
#{300A} #{01A0} "SQ" "ShieldingDeviceSequence" 
#{300A} #{01A2} "CS" "ShieldingDeviceType" 
#{300A} #{01A4} "SH" "ShieldingDeviceLabel" 
#{300A} #{01A6} "ST" "ShieldingDeviceDescription" 
#{300A} #{01A8} "SH" "ShieldingDevicePosition" 
#{300A} #{01B0} "CS" "SetupTechnique" 
#{300A} #{01B2} "ST" "SetupTechniqueDescription" 
#{300A} #{01B4} "SQ" "SetupDeviceSequence" 
#{300A} #{01B6} "CS" "SetupDeviceType" 
#{300A} #{01B8} "SH" "SetupDeviceLabel" 
#{300A} #{01BA} "ST" "SetupDeviceDescription" 
#{300A} #{01BC} "DS" "SetupDeviceParameter" 
#{300A} #{01D0} "ST" "SetupReferenceDescription" 
#{300A} #{01D2} "DS" "TableTopVerticalSetupDisplacement" 
#{300A} #{01D4} "DS" "TableTopLongitudinalSetupDisplacement" 
#{300A} #{01D6} "DS" "TableTopLateralSetupDisplacement" 
#{300A} #{0200} "CS" "BrachyTreatmentTechnique" 
#{300A} #{0202} "CS" "BrachyTreatmentType" 
#{300A} #{0206} "SQ" "TreatmentMachineSequence" 
#{300A} #{0210} "SQ" "SourceSequence" 
#{300A} #{0212} "IS" "SourceNumber" 
#{300A} #{0214} "CS" "SourceType" 
#{300A} #{0216} "LO" "SourceManufacturer" 
#{300A} #{0218} "DS" "ActiveSourceDiameter" 
#{300A} #{021A} "DS" "ActiveSourceLength" 
#{300A} #{0222} "DS" "SourceEncapsulationNominalThickness" 
#{300A} #{0224} "DS" "SourceEncapsulationNominalTransmission" 
#{300A} #{0226} "LO" "SourceIsotopeName" 
#{300A} #{0228} "DS" "SourceIsotopeHalfLife" 
#{300A} #{022A} "DS" "ReferenceAirKermaRate" 
#{300A} #{022C} "DA" "AirKermaRateReferenceDate" 
#{300A} #{022E} "TM" "AirKermaRateReferenceTime" 
#{300A} #{0230} "SQ" "ApplicationSetupSequence" 
#{300A} #{0232} "CS" "ApplicationSetupType" 
#{300A} #{0234} "IS" "ApplicationSetupNumber" 
#{300A} #{0236} "LO" "ApplicationSetupName" 
#{300A} #{0238} "LO" "ApplicationSetupManufacturer" 
#{300A} #{0240} "IS" "TemplateNumber" 
#{300A} #{0242} "SH" "TemplateType" 
#{300A} #{0244} "LO" "TemplateName" 
#{300A} #{0250} "DS" "TotalReferenceAirKerma" 
#{300A} #{0260} "SQ" "BrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence" 
#{300A} #{0262} "IS" "BrachyAccessoryDeviceNumber" 
#{300A} #{0263} "SH" "BrachyAccessoryDeviceID" 
#{300A} #{0264} "CS" "BrachyAccessoryDeviceType" 
#{300A} #{0266} "LO" "BrachyAccessoryDeviceName" 
#{300A} #{026A} "DS" "BrachyAccessoryDeviceNominalThickness" 
#{300A} #{026C} "DS" "BrachyAccessoryDeviceNominalTransmission" 
#{300A} #{0280} "SQ" "ChannelSequence" 
#{300A} #{0282} "IS" "ChannelNumber" 
#{300A} #{0284} "DS" "ChannelLength" 
#{300A} #{0286} "DS" "ChannelTotalTime" 
#{300A} #{0288} "CS" "SourceMovementType" 
#{300A} #{028A} "IS" "NumberOfPulses" 
#{300A} #{028C} "DS" "PulseRepetitionInterval" 
#{300A} #{0290} "IS" "SourceApplicatorNumber" 
#{300A} #{0291} "SH" "SourceApplicatorID" 
#{300A} #{0292} "CS" "SourceApplicatorType" 
#{300A} #{0294} "LO" "SourceApplicatorName" 
#{300A} #{0296} "DS" "SourceApplicatorLength" 
#{300A} #{0298} "LO" "SourceApplicatorManufacturer" 
#{300A} #{029C} "DS" "SourceApplicatorWallNominalThickness" 
#{300A} #{029E} "DS" "SourceApplicatorWallNominalTransmission" 
#{300A} #{02A0} "DS" "SourceApplicatorStepSize" 
#{300A} #{02A2} "IS" "TransferTubeNumber" 
#{300A} #{02A4} "DS" "TransferTubeLength" 
#{300A} #{02B0} "SQ" "ChannelShieldSequence" 
#{300A} #{02B2} "IS" "ChannelShieldNumber" 
#{300A} #{02B3} "SH" "ChannelShieldID" 
#{300A} #{02B4} "LO" "ChannelShieldName" 
#{300A} #{02B8} "DS" "ChannelShieldNominalThickness" 
#{300A} #{02BA} "DS" "ChannelShieldNominalTransmission" 
#{300A} #{02C8} "DS" "FinalCumulativeTimeWeight" 
#{300A} #{02D0} "SQ" "BrachyControlPointSequence" 
#{300A} #{02D2} "DS" "ControlPointRelativePosition" 
#{300A} #{02D4} "DS" "ControlPoint3DPosition" 
#{300A} #{02D6} "DS" "CumulativeTimeWeight" 
#{300A} #{02E0} "CS" "CompensatorDivergence" 
#{300A} #{02E1} "CS" "CompensatorMountingPosition" 
#{300A} #{02E2} "DS" "SourceToCompensatorDistance" 
#{300A} #{0401} "SQ" "ReferencedSetupImageSequence" 
#{300A} #{0402} "ST" "SetupImageComment" 
#{300C} #{0000} "UL" "RTRelationshipGroupLength" 
#{300C} #{0002} "SQ" "ReferencedRTPlanSequence" 
#{300C} #{0004} "SQ" "ReferencedBeamSequence" 
#{300C} #{0006} "IS" "ReferencedBeamNumber" 
#{300C} #{0007} "IS" "ReferencedReferenceImageNumber" 
#{300C} #{0008} "DS" "StartCumulativeMetersetWeight" 
#{300C} #{0009} "DS" "EndCumulativeMetersetWeight" 
#{300C} #{000A} "SQ" "ReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequence" 
#{300C} #{000C} "IS" "ReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupNumber" 
#{300C} #{000E} "IS" "ReferencedSourceNumber" 
#{300C} #{0020} "SQ" "ReferencedFractionGroupSequence" 
#{300C} #{0022} "IS" "ReferencedFractionGroupNumber" 
#{300C} #{0040} "SQ" "ReferencedVerificationImageSequence" 
#{300C} #{0042} "SQ" "ReferencedReferenceImageSequence" 
#{300C} #{0050} "SQ" "ReferencedDoseReferenceSequence" 
#{300C} #{0051} "IS" "ReferencedDoseReferenceNumber" 
#{300C} #{0055} "SQ" "BrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence" 
#{300C} #{0060} "SQ" "ReferencedStructureSetSequence" 
#{300C} #{006A} "IS" "ReferencedPatientSetupNumber" 
#{300C} #{0080} "SQ" "ReferencedDoseSequence" 
#{300C} #{00A0} "IS" "ReferencedToleranceTableNumber" 
#{300C} #{00B0} "SQ" "ReferencedBolusSequence" 
#{300C} #{00C0} "IS" "ReferencedWedgeNumber" 
#{300C} #{00D0} "IS" "ReferencedCompensatorNumber" 
#{300C} #{00E0} "IS" "ReferencedBlockNumber" 
#{300C} #{00F0} "IS" "ReferencedControlPointIndex" 
#{300C} #{00F2} "SQ" "ReferencedControlPointSequence" 
#{300C} #{00F4} "IS" "ReferencedStartControlPointIndex" 
#{300C} #{00F6} "IS" "ReferencedStopControlPointIndex" 
#{300E} #{0000} "UL" "RTApprovalGroupLength" 
#{300E} #{0002} "CS" "ApprovalStatus" 
#{300E} #{0004} "DA" "ReviewDate" 
#{300E} #{0005} "TM" "ReviewTime" 
#{300E} #{0008} "PN" "ReviewerName" 
#{4008} #{0000} "UL" "ResultsGroupLength" 
#{4008} #{0040} "SH" "ResultsID" 
#{4008} #{0042} "LO" "ResultsIDIssuer" 
#{4008} #{0050} "SQ" "ReferencedInterpretationSequence" 
#{4008} #{0100} "DA" "InterpretationRecordedDate" 
#{4008} #{0101} "TM" "InterpretationRecordedTime" 
#{4008} #{0102} "PN" "InterpretationRecorder" 
#{4008} #{0103} "LO" "ReferenceToRecordedSound" 
#{4008} #{0108} "DA" "InterpretationTranscriptionDate" 
#{4008} #{0109} "TM" "InterpretationTranscriptionTime" 
#{4008} #{010A} "PN" "InterpretationTranscriber" 
#{4008} #{010B} "ST" "InterpretationText" 
#{4008} #{010C} "PN" "InterpretationAuthor" 
#{4008} #{0111} "SQ" "InterpretationApproverSequence" 
#{4008} #{0112} "DA" "InterpretationApprovalDate" 
#{4008} #{0113} "TM" "InterpretationApprovalTime" 
#{4008} #{0114} "PN" "PhysicianApprovingInterpretation" 
#{4008} #{0115} "LT" "InterpretationDiagnosisDescription" 
#{4008} #{0117} "SQ" "InterpretationDiagnosisCodeSequence" 
#{4008} #{0118} "SQ" "ResultsDistributionListSequence" 
#{4008} #{0119} "PN" "DistributionName" 
#{4008} #{011A} "LO" "DistributionAddress" 
#{4008} #{0200} "SH" "InterpretationID" 
#{4008} #{0202} "LO" "InterpretationIDIssuer" 
#{4008} #{0210} "CS" "InterpretationTypeID" 
#{4008} #{0212} "CS" "InterpretationStatusID" 
#{4008} #{0300} "ST" "Impressions" 
#{4008} #{4000} "ST" "ResultsComments" 
#{4FFE} #{0000} "UL" "MACParametersGroupLength" 
#{4FFE} #{0001} "SQ" "MACParametersSequence" 
#{5000} #{0000} "UL" "CurveGroupLength" 
#{5000} #{0005} "US" "CurveDimensions" 
#{5000} #{0010} "US" "NumberOfPoints" 
#{5000} #{0020} "CS" "TypeOfData" 
#{5000} #{0022} "LO" "CurveDescription" 
#{5000} #{0030} "SH" "AxisUnits" 
#{5000} #{0040} "SH" "AxisLabels" 
#{5000} #{0103} "US" "DataValueRepresentation" 
#{5000} #{0104} "US" "MinimumCoordinateValue" 
#{5000} #{0105} "US" "MaximumCoordinateValue" 
#{5000} #{0106} "SH" "CurveRange" 
#{5000} #{0110} "US" "CurveDataDescriptor" 
#{5000} #{0112} "US" "CoordinateStartValue" 
#{5000} #{0114} "US" "CoordinateStepValue" 
#{5000} #{1001} "CS" "CurveActivationLayer" 
#{5000} #{2000} "US" "AudioType" 
#{5000} #{2002} "US" "AudioSampleFormat" 
#{5000} #{2004} "US" "NumberOfChannels" 
#{5000} #{2006} "UL" "NumberOfSamples" 
#{5000} #{2008} "UL" "SampleRate" 
#{5000} #{200A} "UL" "TotalTime" 
#{5000} #{200C} "ox" "AudioSampleData" 
#{5000} #{200E} "LT" "AudioComments" 
#{5000} #{2500} "LO" "CurveLabel" 
#{5000} #{2600} "SQ" "CurveReferencedOverlaySequence" 
#{5000} #{2610} "US" "ReferencedOverlayGroup" 
#{5000} #{3000} "ox" "CurveData" 
#{5200} #{9229} "SQ" "SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence" 
#{5200} #{9230} "SQ" "PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence" 
#{5400} #{0000} "UL" "WaveformDataGroupLength" 
#{5400} #{0100} "SQ" "WaveformSequence" 
#{5400} #{0110} "ox" "ChannelMinimumValue" 
#{5400} #{0112} "ox" "ChannelMaximumValue" 
#{5400} #{1004} "US" "WaveformBitsAllocated" 
#{5400} #{1006} "CS" "WaveformSampleInterpretation" 
#{5400} #{100A} "ox" "WaveformPaddingValue" 
#{5400} #{1010} "ox" "WaveformData" 
#{5600} #{0010} "OF" "FirstOrderPhaseCorrectionAngle" 
#{5600} #{0020} "OF" "SpectroscopyData" 
#{6000} #{0000} "UL" "OverlayGroupLength" 
#{6000} #{0010} "US" "OverlayRows" 
#{6000} #{0011} "US" "OverlayColumns" 
#{6000} #{0012} "US" "OverlayPlanes" 
#{6000} #{0015} "IS" "NumberOfFramesInOverlay" 
#{6000} #{0022} "LO" "OverlayDescription" 
#{6000} #{0040} "CS" "OverlayType" 
#{6000} #{0045} "LO" "OverlaySubtype" 
#{6000} #{0050} "SS" "OverlayOrigin" 
#{6000} #{0051} "US" "ImageFrameOrigin" 
#{6000} #{0052} "US" "OverlayPlaneOrigin" 
#{6000} #{0100} "US" "OverlayBitsAllocated" 
#{6000} #{0102} "US" "OverlayBitPosition" 
#{6000} #{1001} "CS" "OverlayActivationLayer" 
#{6000} #{1301} "IS" "ROIArea" 
#{6000} #{1302} "DS" "ROIMean" 
#{6000} #{1303} "DS" "ROIStandardDeviation" 
#{6000} #{1500} "LO" "OverlayLabel" 
#{6000} #{3000} "ox" "OverlayData" 
#{7FE0} #{0000} "UL" "PixelDataGroupLength" 
#{7FE0} #{0010} "OW" "PixelData" 
#{FFFA} #{FFFA} "SQ" "DigitalSignaturesSequence" 
#{FFFC} #{FFFC} "OB" "DataSetTrailingPadding" 
#{FFFE} #{E000} "na" "Item" 
#{FFFE} #{E00D} "na" "ItemDelimitationItem" 
#{FFFE} #{E0DD} "na" "SequenceDelimitationItem"