Title: "BBcode"
    Date: 5-Jan-2009/1:06:26+1:00
    Name: 'bbcode
    Version: 0.1.0
    File:    %bbcode.r
    Author:  "David 'Oldes' Oliva"
    Owner: none
    Rights: none
    Needs: none
    Tabs: 4
    Usage: [
    	test-cases: [
			{text [b]bold[/b] abc}  {text bold abc}
			{text [b]bold [i]italic[/b]}  {text bold italic}
			{[s]strikethrough text[/s]}  {strikethrough text}
			{[url][/url]}  {}
			{[url=]Example[/url]}  {Example}
			{[url=][b]Example[/url]}  {Example}
			{[b][ul][li]Jenny[/li][li]Alex[/li][li]Beth[/li][/ul][/b]}  {}
			{[ul][li]bla[li]bla}  {}
			{[ul][li][b]bla[li]bla}  {}
			{[ul][li]bla[li][ol][li]bla[/ol]}  {}
			{[code]xx[b]yy[/b]zz[/code]}  {xx[b]yy[/b]zz}
			{[list][*]aaa[*]bbb[/list]}  {}
			{[list=a][*]aaa[*]bbb[/list]}  {
  1. aaa
  2. bbb
} {[list=A][*]aaa[*]bbb[/list]} {
  1. aaa
  2. bbb
} {[/b]} {} {aa[b="]bb} {aa[b="]bb} {[quote]blabla} {
} {[quote=Carl]blabla} {
} {[img][/img]} {} {[url=http://][img][/url][/img]} {} {[img]1.gif [img]2.gif} { } {text [size=tiny]tiny} {text tiny} {[h1]header[/h1]} {


} {[color]ee[/color][color=#F00]red[color=#00FF00]green} {eeredgreen} {} {<a>} {multi^/line} {multi^/
line} {invalid [size]size[/size]} {invalid size} {[align=right]right} {
} {[email][/email] []email [b]me[/email]} { email me} ] foreach [src result] test-cases [ print ["<==" src] print ["==>" tmp: bbcode src] print either tmp = result ["OK"][join "ERR " result] print "---" ] ] Purpose: {Basic BBCode implementation. For more info about BBCode check} Comment: none History: [ 0.1.0 5-Jan-2009 "Initial version" ] Type: [tool dialect function] Library: [ level: 'advanced platform: 'all type: [tool dialect function] domain: [dialects files html markup parse text text-processing web] ] Content: none ] ctx-bbcode: context [ ch-normal: complement charset "[<^/" ch-attribute: complement charset {"'<>]} ch-hexa: charset [#"a" - #"f" #"A" - #"F" #"0" - #"9"] ch-name: charset [#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z" #"*" #"0" - #"9"] ch-url: charset [#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z" #"0" - #"9" "./:~+-%#\_=&?@"] opened-tags: copy [] rl-attribute: [#"=" copy attr any ch-attribute] allow-html-tags?: false attr: none html: copy "" close-tags: func[tags [block!]][ foreach tag head reverse tags [ append html case [ tag = "url" [""] find ["list" "color" "quote" "size" "align" "email"] tag [""] true [ rejoin [""] ] ] ] ] enabled-tags: [ "b" "i" "s" "u" "del" "h1" "h2" "h3" "h4" "h5" "ins" "dd" "dt" "ol" "ul" "li" "url" "list" "*" "color" "quote" "img" "size" "rebol" "align" "email" ] set 'bbcode func["Converts BBCode markup into HTML" code [string! binary! file! url!] "Input with BBCode tags" /local tmp tag][ clear html if any [file? code url? code][code: read/binary code] parse/all code [ any [ (attr: none) copy tmp some ch-normal (append html tmp) | "[url]" copy tmp some ch-url opt "[/url]" ( append html rejoin [{} tmp {}] ) | "[email]" copy tmp some ch-url opt "[/email]" ( append html rejoin [{} tmp {}] ) | "[img]" copy tmp some ch-url opt "[/img]" ( append html rejoin [{}] ) | "[code]" copy tmp to "[/code]" thru "]" ( append html rejoin [{} tmp {}] ) | "[rebol]" copy tmp to "[/rebol]" thru "]" ( append html rejoin [{} tmp {}] ;TODO: add REBOL code colorizer ) | #"[" [ ;normal opening tags copy tag some ch-name opt rl-attribute #"]" ( if tag = "*" [tag: "li"] append html either find enabled-tags tag [ if find ["li"] tag [ ;closed already opened tag if all [ tmp: find/last opened-tags tag none? find tmp "ol" none? find tmp "ul" ][ close-tags copy tmp clear tmp ] ] append opened-tags tag switch/default tag [ "url" [rejoin [{}]] "color" [ either all [attr parse attr [ #"#" [6 ch-hexa | 3 ch-hexa] ]][ append opened-tags "span" rejoin [{}] ][ ;;Should the invalid tag be visible? ;rejoin either attr [ ; ["[" tag "=" attr "]"] ;][ ["[" tag "]"] ] "" ] ] "quote" [ append opened-tags ["fieldset" "blockquote"] either attr [ rejoin [{
} attr {
}] ][ {
} ] ] "list" [ if none? attr [attr: ""] parse/case attr [ [ "a" (tmp: {
    }) | "A" (tmp: {
      }) | "i" (tmp: {
        }) | "I" (tmp: {
          }) | "1" (tmp: {
            }) ] (append opened-tags "ol") | (append opened-tags "ul" tmp: {